Word games


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The world is full of word games, many of them involving a word search on a gameboard. One such involves a four-by-four random arrangement of English letters and finding words in it. Although we will not implement the full game, instead we concentrate on perhaps the trickiest part: verifying a given word is on the gameboard.
Consider diagram below (and ignore for now how it was created):
Individual letters on this board may be identified by their row-and-column numbers. For example, the uppercase letter ‘H’ is at the row 1 and column 2, i.e. ‘H’ is at(1, 2).

Using this same notation, ‘L’ is at (0, 0), ‘D’ is at (2, 3), the two ‘I’s are at (0, 1) and (3, 0), etc. There are also eight letters adjacent to the lettersquare containing ‘H’:
Notice “adjacent” with respect to a letter also means squares lying on a diagonal in addition to those above, below, to the right, and to the left. The eight neighbours of ‘H’ are (clockwise from 12 o’clock) ‘T’, ‘E’, ‘S’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘J’, ‘N’, and ‘I’.
There are many words on this board. One of them is “DESTINY”. (Another is “LINTSEED”; how long do you need to find it?!) The diagram below shows the letters in “DESTINY” alongside the actual sequence:
There is an imaginary line connecting the letters in the sequence. The line is also permitted to cross over itself (although this does not actually in our example).
However, a lettersquare may appear at most once in a sequence.
Your main task for this assignment is to write a recursive backtracking algorithm that provided a gameboard determines whether or not a given word can be found. A word is considered found if there exists a sequence of (row, column) letter-squares generated by the algorithm which forms the letter-sequence that is the same as the
word; for the gameboard above and the word “DESTINY” this sequence is: [(2,3), (2,2), (1,3), (0,2), (0,1), (1,1), (2,0)]

Programming requirements

You will complete source code for the GameBoard class. The class as given to you already has some crucial functionality:
• The first constructor has one parameter – an array of strings – and uses that parameter to initialize the game board. This method has been written for you.

• The second constructor has one parameter – a long integer – and uses that parameter to initialize a random-number generator whose values will guide the construction of a board. This method has been written for you.
The latter constructor, when provided the same parameter value, will always produce the same random board. (Please read the code comments in that constructor if you want to learn more about how it actually uses random numbers to create a board.)
• You can ignore the method named shuffle().
• The method toString() creates a human-readable version of the created gameboard. This method has been written for you.
Your task is to complete the following two methods and add other private methods of your own if you need them:
• public String isWord(String word): Using the parameter word, determine whether or not that word can be found as a sequence within the gameboard.
The method must do this by, in part, calling findPath (mentioned below). If no sequence is found, the method returns null. If there is a sequence of letters, then this sequence of (row, column) values is returned as a string (i.e., in the
format shown at the bottom of the previous page). Important: This method must not print out the sequence!
• private Boolean findPath(String wordToFind, Stack