CS / IS F211 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab Sheet 6


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Consider an application for maintaining list of books in a library. It should store all the details
such as book accession number, title, author name and price. Construct a binary search tree
(BST) to maintain a list of books using linked list. Let the key in BST be accession number.
Application should be able to perform operations such as insert a book record, find a book, delete
a book record from BST, find a book with maximum and minimum price etc. Consider accession
number of the book as key for performing all the operations.
Use following data structures:
(1) BST : Construct a structure BST (Binary Search Tree) which includes pointer to root node of
binary search tree, total number of books in library and height of the tree.
(2) book : Construct a structure book which includes details of book such as accession number
(unique key, declare it as integer), title, author name (consider only first author) and
(3) book_node: Construct a structure book_node which includes an instance of book structure,
pointer to left child and pointer to right child in BST.
Write the following functions to perform the above mentioned operations:
(1) BST createEmptyBST()
This function creates an empty BST, initializes its members and returns the created BST.
(2) BST insert_BST(BST bt, book b)
This function inserts a book record (according to accession number as key) at the
appropriate position in BST and returns updated BST.
(3) boolean find_BST(BST bt, book b)
This function searches for a book record with accession number as key and returns true if
found, returns false otherwise.
(4) BST delete_BST(BST bt, book b)
This function deletes the book record corresponding to key from BST and returns the
updated tree. Consider all the cases of deletion in BST.
(5) book find_MaxPrice(BST bt)
This function visits the nodes of BST in in-order fashion and finds the book with
maximum price. It returns the book record with maximum price.
(6) book find_MinPrice(BST bt)
This function visits the nodes of BST in pre-order fashion and finds the book with
minimum price. It returns the book record with minimum price.
(7) int getHeight(BST bt)
This function computes and returns the height of BST.
(8) book find_latestBook(BST bt)
This function traverses BST, searches a book with maximum accession number and
returns the book record. Book with maximum accession number is latest book in library.
(9) book find_oldestBook(BST bt)
This function traverses BST, searches a book with minimum accession number and
returns the book record. Book with minimum accession number is oldest book in library.
(10) BST reOrderBST(BST bt)
This function traverses BST in in-order fashion. It removes each node from BST bt and
inserts that node in a new BST with price as a key. It returns the new BST. If more than one
book has same price then it should make it as left child.
Exercise: Modify the above function reOrderBST(BST bt). Here if more than one book has
same price then create a linked list of the books with same price at that corresponding node
instead of make it as a left child.
Write a separate driver.c file for invoking all the functions. Generate input.txt file with 10 to 15
book records manually for testing your program.
Deliverables: Driver.c, BSTDef.h, BSTOps.h and BSTOps.c.