Introduction to C – Programming Assignment #9


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1. To give students practice in writing and calling their own functions.
Problem: Educational Software
Your little brother is having trouble with arithmetic. Your parents realize that after taking
a few weeks of your C programming course, that you could potentially write a computer
program that will allow him to practice his arithmetic skills.
In particular, your program will allow your brother to play two separate games:
1) A game where he has to complete several additions or multiplications.
2) A game where he has to determine a secret number after being told if his guesses are
too high or too low.
Your program should prompt your brother with the following menu:
1) Play Arithmetic Game
2) Play Guessing Game
3) Print Score
4) Quit
If he chooses option 1, then you should prompt him with the following menu choices:
1) Addition
2) Multiplication
Your program should then prompt him for the maximum value of the numbers to be used
in the problems. You will ask 10 questions where each operand is in between 1 and this
maximum value.
If he chooses option 2, your program should generate a random integer in between 1 and
100, inclusive. After that, it should prompt your brother for his first guess. After each
guess, your program should tell him whether to guess higher or lower. This continues
until he gets the number exactly. To calculate his score, compute 17 minus the number of
guesses he made. If this number is in between 0 and 10, inclusive, this is his score. If the
number is less than 0, give him a score of 0. If this number is greater than 10, give him a
score of 10.
For option 3, simply report your brother’s total score, which is the sum of his scores from
each round he plays.
Implementation Details
You will be required to write four functions with the prototypes given below. (Note: you
may write other functions as well, but these four are required.) Your functions should do
what the comments for them below specify:
/*Pre-Conditions: This function takes in two integers, max
and op. This function gives the user 10 arithmetic
questions, where each operand ranges from 1 to max,
inclusive. The value of operator dictates whether the
problems are addition or multiplication problems. Namely,
if op is 1, they are addition problems, otherwise, they are
multiplication problems.
*Post-Conditions: The function returns the number problems
solved correctly, and prints out for the user after their
answer whether or not they got the question correct.
int arithGame(int max, int op);
/*Pre-Conditions: This function does not take in any
parameters. This function allows the user to play the
guessing game where the randomly generated number lies in
between 1 and 100, inclusive.

*Post-Conditions: The value returned is the score of the
user in the game. This score is 17 minus the number of
guesses unless this value is lower than 0 or greater than
10. In these cases, 0 and 10 are returned, respectively.
int guessGame();
/*Pre-conditions: Both parameters, a and b are integers.

Post-Conditions: The larger of the two parameters is
int max(int a, int b);
/*Pre-conditions: Both parameters, a and b are integers.

Post-Conditions: The smaller of the two parameters is
int min(int a, int b);
Other Useful Information
Seed the random number generator at the beginning of your program. Do this exactly
once. Here is the line of code:
In order to use this you need to include stdlib.h and time.h at the top of the program.
Please use the following constants for ADD and MULT
#define ADD 1
#define MULT 2
A single source file named game.c turned in through WebCourses.
Although you may use other compilers, your program must compile in gcc and run in
Code::Blocks. Your program should include a header comment with the following
information: your name, course number, section number, assignment title, and date. Make
sure you include comments throughout your code describing the major steps in solving
the problem. Make sure to use good programming style, including use of appropriate
constants, good variable names and good use of white space. A significant portion of
your grade will be based upon programming style and not correctness. Of course, a
significant portion of your grade will also be based upon correctness.
Sample Output
Please make a selection from the following:
1. Play Arithmetic Game.
2. Play Guessing Game.
3. Print Score.
4. Quit.
Would you like, 1)Addition or 2)Multiplication?
What is the maximum number you would like?
What is 21+86?
Correct, great job!
What is 87+96?
Sorry, that’s incorrect, the answer is 183.
What is 86+70?
Correct, great job!
What is 55+4?
Correct, great job!
What is 13+17?
Correct, great job!
What is 89+73?
Correct, great job!
What is 22+11?
Correct, great job!
What is 67+9?
Correct, great job!
What is 35+94?
Correct, great job!
What is 16+85?
Correct, great job!
Your score for the round is 9.
Please make a selection from the following:
1. Play Arithmetic Game.
2. Play Guessing Game.
3. Print Score.
4. Quit.
Enter the guess!
Your guess is too high, try again.
Enter your guess!
Your guess is too high, try again.
Enter your guess!
Your guess is too high, try again.
Enter your guess!
Your guess is too low, try again.
Enter your guess!
Your guess is too high, try again.
Enter your guess!
Great, you guessed the correct number 6 in 6 guesses.
Your score for the round is 10.
Please make a selection from the following:
1. Play Arithmetic Game.
2. Play Guessing Game.
3. Print Score.
4. Quit.
Your score is 19.
Please make a selection from the following:
1. Play Arithmetic Game.
2. Play Guessing Game.
3. Print Score.
4. Quit.
Thank you for playing!