Programming Assignment 4 Binary Search Trees


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For this assignment, you will implement a binary search tree that can store any arbitrary struct in its nodes.
You will start by completing the recursive implementation of the binary search tree (BST) in Worksheet
29. You will then modify it to so it can store arbitrary structures at each node, provided you have a an
implementation of a compare and print_type function for that structure.
We are providing you with the following files:
bst.c – This is the file in which you’ll finish implementing the unfinished BSTree implementation. There is
a main function in this file that you should modify to exercise your BST. The file contains several test
cases such as testAddNode, testContainsBSTree, testLeftMost, testRemoveLeftMost, and
testRemoveNode. Your implementation must pass all these test cases, and you are strongly
encouraged to add your own tests as well.
bst.h – This file should not be changed.
structs.h – This file can be extended to test your code with different data types.
compare.c- Put your compare and print functions in here.
makefile.txt – Remember to rename this file to makefile (without the .txt extension).
Worksheet 29 will get you started on your implementation. However, there is one function not mentioned in
the worksheet. You will be using the compare function to test two values of a node to determine if one is less
than, greater than, or equal to the other. This function is similar to the compareTo function in the
Comparable interface in Java. Rather than embedding it into the data structure, as you would do in Java, we
will declare it and assume that the user has provided an implementation of compare in the file compare.c.
That way, the user can substitute an appropriate compare function for any data type that they plan to store in
the tree.
For example, if you want to store doubles in your tree, you might define the following struct to store at each
And then define your compare function to simply compare the two structs based on the num field. However,
a user of your data structure could also do the following:
And define a compare function that compares pizzas based on their name, cost, or number of toppings.
In this assignment, the TYPE macro is set to void*. This means that the type of value stored in a node is a
void pointer, which means it can be a “pointer to anything”. Whenever you dereference a void pointer, you
must cast it to a specific type. For example, you can cast a void pointer to struct data* (see the definition in
structs.h), then dereference it to get the struct data value the pointer points to. It is the programmer’s
responsibility to ensure that they cast the void pointer to the same type of value that was actually stored at
that location. You should read up on void pointers in your C reference or on the internet.
The compare function is needed because we need some way to compare the values stored in the tree nodes.
Note that we can’t just compare the pointers with the >, <, or == operations since this would just compare the memory addresses the pointers point to. Instead, we want to compare some field of the struct that the pointer points to (e.g. val->number < otherVal->number). The compare function will make changing this
function for different structs much easier.
Finally, we strongly recommend that you add to the main function to exercise your binary search tree by
adding, removing, and testing for elements.
Programming Assignment 4
struct data {
double num;
struct pizza {
double cost;
int numToppings;
char *name;
CS261 Programming Assignment 4
In addition to the programming portion of the assignment you will also be answering some questions about
binary search trees. Some of the questions will require you to write your answers on the tree in
empty_graph.pdf. We will assume that any empty node boxes are non-existent nodes. For each of these
problems, print out a copy of the blank tree, fill in the answers for the question, and please make sure to
WRITE THE QUESTION NUMBER and your name on the sheet. If you know how to annotate PDF files
directly, you can also do that instead of printing off the trees (this may be easier since you will have to submit
a digital version of your solutions).
Question 1
Show the binary search tree built by adding numbers in this specific order, assuming the graph is empty to
start with: 50, 10, 90, 14, 40, 30, 71, 42.
Question 2
The trouble with binary search trees is that they can become unbalanced depending on the order that you
insert values. Give an order for inserting the numbers 1 through 7 such that the resulting tree is a full
binary search tree. This problem does not require you to fill in a tree, just write down the order in which you
would insert the values. (Hint: it might be helpful to first draw the full tree to figure out how the values
must be arranged, then you can determine the order to add them!)
Question 3
Part A: Given the following tree, question3.pdf, show the tree after removing the value 42.
Part B: Using the tree produced by Part A, show the tree after removing the value 19.
Question 4
The computer has built the following decision tree for the Guess the Animal Game, question4.pdf. The player
has an animal in mind and will answer the questions shown in the tree. Each of the players responses is used
to determine the next question to ask. For example, if the player is thinking of a sea turtle, she would answer
Yes to the first (top) question, “does it live in the water?”, which leads to the second question “is it a
mammal?”, to which she would answer No.
Show the decision tree that the computer should build after adding a Zergling and a question to differentiate
it, “Does it eat space marines?”, to the tree. The question and the animal should be added below existing
questions in the tree. Note that Zerglings do eat space marines , do not live in the water, do not climb trees,
and are not mammals (just in case you didn’t know :-))
In question 4 above, we use decision trees to store a database of questions and animals for playing the “Guess
the Animal” game. The game proceeds by asking users a list of YES/NO questions to determine the animal
users are thinking about. A sample session of the game is shown below:
For this extra credit question, you are asked to implement your own “Guess the Animal” program. Note that
we intentionally leave out several details to give you the freedom of creatively building your program. Still,
following are some hints for you to begin with.
Your program should make use of the decision tree structure as in question 4 above. How do you
represent your decision tree? What kind of node would be a question? What kind of node would be an
Use a file to store your list of questions and animals. Read your file into the decision tree every time
your program begins.
What would you do if your program does not know the animal the user is thinking of? Should it be able
to learn new animals? If yes, then you should be able to update your database file.
You can go to the website to try out an implementation of this game.
Submit a file containing all of the files in your project, including a makefile for compiling it on flip.
Beginning animal game…
Please think of an animal!
> Does it live in the water?
> Is it a mammal?
> Is it a sea turtle?
That was great! You were thinking of a sea turtle.
CS261 Programming Assignment 4
Compile/Style = 15
struct Node *_addNode(struct Node *cur, TYPE val) = 15
int containsBSTree(struct BSTree *tree, TYPE val) = 10
TYPE _leftMost(struct Node *cur) = 10
struct Node *_removeLeftMost(struct Node *cur) = 10
struct Node *_removeNode(struct Node *cur, TYPE val) = 15
compare.c = 5
Question 1 = 5
Question 2 = 5
Question 3 = 5
Question 4 = 5
Extra Credit
Guess the Animal program = up to 20 points depending on how cool it is 🙂
What to turn in via TEACH AND CANVAS –
struct.h ( if you have changed it )
answers.pdf (if you printed off the trees, please scan your answers)