1 HW1: Maximum Likelihood Function Optimization
As in HW0, the basic problem here is to determine, given an input sequence of real values, which distribution
it follows. More specifically, for this assignment you are to develop a program that reads in a numeric table,
and – for each dataset (i.e., each column in the table) – determines the distribution and parameters that
gives the closest match to it.
There are two differences between HW1 and HW0:
1. in HW1, the input data are always drawn from the Gamma distribution.
2. in HW1, you must implement the Likelihood optimization yourself;
you cannot use fitdistr().
As in HW0, your program could be given an input table like this:
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
3.3713903 6.2437282 0.2138276 0.1699299 1.5583491 0.6543210
2.7725880 5.5875745 0.4583172 0.3767378 2.8429449 1.9559299
7.2775941 5.2902876 0.9740191 2.6121070 5.9899608 6.7003783
The columns of this table define six datasets. Your program should produce a CSV file HW1_output.csv
giving distributions that (it thinks) best fit the data. A correct output file could then look like this:
For simplicity, the parameters used in this assignment will always be integers, so the printed output should
always have integer parameter values.
Your program can determine the distribution that fits best in any way you like. However, the notebook
sketches a way to do this, and gives orientation about how to solve this problem in R.
In other words: yes, this is another simple assignment. It is intended as a warmup.
After running your program on the test input file HW1_test.csv, to complete this assignment please
upload two files to CCLE:
1. your output CSV file HW1_output.csv
2. your notebook file HW1_Fitting_Distributions.ipynb
The notebook should have the commands you used to produce the output file. All assignment grading in
this course will be automated, so please assume that when uploading files.
We will not execute your uploaded notebook. It should have the commands you used to produce the
output file — in order to show your work. As announced, all assignment grading in this course will be
automated, and the notebook is needed in order to check results of the grading program.
Summary: the basic problem is to use Maximum Likelihood to determine, given a dataset of
random real values, which distribution it follows. Your notebook should read in a numeric table,
and – where each column in the table is a “dataset” – identify the distribution and Maximum
Likelihood parameters that gives the closest match to it. Important Notes:
• For simplicity, the parameters in this assignment will always be integers. Your
printed output should always have integer parameter values.
• We will use Paul Eggert’s Late Policy: The number of days late is N = 0 for the first
24 hrs, N = 1 for the next 24 hrs, etc., and if you submit an assignment H hours late,
bH/24c points are deducted.
1.1 Specific problem: Maximum Likelihood Parameter Fitting for the Gamma
A random variable x has some underlying probability distribution. The pdf f(z) for this distribution usually
depends on some parameters. If we call these parameters “θ” we can write the pdf as f(z, θ) or f(z | θ).
There can be multiple parameters, so θ can be a vector, and it is perfectly fine to have θ = (θ1, θ2, θ3)
for example.
Here f(z | θ) reflects the probability of observing a given value z for the random variable x. Estimation
is the process of finding values for the parameters θ, given some observations x1, . . . , xn.
In Maximum Likelihood Estimation, the idea is to find the value of θ that maximizes the likelihood of
the observations x1, . . . , xn having been observed.
Although f(z | θ) reflects the probability of observing a given value z for x, if we plug in the actually
observed value xi then f(xi
| θ) is not really a “probability”. R.A. Fisher called f(xi
| θ) the likelihood of
observing xi
. We want to find the value of θ that maximizes the likelihood function
likelihood(x1, …, xn) = Yn
, θ).
The value of θ that maximizes this function is called the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE).
1.2 Recall: Maximum Likelihood Fit for the Normal Distribution
Suppose f is a normal distribution with parameters θ = (µ, σ), so that:
f(x, θ) = 1
x − µ
In this case the likelihood function is:
likelihood(x1, …, xn) = Y
, θ) =
2πσ n
xi − µ
The maximum likelihood estimate (value of θ that maximizes this function) clearly must minimize P
. By differentiating we can show that the minimum is obtained at
µ =
In other words – as discussed in class – it turns out that the MLE is given by the usual formulas for µ
and σ.
The maximum likelihood fit of a normal distribution to a dataset x1, . . . , xn has parameters that are the
mean and variance of the data. Finding the best fit for a normal distribution reduces to this.
1.3 log-Likelihood
If the Likelihood is a product, its log (log-likelihood) is a sum. As a result it is easier to differentiate:
log( likelihood(x1, …, xn) ) = log( Y
, θ) ) = X
log f(xi
, θ).
Since the logarithm function log(t) is a monotonic function of t (larger values of t yield larger values of
log(t)), by maximizing log(likelihood) we will also maximize (likelihood).
2 The Homework Problem: given an input set of data, find the
MLE for the Gamma distribution
Given input values x1, . . . , xn. we want to find the MLE parameters θ = (a, β), where α is a shape parameter
andβ is a rate parameter.
The Gamma distribution has pdf
The distribution is described in the Wikipedia article on the Gamma Distribution.
2.1 Plot some instances of the Gamma distribution
In [1]: plot( c(), c(), type=”n”, main=”the Gamma distribution”,
xlab=”x”, ylab=”density”,
xlim=c(0,5), ylim=c(0,1.2) ) # start the basic plot
# add a curve for each chi distribution parameter value:
curve( dgamma(x, 3, rate=1), col=”blue”, add=TRUE )
curve( dgamma(x, 3, rate=2), col=”green”, add=TRUE )
curve( dgamma(x, 3, rate=3), col=”red”, add=TRUE )
curve( dgamma(x, 3, rate=4), col=”seagreen”, add=TRUE )
curve( dgamma(x, 3, rate=5), col=”purple”, add=TRUE )
legend( “topright”, paste(c(1,2,3,4,5)), title=expression(beta),
col=c(“blue”,”green”,”red”,”seagreen”,”purple”), lwd=3)
mtext( expression( beta^alpha/Gamma(alpha) ~ x^{alpha-1} ~ exp( -beta ~ x )~
~~~~ “(” ~ alpha ~ “=” ~ “3 )”), side=3, line=-2)
3 The actual homework problem
You are given an n × p table as input. Each column of this table is a “dataset” of sample values x1, . . . ,
xn from a Gamma distribution. Your job is to find Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the parameters α, β
for the Gamma distribution. For this problem you can assume that the parameters are always integers, so
your program can round any non-integer value to the closest integer. Your program should obtain parameter
estimates for each column in the table, and print the result as a sequence of lines; each line should have the
format “gamma,α,β — where α, β are integers. For example, if we were given a table with values for the
five values of β above, the output would be:
3.1 Example: the Log-Likelihood Function
In [2]: beta = 3
alpha = 1
mu = 0
SampleDataset = rgamma(1000, alpha, rate=beta)
# a sample dataset
log_likelihood = function(theta) sum( log(dgamma(SampleDataset, theta[1], rate=theta[2])) )
In [3]: initial_value_for_theta = c(2.5, 2.8)
negative_log_likelihood = function(theta) -log_likelihood(theta)
# optim always _minimizes_ a function,
# so to find the MLE we minimize the negative log likelihood:
# ? optim # optimizer in R
output_of_optimization = optim( initial_value_for_theta, negative_log_likelihood )
[1] 0.9336271 2.8612689
[1] -121.6437
function gradient
97 NA
[1] 0
In [4]: ## minimum_negative_log_likelihood_value = output_of_optimization£value
MLE_parameter_values = round( output_of_optimization$par )
[1] 1 3
In [5]: # Finally: print out the estimate for nu in the format required:
alpha = MLE_parameter_values[1]
beta = MLE_parameter_values[2]
cat(sprintf(“Gamma distribution parameters: alpha = %d beta = %d\n”, alpha, beta))
Gamma distribution parameters: alpha = 1 beta = 3
4 Problem: Fit a Gamma distribution to the input data.
Step 1. Extend the discussion above to fit a Gamma distribution to an input
Your notebook should implement optimization of the Likelihood function.
Your R program might be an extension of this outline:
Step 2. The output of your program should be a CSV file “HW1 output.csv”
Your output CSV file “HW1 output.csv” should look like this:
If your program had been given the demo input file HW1 demo input.csv as input, it should yield the
following CSV file, a table with 6 rows, and THREE columns:
There should be NO header line in this file.
Each row has THREE fields: distribution name, and two parameter values.
If the input table has p columns (i.e., p random samples), the output file should have p rows.
The parameters in this assignment will always be integers, so the printed output should always have
integer parameter values.
Step 3. Run your notebook using the file “HW1 test.csv” as input.
Step 4. Submit your output CSV file and notebook on CCLE.
Upload your .ipynb and your .csv file for Assignment “HW1”. Both are required.
We will use Paul Eggert’s Late Policy: The number of days late is N = 0 for the first 24 hrs, N = 1 for
the next 24 hrs, etc., and if you submit an assignment H hours late, 2bH/24c points are deducted.