TCSS 435 Programming Assignment 3


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In this assignment, you will fit a tri-gram language model to English and then use it
to generate new English text.
A unigram model of English consists of a single probability distribution P(W) over
the set of all words.
A bigram model of English consists of two probability
distributions: P(W0) and P(Wi | Wi-1). The first distribution is just the probability of
the first word in a document. The second distribution is the probability of seeing
word Wi given that the previous word was Wi-1.
A trigram model of English consists of three probability
distributions: P(W0), P(W1|W0), and P(Wi|Wi-1,Wi-2). The first distribution is, as
above, the probability of the first word in the document. The next distribution is
the probability of the second word given the first one. And the third distribution is
the probability of the i
th word given the two preceding words.
Given a set of documents (in this case, various novels and short stories), your job
in this assignment is to fit a trigram model of English. It is recommended that you
do this by using a hash table in which you hash on word Wi-2. The contents of the
hash table cells consist of linked lists as shown below. Each item in the main list
links the words that appeared at position Wi-1. It also contains a pointer to a second
level of linked lists that link the words that appeared at position Wi.
In particular, this structure encodes the fact that in our training data, we observed
the following three word sequences:
finger remarked holmes
finger on it
finger on it
finger in the
finger . then
finger . all
finger . it
Notice that “finger on it” was observed twice. Also notice that the period is treated
as a separate word.
Given the information in this data structure, we can compute the
probability P(it|finger,on) as 2/2 = 1. Similarly, we can compute the
probability P(it|finger, .) as 1/3.
Data Files:
The following data files have already been processed:
• Alice in Wonderland
• The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
• The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
• Call of the Wild
• Billy Budd
• Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Each file contains the lower and uppercase letters, blanks, and periods. All other
punctuation has been removed. Question marks and exclamation marks were
converted to periods. When you read in the files, please convert all upper case to
lower case.
Using the two Sherlock Holmes books, train a tri-gram language model by
constructing the hash/linked list data structure described above. Then use this data
structure to generate a new “story” 1000 words long. You can do this very simply
by first choosing a word at random from the hash table. Then using it to choose a
subsequent word, and then extending the text by looking up the two words and
choosing at random from among the following words in proportion to their
frequency of appearance.
Repeat this process, but now train on all six books and then generate a new
“story” of 1000 words.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit your files on Canvas using the Programming Assignment 3 submission
Link. You will submit a zip file containing:
• Turn in your two generated output texts.
• Your source code.