CSE 231 Computer Project #10


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A common representation of the time of day, referred to as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
uses a 24-hour clock and the notation hh:mm:ss+zz or hh:mm:ss-zz, where:
hh is a two-digit hour between 00 and 23
mm is a two-digit minute between 00 and 59
ss is a two-digit second between 00 and 59
zz is a two-digit offset from Coordinated Universal Time
For example, 08:30:00-03 represents 8 hours, 30 minutes and 0 seconds in the time zone which is
3 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time.
For this assignment, you will design and partially implement the times module, which contains
class Time. Assignment Specifications
1. Your partial implementation of class Time must be in the file named times.py (and it
must be the only thing in that file).
2. You will supply stubs for the methods listed below. Recall that a stub is a function definition
which is syntactically correct, but which is incomplete (it does no useful work).
Each stub will include a succinct docstring which states the purpose of the method.
Specifications for Class Time
1. Method __init__ initializes a Time object. The following examples illustrate the method’s
behavior, where the desired time is shown as a comment:
A = times.Time( 6, 15, 30, 5 ) # 06:15:30+05
B = times.Time( 8, 9, 15, -4 ) # 08:09:15-04
C = times.Time( 14, 20, 45 ) # 14:20:45+00
D = times.Time( 23, 59 ) # 23:59:00+00
E = times.Time( 12 ) # 12:00:00+00
F = times.Time() # 00:00:00+00
The body of the stub for this method will be a pass statement. 2. Methods __str__ and __repr__ return a str object which is a printable representation of a
Time object.
The body of the stub for each of these methods will be a return “time string” statement.
3. Method from_utc accepts a str object (the desired UTC time) and changes the value of the
Time object. For example:
T = times.Time()
T.from_utc( “06:15:30+05” )
The body of the stub for this method will be a pass statement.
4. Method from_seconds accepts an int object (the number of seconds from the start of a
day) and changes the value of a Time object. For example:
T = times.Time()
T.from_seconds( 2300 )
The body of the stub for this method will be a pass statement.
5. The class will support six forms of comparison between two Time objects. For example:
T1 = times.Time( 6, 15, 30, 5 )
T2 = times.Time( 8, 9, 15, -4 )
T1 == T2
T1 != T2
T1 < T2 T1 <= T2 T1 > T2
T1 >= T2
The body of the stub for each of these methods will be a return False statement.
6. The class will support the addition of a Time object and an int object (which represents a
number of seconds). For example:
T1 = times.Time( 6, 15, 30, 5 ) # 06:15:30+05
T2 = T1 + 300 # 06:20:30+05
The body of the stub for this method will be a return self statement.
7. The class will support the subtraction of two Time objects, where the result is the number of
seconds by which the two times differ. For example:
T1 = times.Time( 14, 20, 45 ) # 14:20:45+00
T2 = times.Time( 14, 18, 15 ) # 14:18:15+00
T1 – T2 # 150
The body of the stub for this method will be a return 0 statement.
Assignment Notes
1. Items 1-10 of the Coding Standard will be enforced for this project.
2. It is critical that your stubs use the specified names and specified number of parameters.
3. Each stub should be a syntactically correct method (although it does not need to accomplish
the work associated with the method). A method which returns a value must contain a return
statement which returns a value of the correct type; a method which does not return a value must
contain a pass statement.
4. The file named check.py in the Project10 directory contains a simple program which
calls the methods in class Time and can be used to identify some problems with your stubs, such
as misspelled method names and incorrect numbers of arguments.