1. Problem Statement:
Quicksort is one of the most important sorting algorithms in computer science because it can efficiently
work with large datasets with minimal overhead, but specific implementation details can significantly
affect its performance in practice. For example, using the default partitioning scheme, quicksort has an
runtime on random data, but that performance can degrade to
for data that is already in
sorted order. The default partitioning scheme will also cause significant performance losses if there are
few unique values to be sorted (as might be the case when sorting by gender or birth year). In order to
address these limitations, several potential improvements have been proposed:
Use a 3-way partition instead of a 2-way partition. Elements are partitioned into 3 groups: <
pivot, = pivot, and > pivot. If this partition scheme is implemented efficiently, performance should
become significantly better when there are few unique values to be sorted.
Use a more intelligent pivoting scheme. Instead of always choosing the first element or the last
element in the array slice as the pivot, we can use the median value of: 1) the first element, 2) the
last element, and 3) the center element. This makes it far less likely that the partition will be
unbalanced, which should improve performance when values are already in sorted order.
Switch to a simpler sorting algorithm (such as insertion sort) when the input size is small
enough. This will reduce the overhead caused by the recursive calls considerably, which should
improve performance for large datasets. You will need to decide on what “small enough” means.
For this assignment, you will perform a rigorous scientific study to determine which of these variables
(or combinations of them) serve to improve the performance the most in several different environments,
including: data that is completely unsorted, data that is already sorted, and data for which there
are few unique values. In particular, you will be asked to measure the performance of each combination
on one of three different datasets (that will be provided for you) in order to fill in this table:
Method / Dataset Unsorted Sorted Few Unique Values
3-way + Median
3-way + Hybrid
Median + Hybrid
3-way + Median + Hybrid
Each cell of the table should represent the time required to execute the given algorithm variation on the
appropriate dataset. The Baseline row represents the time required with the unmodified quicksort that
was discussed in class. Your final submission must include this table and a paragraph summarizing
the results of your experiments. When presenting results, it is often helpful to use a visual aid of some
sort, so it is highly recommended that you include a graph of the results to make it exceedingly clear
which improvements yielded the best results.
Three text files will be provided for your testing: unsorted.txt, sorted.txt, and small.txt. The
first contains unique words in a random order. The second contains the same unique words, but in sorted
order. The last file only has 5 unique values, but they are in random order. Each file corresponds to one
column of the table above. The first two files contain slightly more than 45,000 words. The last one
contains 50,000 words.
Each file uses the same format. One word is placed on each line. For example, this is what the first 10
lines of unsorted.txt looks like:
Your program will read a file like this into an array, perform one of the experiments, and then report the
final results.
NOTE: You should be able to test your code by limiting the array size. For example, if you limit the array
to a size of 20, you can easily see if your code is working correctly. You might also need to limit the array
size if your computer is unable to allocate an array large enough to work with the entire file. If you do
limit the array size, make sure to note that in your report. You should run your experiments with the
entire file if it is possible to do so to get the most accurate results possible.
Extra Credit Opportunities
C++ is a fairly unique language in that it is possible for the compiler to perform several significant
optimizations to your code during the compilation process. These optimizations often have a drastic affect
on run time performance, so they are often used in production software. Enabling compiler optimizations
is very easy to do with most compilers. In g++, for example, you simply add the –O1, -O2, or –O3 flags to
the compilation command. O1 is the lowest level of optimization, and O3 is the highest. As the
optimization level increases, so does both compilation time and performance (normally). This is an
example command using the O2 optimization level:
g++ -Wall –O2 main.cpp –o main
For a maximum of 5 points of extra credit, repeat your tests using at least one optimization level. For each
optimization level you apply, you will have a separate table of results (and a corresponding conclusion
paragraph/ graph). What conclusions can you make about the effect of compiler optimizations on the
run time performance of your program?
2. Design:
You will be given more flexibility in the design of this program than in the last assignment. No particular
code structure is required, but your program MUST meet the following objectives:
Your data will be provided in text files. Each line of the file will contain one value to be sorted. We
will only work with files that contain words in this assignment. You should NOT assume that every
file has the same number of lines.
Your code MUST include a function that reads such a file and stores the contents in a 1D array (as
with the previous assignment). Your code needs to be robust to reasonable error conditions, such
as a nonexistent file or an array overflow.
You MUST write one or more quicksort variations in order to test all three performance
enhancements. The exact means of doing so is up to you.
Your main program should ask the user for the name of a test file and the type of test to run. It
should perform the test and report the execution time to the console (e.g. in seconds or
milliseconds). If you wish to write a single suite that performs all tests for a single file (e.g. fills in
an entire column of the table at a time), that is also acceptable.
Your file reading function and all sorting functions must be templated so they can be reused in
other projects if necessary. We will only work with strings in this assignment, though.
3. Implementation:
You should write the necessary code to load a file into an array first. It would be wise to write a function
to print the contents of the array as well to verify your file reading code works properly. Make sure to test
your code thoroughly. In particular, make sure to test your code with a nonexistent file and with an array
that is too small to store the entire contents of the file.
Next, you should write your main program. Remember, the main program should ask the user for the
name of the file and the type of test to perform, run that test, and then report the results to the user. Start
with a single test option, to perform a baseline test (using the unmodified quicksort algorithm below).
Once you feel that is working correctly, you can start adding variations to the list of available options.
void partition(int data[], int low, int high, int &mid)
// Select pivot value
int pivot = data[high];
int left = low;
int right = high;
// Partition array into two parts
while (left < right)
// Scan left to right
while ((left < right) && (data[left] < pivot))
// Scan right to left
while ((left < right) && (data[right] >= pivot))
// Swap data values
swap(data[left], data[right]);
// Swap pivot to mid
mid = left;
data[high] = data[mid];
data[mid] = pivot;
void quicksort(int data[], int low, int high)
// Check terminating condition
if (low < high)
// Partition data into two parts
int mid = 0;
partition(data, low, high, mid);
// Recursive calls to sort array
quicksort(data, low, mid - 1);
quicksort(data, mid + 1, high);
It is EXTREMELY important that you test each variation thoroughly to make sure you haven’t
accidentally broken the algorithm. All variations should give you exactly the same results. The only
variable should be the run time performance of your code.
Do everything you can to make your code “bullet-proof”. Try providing inputs that are egregiously wrong
to see what your code does, for example. Stress tests like these are helpful for finding weaknesses and
vulnerabilities. By eliminating them from the start, your code will be more robust and reliable.
4. Style
Make sure your code adheres to the guidelines provided in the Style Guide (available on Moodle). Your
goal is to create code that is concise, descriptive, and easy for other humans to read. Avoid typos, spelling
mistakes, or anything else that degrades the aesthetic of your code. Your final submission should be
work that you are proud to call your own.
5. Testing:
Test your program to check that it operates correctly for all of the requirements listed above. Also check
for the error handling capabilities of the code. Try your program with several input values, and save your
testing output in text files for inclusion in your project report.
6. Documentation:
When you have completed your C++ program, write a short report using the project report template
describing what the objectives were, what you did, and the status of the program. Does it work properly
for all test cases? Are there any known problems? Save this report to be submitted electronically.
Your documentation MUST include the complete table listed above, as well as a paragraph detailing your
conclusions from the experiments. It would also be a good idea to include a graph to better demonstrate
which improvements were the most successful.
7. Project Submission:
In this class, we will be using electronic project submission to make sure that all students hand their
programming projects and labs on time, and to perform automatic plagiarism analysis of all programs
that are submitted.
When you have completed the tasks above go to Moodle to upload your documentation (a single .pdf file),
and all C++ program files (.h and .cpp). Make sure your proof of testing is included in the documentation
or is submitted as a separate file. Do NOT upload an executable version of your program.
The dates on your electronic submission will be used to verify that you met the due date above. Late
projects will receive NO credit. You will receive partial credit for all programs that compile even if they
do not meet all program requirements, so make sure to submit something before the due date, even if the
project is incomplete.
8. Academic Honesty Statement:
Students are expected to submit their own work on all programming projects, unless group projects have
been explicitly assigned. Students are NOT allowed to distribute code to each other, or copy code from
another individual or website. Students ARE allowed to use any materials on the class website, or in the
textbook, or ask the instructor for assistance.
This course will be using highly effective program comparison software to calculate the similarity of all
programs to each other, and to homework assignments from previous semesters. Please do not be
tempted to plagiarize from another student.
Violations of the policies above will be reported to the Provost's office and may result in a ZERO on the
programming project, an F in the class, or suspension from the university, depending on the severity of
the violation and any history of prior violations.