Question I: Backward Euler (5marks)
Write a function called BE_method.m with the following header:
function [tpoins,y]= BE_method(tEnd,h, outNode)
% This function uses BACKWARD EULER method to compute the transient reponse
% of the circuit.
%Inputs: 1. tEnd: The simulation starts at time = 0s and ends at time =
% tEND s.
% 2. h: length of step size.
% 3. outNode: is the node for which the transient is required.
%Output: 1. tpoints are the time points. 2. y: is the transient response at output
Your function should use Backward Euler with a constant step size to compute the transient
response of a linear circuit.
1. Test your function by running the provided Testbench_q1.m file. This file simulates the
netlists Circuit_chebychev_filter_TD.m (it has time domain sources) and
Circuit_chebychev_filter_freq.m (it has frequency domain sources) in the frequency
domain using your fsolve.m function which you developed in past assignments. In your
submission, include the codefor the new function BE_method.m as well as the output plot
of the testbench function.
2. Explain the relation between the two plots in the output figure.
Question II Trapezoidal Rule(5marks)
Write a function Trapezoidal_method.m with the following header:
function [tpoints,y]= Trapezoidal_method(tEnd,h, outNode)
% This function uses Trapezoidal method to compute the transient reponse
% of the circuit.
%Inputs: 1. tEnd: The simulation starts at time = 0s and ends at
% time = tEND s.
% 2. h: length of step size.
% 3. outNode: is the node for which the transient is required.
%Output: 1. tpoints are the time points. 2.y: is the transient response at output
Your function should use Trapezoidal Rule with a constant step size to compute the transient
response of a linear circuit.
1. Test your function by running the provided Testbench_q2.m file. This script alsoruns your
code from Question 1 and compares BE to TR. In your submission, provide the codefor the
function you wrote as well as the plot from the test bench.
2. By examining the plot, what can you deduce about the BE and TR methods?
Question III Forward Euler(5marks)
Write a function FE_method.m with the following header:
function [tpoints,y]= FE_method(tEnd,h, outNode)
% This function uses FORWARD EULER method to compute the transient reponse
% of the circuit.
%Inputs: 1. tEnd: The simulation starts at time = 0s and ends at
% time = tEND s.
% 2. h: length of step size.
% 3. outNode: is the node for which the transient is required.
%Output: 1. tpoints are the time points. 2.y: is the transient response at outNode.
Your function should use the Forward Euler method with a constant step size to compute the
transient response of a linear circuit. You may assume that the C matrix of your MNA is
invertible for the purposes of this assignment.
To test your code, run the provided test bench script Testbench_q3.m which simulates the circuit
in the provided netlist Q3BEcircuit.m.
1. Examine and comment on your observations from the output files.
2. It can be shown that, when the C matrix is invertible, the poles of the circuit are the
eigenvalues of the matrix −𝐶
−1𝐺 (note the negative sign). Determine the stability
condition of the Forward euler method for this circuit and experimentally verify your
results by running simulations (note the eig function in matlab computes the
eigenvalues of a matrix).
Question IV Sensitivity using Perturbation method (3marks)
Write a function named sens_perturbation_method.m to compute the sensitivity of output voltage
with respect to all the resistive and capacitive elements in the circuit using perturbance method
(alternatively called difference method). Choose an appropriate value of the perturbance. Your
function must compute the absolute and relative sensitivity of output with respect to all
parameters at all frequency points.
The function stub is provided below.
function [D,S] = sens_perturbation_method(fpoints,eleNames,outNode)
% This function uses DIFFERENCE method to compute the sensitivity of the
% output node with respect to all the parameters.
%Inputs: 1. fpoints: contains the frequency points at which the sensitivity is
% is required.
% 2. eleNames: is a cell array contains the names of the elements.
% 3. outNode: is the node for which the sensitivity is required.
%Output: 1.D: is a matrix. It should contain the ABSOLUTE sensitivity of the
% outNode at all fpoints for all elements.
% One way to fill store senstivity in D is to add sensitivity of
% a given element in one column of D for all fpoints.
% In this case if there are F number of frequency points and
% P number of elements in eleNames, then the size of matrix D
% will be FxP.
% 2. S: is matrix. It should contain the RELATIVE sensitivity of
% outNode for all the elements in eleNames. It can be filled
% similar to matrix D.
Note: You do not have to adhere to the function stub provided above. You have the freedom to
modify the function as per your preference.
Question V Sensitivity using the Differentiation method (3marks)
Write a function named sens_differentiation_methood.m. Your function should compute the sensitivity of
output voltage for all the resistors and capacitors in the circuit using differentiation method. Your function
must compute the absolute and relative sensitivity of output with respect to all parameters at all frequency
points. The function stub is provided below.
function [D,S] = sens_differentiation_method(fpoints,eleNames,outNode)
% This function uses the DIFFERENTIATION method to compute the sensitivity of the
% output node with respect to all the parameters.
%Inputs: 1. fpoints: contains the frequency points at which the sensitivity is
% is required.
% 2. eleNames: is a cell array contains the names of the elements.
% 3. outNode: is the node for which the sensitivity is required.
%Output: 1.D: is a matrix. It should contain the ABSOLUTE sensitivity of the
% outNode at all fpoints for all elements.
% One way to fill store senstivity in D is to add sensitivity of
% a given element in one column of D for all fpoints.
% In this case if there are F number of frequency points and
% P number of elements in eleNames, then the size of matrix D
% will be F x P.
% 2. S: is matrix. It should contain the RELATIVE sensitivity of
% outNode for all the elements in eleNames. It can be filled
% similar to matrix D.
Note: You do not have to adhere to the function stub provided above. You have the freedom to
modify the function as per your preference.
Question VI Sensitivity using the Adjoint method (3 marks)
Write a function sens_adjoint_methood.m to compute the sensitivity of output voltage for all the resistors
and capacitors in the circuit using the adjoint method. Your function should evaluate the absolute and
relative sensitivity of output with respect to all parameters at all frequency points. The function stub is
provided below.
function [D,S] = sens_adjoint_method(fpoints,eleNames,outNode)
% This function uses the ADJOINT method to compute the sensitivity of the
% output node with respect to all the parameters.
%Inputs: 1. fpoints: contains the frequency points at which the sensitivity is
% is required.
% 2. eleNames: is a cell array contains the names of the elements.
% 3. outNode: is the node for which the sensitivity is required.
%Output: 1.D: is a matrix. It should contain the ABSOLUTE sensitivity of the
% outNode at all fpoints for all elements.
% One way to fill store sensitivity in D is to add sensitivity of
% a given element in one column of D for all fpoints.
% In this case if there are F number of frequency points and
% P number of elements in eleNames, then the size of matrix D
% will be F x P.
% 2. S: is matrix. It should contain the RELATIVE sensitivity of
% outNode for all the elements in eleNames. It can be filled
% similar to matrix D.
Note: You do not have to adhere to the function stub provided above. You have the freedom to
modify the function as per your preference.
Question VII (6 marks)
Test the functions written in Questions IV, V and VI by running (or modifying it according to
your requirements) the code provided in Testbench_q7.m.
This code calls the netlist of a low-pass filter from the file sallenkey_lp.m.
Provide the plots of absolute and relative sensitivity obtained for R1 and C1.
For each element, plot the adjoint method, differentiation method and perturbation method
results on the same graph.