Part 1: Basic I/O
For this part, it is necessary to refer to sections 2.9.1 – 2.9.4 (pp. 7 – 9) and 3.4.1 (p. 14) in the
DE1-SoC Computer Manual.
Brief overview
The hardware setup of the DE1-SoC’s I/O components is straightforward. The system has
designated addresses in memory that are connected to hardware circuits on the FPGA through
parallel ports, and these hardware circuits, in turn, interface with the physical I/O components.
In most cases, the FPGA hardware simply maps the I/O terminals to the memory address
designated to it. There are several parallel ports implemented in the FPGA that support input,
output, and bidirectional transfers of data between the ARM A9 processor and I/O peripherals.
For instance, the state of the slider switches is available to the FPGA on a bus of 10 wires which
carry either a logical ’0’ or ’1’. The state of the slider switches is then stored in the memory
address reserved for the slider switches (0xFF200040 in this case).
It is useful to have slightly more sophisticated FPGA hardware in some cases. For instance, in
the case of the push-buttons, in addition to knowing the state of the button, it is also helpful to
know whether a falling edge is detected, signaling a keypress. This can be achieved with a
simple edge detection circuit in the FPGA.
Getting Started: Drivers for slider switches and LEDs
Access to the memory addresses designated for I/O interfaces is best facilitated by what are
called device drivers. Drivers are subroutines that ease the process of reading from and writing
to I/O interface addresses, thereby manipulating the state of and data associated with a given
peripheral. When writing drivers, it is critical that you follow the subroutine calling conventions
presented in this course.
1- Slider Switches: Create a new subroutine labeled read_slider_switches_ASM that reads the
value from the memory location designated for the slider switches’ data (SW_ADDR) and stores it
in A1, and then returns. Remember to use the subroutine calling convention and save processor
state (by pushing and popping registers) if needed! If there are fewer than four 32-bit arguments
or return values, use registers, rather than the stack, for communication between caller and
2- LEDs: Create a new subroutine labeled write_LEDs_ASM. The write_LEDs_ASM subroutine
writes the value in A1 to the LEDs’ memory location (LED_ADDR), and then branches to the
address contained in the LR.
To help you get started, the code for the slider switch and LED drivers have been provided
below. Use them as templates for writing future drivers.
// Slider Switches Driver
// returns the state of slider switches in A1
// post- A1: slide switch state
.equ SW_ADDR, 0xFF200040
LDR A2, =SW_ADDR // load the address of slider switch state
LDR A1, [A2] // read slider switch state
// LEDs Driver
// writes the state of LEDs (On/Off) in A1 to the LEDs’ control register
// pre– A1: data to write to LED state
.equ LED_ADDR, 0xFF200000
LDR A2, =LED_ADDR // load the address of the LEDs’ state
STR A1, [A2] // update LED state with the contents of A1
To acquaint yourself with using memory-mapped I/O, write an application that makes use of the
read_slider_switches_ASM and write_LEDs_ASM subroutines to turn on/off the LEDs. Write an
infinite loop that calls read_slider_switches_ASM and write_LEDs_ASM in order, turning on
LEDs if the corresponding switch is on, and vice versa. Compile and Run your project, and then
change the state of the switches in the online simulator to turn on/off the corresponding LEDs.
Note that both the Switches and the LEDs panels are located on the top corner of your screen.
The figure below demonstrates the result of activating slider switches 0, 4, 5 and 9.
More Advanced Drivers: Drivers for HEX displays and push-buttons
Now that the basic structure of the drivers has been introduced, we can write more advanced
drivers i.e., for HEX displays and push-buttons drivers.
1- HEX displays: There are six HEX (seven-segment) displays (HEX0 to HEX5) on the
DE1-SoC Computer board.
Write three subroutines to implement the functions listed below to control the HEX displays.
Note! The emulator will complain about word-aligned accesses if you use STRB to write to
some HEX displays. This does not indicate an error has occurred. You may turn off
Device-specific warnings in the settings, but be careful, as this may hide other warnings worth
observing. If you leave this Device-specific warnings enabled, simply continue the execution of
your code after the emulator-inserted breakpoint.
HEX_clear_ASM: This subroutine turns off all the segments of the selected HEX displays. It
receives the selected HEX display indices through register A1 as an argument.
HEX_flood_ASM: This subroutine turns on all the segments of the selected HEX displays. It
receives the selected HEX display indices through register A1 as an argument.
HEX_write_ASM: This subroutine receives HEX display indices and an integer value, 0-15, to
These are passed in registers A1 and A2, respectively. Based on the second argument
(A2), the subroutine will display the corresponding hexadecimal digit (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
A, B, C, D, E, F) on the display(s).
The subroutines should check the first argument to determine which displays, HEX0-HEX5,
have been selected, and write the value of the second argument to each. A loop may be useful
here! The HEX display indices can be encoded based on a one-hot encoding scheme, e.g.,:
HEX0 = 0x00000001
HEX1 = 0x00000002
HEX2 = 0x00000004
HEX3 = 0x00000008
HEX4 = 0x00000010
HEX5 = 0x00000020
For example, you may pass 0x0000000C to the HEX_flood_ASM subroutine to turn on all the
segments of HEX2 and HEX3 displays, as 0xC = 0b1100:
mov A1, #0x0000000C
BL HEX_flood_ASM
2- Pushbuttons: There are four pushbuttons (PB0 to PB3) on the DE1-SoC Computer board.
Write seven subroutines to implement the functions listed below to control the pushbuttons:
read_PB_data_ASM: This subroutine returns the indices of the pressed pushbuttons (the keys
from the pushbuttons Data register). The indices are encoded based on a one-hot encoding
PB0 = 0x00000001
PB1 = 0x00000002
PB2 = 0x00000004
PB3 = 0x00000008
PB_data_is_pressed_ASM: This subroutine receives a pushbutton index as an argument. Then,
it returns 0x00000001 if the corresponding pushbutton is pressed.
read_PB_edgecp_ASM: This subroutine returns the indices of the pushbuttons that have been
pressed and then released (the edge bits from the pushbuttons’ Edgecapture register).
PB_edgecp_is_pressed_ASM: This subroutine receives a pushbutton index as an argument.
Then, it returns 0x00000001 if the corresponding pushbutton has been pressed and released.
PB_clear_edgecp_ASM: This subroutine clears the pushbutton Edgecapture register. You can
read the edgecapture register and write what you just read back to the edgecapture register to
clear it.
enable_PB_INT_ASM: This subroutine receives pushbutton indices as an argument. Then, it
enables the interrupt function for the corresponding pushbuttons by setting the interrupt mask
bits to ‘1’.
disable_PB_INT_ASM: This subroutine receives pushbutton indices as an argument. Then, it
disables the interrupt function for the corresponding pushbuttons by setting the interrupt mask
bits to ‘0’.
Part 1 Deliverable: Calculator
In this task you will write assembly code that utilizes your drivers to implement a calculator. The
calculator should be able to support the addition, multiplication, and subtraction operations. The
HEX displays are used to show results in sign-and-magnitude hexadecimal; the largest
supported number is FFFFF16
); the smallest, -FFFFF16
● SW0-SW3 correspond to the bits 0-3 of the first number (n). SW4-SW7 correspond to
the bits 0-3 of the second number (m).
● Push buttons 0-3 correspond to the operation (op), “clear”, “multiplication”, “subtraction “,
“addition” respectively; when the button is released, the result (r) is displayed.
● In the case there is a result currently shown on the screen, you can add to, subtract
from, or multiply that value if the clear button is not pressed. The calculator should
display r op n in this case. m is ignored.
● All the HEX displays should always show a value. At startup, r = 0 and the HEX displays
show “ 00000;” clear resets r and the display to “ 00000” as well.
● In the case the result is negative, a negative sign should be shown next to the number,
e.g., “-00345.” The leftmost HEX display is reserved for the sign in case the output is not
0; it should be clear when the result is positive, e.g., “ 00345.”
● If r > 0x000FFFFF or r < 0xFFF00001, the HEX displays should output OVRFLO until the
clear operation is performed.
● SW1 (n = 2) and SW7 (m = 8) are on and PB2 (subtract) is triggered. r = (2-8) = -6 =
“-00006” is shown on the HEX displays after releasing PB2.
● SW0, SW1, SW5 are on (n = 3, m = 2), “ 00009” is displayed (r = 9), and PB1 (multiply)
is triggered. Once PB1 is released, r = 9*3 = 27, and “ 0001B” is shown.
Performance Analysis
Note! Present unoptimized code in your demo; describe your optimization in your report.
As in Lab 1, we are interested in how program changes affect a) number of executed
instructions, b) number of memory accesses, and c) code size.
In the functions above, did you use iteration to check if the bit is ‘1’ or ‘0’? Can you reduce the
code size by using more subroutines? How is performance affected? For full marks, justify your
For bonus credit (5%) on your demo, display results 99,999 ≥ r ≥ -99,999 in decimal.
Part 2: Timers
For this part, it is necessary to refer to sections 2.4.1 (p. 3) and 3.1 (p. 14) in the DE1-SoC
Computer Manual.
Brief overview
Timers are simply hardware counters that are used to measure time and/or synchronize events.
They run on a known clock frequency that is programmable in some cases. Timers are usually
(but not always) down counters, and by programming the start value, the time-out event (when
the counter reaches zero) occurs at fixed time intervals.
ARM A9 Private Timer drivers
There is one ARM A9 private timer available on the DE1-SoC board. The timer uses a clock
frequency of 200 MHz. You need to configure the timer before using it. To configure the timer,
you need to pass three arguments to the “configuration subroutine”.
The arguments are:
1- Load value: The ARM A9 private timer is a down counter and requires an initial count value.
Use A1 to pass this argument.
2- Configuration bits: Use A2 to pass this argument. Read sections 2.4.1 (p. 3) and 3.1 (p. 14) in
the De1-SoC Computer Manual carefully to learn how to handle the configuration bits. The
configuration bits are stored in the Control register of the timer.
Write three subroutines to implement the functions listed below to control the timers:
ARM_TIM_config_ASM: This subroutine is used to configure the timer. Use the arguments
discussed above.
ARM_TIM_read_INT_ASM: This subroutine returns the “F” value (0x00000000 or 0x00000001)
from the ARM A9 private timer interrupt status register.
ARM_TIM_clear_INT_ASM: This subroutine clears the “F” value in the ARM A9 private timer
Interrupt status register. The F bit can be cleared to 0 by writing a 0x00000001 to the interrupt
status register.
To test the functionality of your subroutines, write assembly that uses the ARM A9 private timer.
Use the timer to count from 0 to 15 and show the count value on the HEX display (HEX0). You
must increase the count value by 1 every time the “F” value is asserted (“F” becomes ‘1’). The
count value must be reset when it reaches 15 (1, 2, 3, …, E, F, 0, 1, …).
The counter should be
able to count in increments of 1 second. Remember, you must clear the timer interrupt status
register each time the timer sets the “F” bit in the interrupt status register to 1 by calling the
ARM_TIM_clear_INT_ASM subroutine. This code is especially important for the Part 3
Part 2 Deliverable: Whack-A-Mole game, using polling
Create a simple Whack-A-Mole game using the ARM A9 private timer, switches, pushbuttons,
and HEX displays. The application generates an “o” symbol on a random HEX display and the
user should press a switch that corresponds to that HEX display. The game should last for 30
seconds and is followed by displaying the score of the game.
● The game clock counts down from 30 seconds in increments of 100 milliseconds. Use
the ARM A9 private timer to count time, and HEX4-5 to display the time remaining t.
When 30 ≥ t ≥ 10, display the number of seconds remaining. When t < 10, display
seconds and tenths of seconds.
● While t > 0, moles randomly appear. Only one mole may be visible at a time. A mole will
not appear at a location corresponding to a switch that is currently set.
● Setting SW0-SW3 when there is a corresponding mole on HEX0-HEX3 respectively
makes the mole disappear and awards a point.
● If more than one switch is on, the game should refuse these inputs (i.e., ignore them).
● To pseudo-randomize the selection of the HEX displays for mole appearance, and the
time between such events, you can use the last three bits of the current count of the
ARM A9 private timer.
● The score of the game is calculated as the number of times the user set the correct
switch within the 30 seconds of game time. When t = 0, the display should show the
player’s score until reset is pressed.
● PB0, PB1, and PB2 are used to start, stop, and reset the game, respectively. These
controls are edge triggered.
● Use an infinite loop to poll the pushbutton edgecapture register, the switches, and the
“F” bit from the ARM A9 private timer interrupt status register.
Note! The emulator is not real-time capable (1 second of simulation of your game may take
much more than 1 second of wall-clock time). You will not be able to compare the passage of
wall-clock time with your game’s behavior to determine whether it is functioning correctly.
Performance Analysis
Note! Present unoptimized code in your demo; describe your optimization in your report.
How did you randomize the selection of the HEX displays? Is the value obtained truly random?
How does polling multiple inputs affect performance? For full marks, justify your claims.
Part 3: Interrupts
For this part, it is necessary to refer to section 3 (pp. 13-17) in the DE1-SoC Computer Manual.
Furthermore, detailed information about the interrupt drivers is provided in the “Using the ARM
Generic Interrupt Controller” document available here.
Brief Overview
Interrupts are hardware or software signals that are sent to the processor to indicate that an
event has occurred that needs immediate attention. When the processor receives an interrupt, it
pauses the code currently executing, handles the interrupt by executing code defined in an
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), and then resumes normal execution.
Apart from ensuring that high priority events are given immediate attention, interrupts also help
the processor to utilize resources more efficiently. Consider the polling application from the
previous section, where the processor periodically checked the pushbuttons for a keypress
event. Asynchronous events such as this, if assigned an interrupt, can free the processor to do
other work between events.
ARM Generic Interrupt Controller
The ARM generic interrupt controller (GIC) is a part of the ARM A9 MPCORE processor. The
GIC is connected to the IRQ interrupt signals of all I/O peripheral devices that are capable of
generating interrupts. Most of these devices are normally external to the A9 MPCORE, and
some are internal peripherals (such as timers).
The GIC included with the A9 MPCORE
processor in the Altera Cyclone V SoC family handles up to 255 interrupt sources. When a
peripheral device sends its IRQ signal to the GIC, the GIC can forward a corresponding IRQ
signal to one or both of the A9 cores. Software code that is running on the A9 core can then
query the GIC to determine which peripheral device caused the interrupt, and take appropriate
The ARM Cortex-A9 has several main modes of operation and the operating mode of the
processor is indicated in the current processor status register CPSR. In this Lab, we only use
IRQ mode. A Cortex-A9 processor enters IRQ mode in response to receiving an IRQ signal
from the GIC.
Before interrupts can be used, software has to perform a number of steps:
1. Ensure that interrupts are disabled in the A9 processor by setting the IRQ disable bit in
the CPSR to 1.
2. Configure the GIC. Interrupts for each I/O peripheral device that is connected to the GIC
are identified by a unique interrupt ID.
3. Configure each I/O peripheral device so that it can send IRQ requests to the GIC.
4. Enable interrupts in the A9 processor, by setting the IRQ disable bit in the CPSR to 0.
An example assembly program that demonstrates use of interrupts follows. The program
responds to interrupts from the pushbutton KEY port in the FPGA. The interrupt service routine
for the pushbutton KEYs indicates which KEY has been pressed on the HEX0 display. You can
use this code as a template when using interrupts in the ARM Cortex-A9 processor.
First, you need to add the following lines at the beginning of your assembly code to initialize the
exception vector table. Within the table, one word is allocated to each of the various exception
types. This word contains branch instructions to the address of the relevant exception handlers.
.section .vectors, “ax”
B _start // reset vector
B SERVICE_UND // undefined instruction vector
B SERVICE_SVC // software interrupt vector
B SERVICE_ABT_INST // aborted prefetch vector
B SERVICE_ABT_DATA // aborted data vector
.word 0 // unused vector
B SERVICE_IRQ // IRQ interrupt vector
B SERVICE_FIQ // FIQ interrupt vector
Then, add the following to configure the interrupt routine. Note that the different processor
modes have their own stack pointers and link registers (see Figure 3 in “Using the ARM Generic
Interrupt Controller”). At a minimum, you must assign initial values to the stack pointers of any
execution modes that are used by your application. In our case, when an interrupt occurs, the
processor enters IRQ mode. Therefore, we must assign an initial value to the IRQ mode stack
pointer. Usually, interrupts are expected to be executed as fast as possible. As a result, on-chip
memories are used in IRQ mode.
The following code illustrates how to set the stack to the A9 on-chip memory in IRQ mode, and
call the subroutine to configure the GIC. After initialization, the program enters an infinite loop at
IDLE; this is where you implement any functionality not implemented in interrupt handlers.
.global _start
/* Set up stack pointers for IRQ and SVC processor modes */
MOV R1, #0b11010010 // interrupts masked, MODE = IRQ
MSR CPSR_c, R1 // change to IRQ mode
LDR SP, =0xFFFFFFFF – 3 // set IRQ stack to A9 on-chip memory
/* Change to SVC (supervisor) mode with interrupts disabled */
MOV R1, #0b11010011 // interrupts masked, MODE = SVC
MSR CPSR, R1 // change to supervisor mode
LDR SP, =0x3FFFFFFF – 3 // set SVC stack to top of DDR3 memory
BL CONFIG_GIC // configure the ARM GIC
// NOTE: write to the pushbutton KEY interrupt mask register
// Or, you can call enable_PB_INT_ASM subroutine from previous task
// to enable interrupt for ARM A9 private timer,
// use ARM_TIM_config_ASM subroutine
LDR R0, =0xFF200050 // pushbutton KEY base address
MOV R1, #0xF // set interrupt mask bits
STR R1, [R0, #0x8] // interrupt mask register (base + 8)
// enable IRQ interrupts in the processor
MOV R0, #0b01010011 // IRQ unmasked, MODE = SVC
B IDLE // This is where you write your main program task(s)
Next, add the following subroutines to configure the Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC):
/* To configure the FPGA KEYS interrupt (ID 73):
* 1. set the target to cpu0 in the ICDIPTRn register
* 2. enable the interrupt in the ICDISERn register */
/* CONFIG_INTERRUPT (int_ID (R0), CPU_target (R1)); */
/* NOTE: you can configure different interrupts
by passing their IDs to R0 and repeating the next 3 lines */
MOV R0, #73 // KEY port (Interrupt ID = 73)
MOV R1, #1 // this field is a bit-mask; bit 0 targets cpu0
/* configure the GIC CPU Interface */
LDR R0, =0xFFFEC100 // base address of CPU Interface
/* Set Interrupt Priority Mask Register (ICCPMR) */
LDR R1, =0xFFFF // enable interrupts of all priorities levels
STR R1, [R0, #0x04]
/* Set the enable bit in the CPU Interface Control Register (ICCICR).
* This allows interrupts to be forwarded to the CPU(s) */
MOV R1, #1
STR R1, [R0]
/* Set the enable bit in the Distributor Control Register (ICDDCR).
* This enables forwarding of interrupts to the CPU Interface(s) */
LDR R0, =0xFFFED000
STR R1, [R0]
* Configure registers in the GIC for an individual Interrupt ID
* We configure only the Interrupt Set Enable Registers (ICDISERn) and
* Interrupt Processor Target Registers (ICDIPTRn). The default (reset)
* values are used for other registers in the GIC
* Arguments: R0 = Interrupt ID, N
* R1 = CPU target
PUSH {R4-R5, LR}
/* Configure Interrupt Set-Enable Registers (ICDISERn).
* reg_offset = (integer_div(N / 32) * 4
* value = 1 << (N mod 32) */
LSR R4, R0, #3 // calculate reg_offset
BIC R4, R4, #3 // R4 = reg_offset
LDR R2, =0xFFFED100
ADD R4, R2, R4 // R4 = address of ICDISER
AND R2, R0, #0x1F // N mod 32
MOV R5, #1 // enable
LSL R2, R5, R2 // R2 = value
/* Using the register address in R4 and the value in R2 set the
* correct bit in the GIC register */
LDR R3, [R4] // read current register value
ORR R3, R3, R2 // set the enable bit
STR R3, [R4] // store the new register value
/* Configure Interrupt Processor Targets Register (ICDIPTRn)
* reg_offset = integer_div(N / 4) * 4
* index = N mod 4 */
BIC R4, R0, #3 // R4 = reg_offset
LDR R2, =0xFFFED800
ADD R4, R2, R4 // R4 = word address of ICDIPTR
AND R2, R0, #0x3 // N mod 4
ADD R4, R2, R4 // R4 = byte address in ICDIPTR
/* Using register address in R4 and the value in R2 write to
* (only) the appropriate byte */
STRB R1, [R4]
POP {R4-R5, PC}
Then you need to define the interrupt service routines (ISR) using the following:
/*— Undefined instructions ————————————–*/
/*— Software interrupts —————————————-*/
/*— Aborted data reads ——————————————*/
/*— Aborted instruction fetch ———————————–*/
/*— IRQ ———————————————————*/
PUSH {R0-R7, LR}
/* Read the ICCIAR from the CPU Interface */
LDR R4, =0xFFFEC100
LDR R5, [R4, #0x0C] // read from ICCIAR
/* NOTE: Check which interrupt has occurred (check interrupt IDs)
Then call the corresponding ISR
If the ID is not recognized, branch to UNEXPECTED
See the assembly example provided in the DE1-SoC Computer Manual
on page 46 */
CMP R5, #73
BNE UNEXPECTED // if not recognized, stop here
/* Write to the End of Interrupt Register (ICCEOIR) */
STR R5, [R4, #0x10] // write to ICCEOIR
POP {R0-R7, LR}
/*— FIQ ———————————————————*/
Then use the pushbutton ISR below. This routine checks which KEY has been pressed and
writes its corresponding index to the HEX0 display:
LDR R0, =0xFF200050 // base address of pushbutton KEY port
LDR R1, [R0, #0xC] // read edge capture register
MOV R2, #0xF
STR R2, [R0, #0xC] // clear the interrupt
LDR R0, =0xFF200020 // base address of HEX display
MOV R3, #0x1
ANDS R3, R3, R1 // check for KEY0
MOV R2, #0b00111111
STR R2, [R0] // display “0”
MOV R3, #0x2
ANDS R3, R3, R1 // check for KEY1
MOV R2, #0b00000110
STR R2, [R0] // display “1”
MOV R3, #0x4
ANDS R3, R3, R1 // check for KEY2
MOV R2, #0b01011011
STR R2, [R0] // display “2”
MOV R2, #0b01001111
STR R2, [R0] // display “3”
Part 3 Deliverable: Whack-A-Mole game, using interrupts
Modify the Whack-A-Mole game from the previous section to use interrupts. In particular, enable
interrupts for the ARM A9 private timer (ID: 29) used to count game time. Also enable interrupts
for the pushbuttons (ID: 73), and determine which key was pressed when a pushbutton interrupt
is received. Polling will still need to be used to check switch states; interrupts are not supported
for this peripheral.
In summary, you need to modify some parts of the given template to perform this task:
● _start: activate the interrupts for pushbuttons and the ARM A9 private timer by
calling the subroutines you wrote in the previous tasks. (Call the
enable_PB_INT_ASM and ARM_TIM_config_ASM subroutines.)
● IDLE: You will implement the stopwatch’s operation here.
● SERVICE_IRQ: Modify this part so that the IRQ handler checks both the ARM A9
private timer and pushbutton interrupts and calls the corresponding interrupt service
routines (ISR). Hint: The given template only checks the pushbutton interrupt and
calls its ISR (KEY_ISR). Use labels KEY_ISR and ARM_TIM_ISR for pushbuttons
and ARM A9 private timer interrupt service routines, respectively.
● CONFIG_GIC: The given CONFIG_GIC subroutine only configures the pushbutton
interrupts. You must modify this subroutine to configure the ARM A9 private timer
and pushbutton interrupts by passing the required interrupt IDs.
● KEY_ISR: The given pushbutton interrupt service routine (KEY_ISR) performs
unnecessary functions that are not required for this task. You must modify this part to
only perform the following functions: 1- write the content of the pushbutton
edgecapture register to the PB_int_flag memory and 2- clear the interrupts. In your
main code (see IDLE), you may read the PB_int_flag memory to determine which
pushbutton was pressed. Place the following code at the top of your program to
designate the memory location:
.word 0x0
● ARM_TIM_ISR: You must write this subroutine from the scratch and add it to your
code. The subroutine writes the value ‘1’ into the tim_int_flag memory when an
interrupt is received. Then it clears the interrupt. In your main code (see IDLE), you
may read the tim_int_flag memory to determine whether the timer interrupt has
occurred. Use the following code to designate the memory location:
.word 0x0
Make sure you have read and understood the user manual before attempting this task. For
instance, you may need to refer to the user manual to understand how to clear the interrupts for
different interfaces (i.e., ARM A9 private timer and pushbuttons)
Performance Analysis
Polling is straightforward to implement, but using interrupts generally results in more efficient
systems. How much of a performance difference is there between the two implementations, in
terms of a) number of executed instructions, b) number of memory accesses, and c) code size?
What factors do you think are contributing to these differences? For full marks, justify your
Hint! The obvious difference between the two is that the polling version uses a loop, while the
interrupt version implements much of the system in ISRs. What consequences does this have?
For bonus credit (up to 5%) on your report, optimize your game and analyze the results. More
points will be awarded for objectively better implementations.
Hint! Amdahl’s Law tells us to focus optimization on those parts of a program that take the most
total time during execution. Where is your program spending most of its time? Real-time system
design tells us that interrupt-based systems should be designed to perform as few calculations
as possible in interrupt handlers (because otherwise high-priority, long-running ISRs can prevent
low-priority interrupts from running). Can you shorten the time spent in IRQ mode?
Your demo is limited to 5 minutes. It is useful to highlight that your software computes correct
partial and final answers; draw our attention to the registers and memory contents at
appropriate points to demonstrate that your software operates as expected.
Your demo will be graded by assessing, for each deliverable, the correctness of the observed
behavior, and the correctness of your description of that behavior.
In your report, for each algorithm, describe:
● Your approach (e.g., how you used subroutines, including passing arguments and
returning results, how you used the stack, etc)
● Challenges you faced, if any, and your solutions
● Shortcomings, possible improvements, etc
Your report is limited to four pages, total (no smaller than 10 pt font, no narrower than 1”
margins, no cover page). It will be graded by assessing, for each deliverable, your report’s
clarity, organization, and technical content.
Your demo and report are equally weighted. The breakdown for the demo and report are as
● 20% 40% Part 1: Calculator
● 40% 35% Part 2: Whack-A-Mole, using polling
● 40% 25% Part 3: Whack-A-Mole, using interrupts
Each section will be graded for (a) clarity, (b) technical content, and (c) correct execution:
● 1pt clarity: the demo is clear and easy to follow
● 1pt technical content: correct terms are used to describe your software
● 3pt correctness: given an input, the correct output is clearly demonstrated
● 20% 30% Part 1: Calculator
● 5% 10% Part 1: Performance Analysis
● 30% Part 2: Whack-A-Mole, using polling
● 5% Part 2: Performance Analysis
● 30% 20% Part 3: Whack-A-Mole, using interrupts
● 10% 5% Part 3: Performance Analysis
Each section will be graded for: (a) clarity, (b) organization, and (c) technical content:
● 1pt clarity: grammar, syntax, word choice
● 1pt organization: clear narrative flow from problem description, approach, testing,
challenges, etc.
● 3pt technical content: appropriate use of terms, description of proposed
approach, description of testing and results, etc.
Please submit, on MyCourses, your source code, and report, in a single .zip archive, using the
following file name conventions:
● Code: part1.s, part2.s, part3.s
● Report: StudentID_FullName_Lab1_report.pdf