Physics 5573 E & M I Homework 4: Faraday, Waves, and Electrostatics solved


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Problem 1: Faraday Generator

The picture illustrates the concept of a generator based on
Faraday’s law (as most of them are). It consists of an inner
axle of radius π‘Ž, outer metal wheel of radius 𝑅, and metal
spokes that connect the two.

The wheel is rotating around
the axle with angular velocity πœ”, and the whole thing is in
an external magnetic field π΅αˆ¬βƒ— that is constant and pointing
out of the page towards you. Due to this motion, an EMF
(voltage) is generated between the axle and the wheel.

A) A common description of this EMF is to use the concept of a β€œMotional EMF”. This is the
result of a conductor moving through a magnetic field, which causes the electrons in the
conductor to move. For a conductor of length 𝑑π‘₯ moving with velocity 𝑣⃗ in a magnetic field π΅αˆ¬βƒ—:
𝐸𝑀𝐹 ࡌ ℇ ࡌ “𝐸 𝑑π‘₯” ࡌ 𝑑π‘₯ π‘£βƒ—ΰ΅ˆπ΅αˆ¬βƒ—

Note: The β€œπΈ 𝑑π‘₯” corresponds to the πΈαˆ¬βƒ— β‹… 𝑑𝑙⃗in Faraday’s Law:
ΰΆ» πΈαˆ¬βƒ— β‹… 𝑑𝑙⃗ ࡌ ࡆ 𝑑
𝑑𝑑ࢡ π΅αˆ¬βƒ— β‹… π‘›ΰ·œ 𝑑𝑆

For the situation shown, calculate an expression for the total EMF for each spoke in the wheel.
B) As shown in class, the β€œMotional EMF” is included in Faraday’s law by taking the total time
derivative (rather than partial derivative) of the magnetic flux.

Consider the loop shown in the picture consisting of the dashed lines and one of the spokes. In this loop,
the horizontal dashed line is fixed while the spoke moves. The magnetic flux is changing.

Use Faraday’s law to calculate the EMF around the loop. Show that this EMF is the same as found in Part
A for a spoke, both in magnitude and direction.

C) If you wish to create an EMF ℇ ࡌ 5 𝑉 using a magnetic field of 𝐡 ࡌ 0.1 𝑇 and a wheel with outer
radius 𝑅 ࡌ 0.4 π‘š and an axle of radius π‘Ž ࡌ 0.02 π‘š, how fast must the wheel turn, πœ”?

Problem 2) Conductor in a field

A recent Workshop was about the properties of a
conducting sphere in a constant electric field, several
different approaches to this problem. Here you’ll use a
general solution to Laplace’s equation.

For a problem that has a spherical boundary and is
independent of the azimuthal angle πœ™, Laplace’s
equation is solved by:
πœ™αˆΊπ‘Ÿβƒ—αˆ» ࡌ ΰ·ΰ΅¬π‘Žΰ―Ÿ π‘Ÿΰ―Ÿ ΰ΅…
π‘Ÿΰ―Ÿΰ¬Ύΰ¬΅ ΰ΅° π‘ƒΰ―ŸαˆΊcos πœƒαˆ»

a) Consider the boundary condition on πœ™αˆΊπ‘Ÿβƒ—αˆ» in the limit as |π‘Ÿβƒ—| β†’ ∞. Show that,
considering this limit, only one term in the sum will be non‐zero.

b) Using the |π‘Ÿβƒ—| β†’ ∞ limit, solve for one of the remaining coefficients αˆΊπ‘Žΰ―Ÿ or π‘ΰ―Ÿαˆ».

c) Consider the boundary condition for πœ™αˆΊπ‘…αˆ» from the workshop, πœ™αˆΊπ‘…αˆ» ࡌ 0. Use this
result to calculate πœ™αˆΊπ‘Ÿβƒ—αˆ» for all π‘Ÿβƒ—. Show that your result is the same as what was found in
the workshop (and the text).

Problem 3) Cartesian Boundary Conditions

The following is a standard problem in electrostatics, so you can probably find the solution if
you search. Try to do this problem without looking up the solution.

Consider a conducting cube with walls at π‘₯ ࡌ 0, π‘₯ࡌ𝐿, 𝑦 ࡌ 0, π‘¦ΰ΅ŒπΏ, 𝑧 ࡌ 0, π‘§ΰ΅ŒπΏ.
The wall at π‘§ΰ΅ŒπΏ has πœ™αˆΊπ‘₯, 𝑦, π‘§ΰ΅ŒπΏαˆ» ࡌ 𝑉଴. All other walls of the cube are grounded, πœ™ ࡌ 0.

a) Show that a separable solution of the form:
πœ™αˆΊπ‘Ÿβƒ—αˆ» ࡌ π‘‹αˆΊπ‘₯ሻ π‘ŒαˆΊπ‘¦αˆ» π‘αˆΊπ‘§αˆ»
Is a solution to the Laplace equations. What are the most general functional forms for
π‘‹αˆΊπ‘₯ሻ, π‘ŒαˆΊπ‘¦αˆ», π‘αˆΊπ‘§αˆ» that will solve Laplace? What are the relationships between the
solutions for π‘‹αˆΊπ‘₯ሻ, π‘ŒαˆΊπ‘¦αˆ», and π‘αˆΊπ‘§αˆ»?

b) Using the boundary conditions on the cube for the walls π‘₯ ࡌ 0, π‘₯ࡌ𝐿, 𝑦 ࡌ 0, π‘¦ΰ΅ŒπΏ,
what are the possible functions π‘‹ΰ― αˆΊπ‘₯ሻ and π‘Œΰ―‘αˆΊπ‘¦αˆ»? Explain why these can be indexed by
the integers: π‘š, 𝑛 ࡌ 1, 2, 3, …
πŸŽαˆΊπ’“αˆ¬βƒ—αˆ»ΰ΅Œπ‘¬πŸŽ π’›ΰ·œ

c) Using the boundary condition for 𝑧 ࡌ 0 and the results from (b), what are the
solutions to the function π‘ΰ― ΰ―‘αˆΊπ‘§αˆ»? Be sure to show and explain the dependence of
π‘αˆΊπ‘§αˆ» on π‘š, 𝑛, the integers indexing the functions π‘‹ΰ― αˆΊπ‘₯ሻ, π‘Œΰ―‘αˆΊπ‘¦αˆ».

d) Write down the general solution to this problem:
πœ™αˆΊπ‘Ÿβƒ—αˆ» ࡌ ෍ π‘Žΰ― ΰ―‘ π‘‹ΰ― αˆΊπ‘₯ሻ π‘Œΰ―‘αˆΊπ‘¦αˆ» π‘ΰ― ΰ―‘αˆΊπ‘§αˆ»
ΰ― ,ΰ―‘
Using the boundary condition for π‘§ΰ΅ŒπΏ and Fourier analysis, determine the coefficients
in this sum, π‘Žΰ― ΰ―‘. Show your work.

e) Write a sum that gives the potential at the center of the cube, πœ™ ቀ௅
ΰ¬Ά ,
ΰ¬Ά ,
ቁ. You might
be able to simplify this result using the relation:
sinhሺπ‘₯ሻ ࡌ 2 sinh ቀ
2 ቁ cosh ቀ
2 ቁ

Show that this sum converges quickly by calculating the value of the first few terms.
Your answers will be 𝑉଴ times a number. You might also determine the ratio of
successive terms in the sum for large m and n.

Problem 4) Dipole Image

Consider a very large (assume infinite) grounded,
conducting sheet lying in the 𝑧 ࡌ 0 plane. A polar
molecule is on the z‐axis at π‘Ÿβƒ—
ΰ―£ ࡌ 𝑑 𝑧̂. You can model
the molecule as a point dipole, 𝑝⃗, with the dipole
moment in the x‐z plane at an angle πœƒ as shown.

a) Determine an image that can be used to solve for the electric potential and field for
this situation for all π‘Ÿβƒ— with 𝑧 ΰ΅’ 0. Show that your image gives the correct boundary
condition for this problem, πœ™αˆΊπ‘₯, 𝑧 ࡌ 0ሻ ࡌ 0 for any π‘₯.

b) Determine an expression for the potential πœ™αˆΊπ‘₯, π‘§αˆ» for any π‘₯ and 𝑧 ࡐ 0.

c) Determine the electric field everywhere on the conducting sheet (meaning for points
𝑧 β†’ 0, 𝑧 ࡐ 0). You can do this by either taking a derivative of your result from (b) or
summing the fields due to the molecule (dipole) and the image (or both, of course).
d) Consider the two cases, πœƒ ࡌ 0 and πœƒ ࡌ ΰ°—

For each of these angles, calculate:
i) The surface charge density on the conducting sheet for any π‘₯.
ii) The force on the molecule (dipole) due to the conducting sheet.
πœ™αˆΊπ‘§ ࡌ 0ሻ ࡌ 0
ΰ―£ ࡌ 𝑑 𝑧̂