Physics 5403 Homework 7 solved


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1 Dirac algebra

a) Based on the properties of the Dirac algebra only (which do not depend on the representation), prove that β and α
i matrices must have even dimensionality.

b) Show explicitly that the Dirac algebra cannot be satisfied in a representation with
dimension d = 2. Hint: assume α
i = σ
i as Pauli matrices and show that one cannot find a
matrix for β that satisfies the Dirac algebra.

c) Find the explicit representation for (β, αi
), where
3 =

1 0
0 −1

with 1 the 2 × 2 identity matrix.

2 Free Dirac particle

The normalization of the solutions of the Dirac equation with positive and negative energy
ψψ¯ = ±1,
where + corresponds to the positive energy states and − to the negative energy ones, with
ψ¯ = ψ

the Dirac adjoint.

a) Find the eigenenergies and the normalized eigenfunctions that solve the Dirac equation
for a free particle,
∂µ − m)Ψ(x, t) = 0.

b) Show that the orbital angular momentum L of a free Dirac particle is not a constant
of the motion. Use the fact that
, pj ] = i~ijkpk,
where ijk is the Levi-Civita tensor.

Defining the spin operator as Σ ≡ 1 ⊗ σ,where 1 is the
2 × 2 identity matrix and σ = (σx, σy, σz), show that the total angular momentum
J = L +
is conserved.

c) Now show that the operators p · Σ and p · L are each one constants of the motion. The
p · Σ
is called helicity.

d) Calculate the equation of motion for the position operator x of a free Dirac particle.
Show that the velocity operator v ≡
x is not a constant of the motion, unlike the momentum

3 Central potential

a) Show that the Dirac equation for a central potential V (r) can be written in the form
χ =
E − V (r) + mc2
(σ · p)ϕ
where the total wavefunction is a four component spinor
Ψ = 

in the bi-spinor representation.

b) Assume that ϕ describes an s-wave orbital with spin ↓ of the form
ϕ(r, t) = R(r)exp 



Calculate χ explicitly and show that it describes a p-wave function with spin s = 1/2 and
orbital angular momentum ` = 1. Hint: express χ in terms of spherical harmonics and

c) Using your previous result, show that χ(r, t) describes a j = 1/2 state with m = −1/2,
where j and m are the total angular momentum J = L + S quantum number.

Hint: use a
table of Clebsh-Gordan coefficients.