PHYS 5013 Homework Assignment 2 Math Methods solved


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1. Use a Lagrange multiplier approach to find the extremal points (x, y) of the function
f(x, y) = 2x
2 +
2 − xy
subject to the constraint
g(x, y) = 4x
2 + y
2 − 4 = 0
2. A bug moves on a surface with cylindrical symmetry. The surface is given by z = log ρ
where ρ is the distance of the surface from the z-axis. . As an intelligent bug, it wants
to move the shortest distance between two points.

(a) Calculate the differential equation of such a curve. between any two points on the
surface. (You can solve this using a local constraint, but that’s the hard way.)

(b) Solve for either the function ρ(θ) or θ(ρ), which ever you find easier. (You may
need to consult a good integral table).

3. Consider a curve y(x) where y(xa) = y(xb) = 0, and the total length of the curve is
L. Find the curve that gives you the maximum area enclosed between y(x) and the
x-axis. (Assume that L < π(xb − xa)/2. There is a simple reason why the problem
changes when L is too large. Can you see why?)
x x a b

4. Often constrained problems yield difficult integral problems or differential equations to
solve. In each case below, apply the calculus of variations and derive a final expression
for the curve specified as an integral, that is:
x − xa =
Z y
F(y) dy
where F(y) is a known function of y. (This is called reducing the problem to quadrature.)

(a) Determine the curve y(x) that connects the points (xa, ya) and (xb, yb) on a path
of fixed length but along which a frictionless particle would slide with the shortest
time. (That is, similar to the brachistochrone but on a path of fixed length).

(b) Determine the shortest length curve y(x) that connects the points (xa, ya) and
(xb, yb) along which a frictionless particle would slide with a fixed time.

(c) A solid object can be defined by rotating a curve ρ(z) about the z-axis to determine
a surface of revolution. The top and bottom surfaces of the object would be
disks parallel to the x-y plane. Determine the curve ρ(z) connecting the points
ρ(za) = ρa to ρ(zb) = ρb so that it minimizes the surface area of the object but
has a fixed volume and moment of inertia. Assume that the density of the object
has a fixed mass/volume, denoted by the constant α.

5. Consider the variational problem:
I =
(f(x, y1, y0
, y2, y0
) − λ(x)g(y1, y2)) dx
where f is the optimization function and g is a local constraint.

(a) If f is just a square root, such as q
1 + y
, it would be easier to minimize f
Does this give you the same curve?

(b) If g is just a square root, such as q
1 + y
, it would be easier to replace g with
. Does this give you the same curve?

6. Consider a 3D crystal with a surface defined by a function z(x, y). We seek to minimize
the total surface free energy:
F[z] = Z
dx dy n
α(x, y)
1 + z
x + z
where α(zx, zy is the direction dependent surface tension, and we have introduced the
compact but confusing notation, zx ≡ ∂z/∂x and zy ≡ ∂z/∂y.

We wish to enforce the
constraint of a constant volume to the crystal where the volume is given by:
V [z] = Z
dx dy z
via a Lagrange multiplier, λ.

(a) What is the Euler-Lagrange equation for the system?

(b) Show that in the isotropic case, where α(zx, zy) = α0, that the shape that minimizes the surface energy for fixed volume is a sphere. You may do this either by
direct substitution to verify the solution
z(x, y) = q
R2 − x
2 − y
or by changing to polar coordinates z(ρ, ϕ) in the original functional, and invoking
cylindrical symmetry, so that your 2D problem becomes effectively a one dimensional problem for z(ρ). In either case, determine the relation between λ and the
radius of the sphere.

7. Variational derivation of Poisson equation:
The energy in an electrostatic field in the presence of charges is :
E =

(∇φ(~r))2 − ρ(~r) φ(~r)


Show that the minimum energy configuration of the potential ϕ(~r) satisfies the equation:
∇~ 2φ(~r) = −4π ρ(~r)

Thus the minimal energy configuration for the field is also the one given by the Poisson

The above problem is rather simple. I am assigning it to you for the notes below, so
that you see why it works. It is a common technique in quantum field theory, so it’s
worth knowing the background.

Background: The expression for the energy above avoids counting the “self-energy”,
so that a charge does not feel the force of the electric field it creates. To see this
assume that we have a set of point charges qi each with potential φi(~r).

Then the total
potential is the sum of the individual contributions:
φ(~r) = X

The energy of the charges (in some units) can be written as
E =

(including the self-energy (Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, p.46) which we can
write as
2E =


(∇φi(~r) · ∇φj (~r))

where the factor of 2 comes from double counting in the sum over i and j. The energy
can also be written as:
E =

qi δ(~r − ~ri) φj (~r)

where δ(~r −~ri) is a function sharply peaked at ~r1, the location of the point charge, and
there is no double counting. If we remove the restriction i 6= j, then both expressions
pick up a self-energy term.

However, if we subtract the two expressions, these cancel
out, and we are left with simply the total energy:


(∇φi(~r) · ∇φj (~r)) − qi δ(~r − ~ri) φj (~r)

= 2E + ES − E − ES = E

If we take the continuum limit and replace the discrete distribution by a continuous
one, then we obtain the expression at the top of the page.

This “background” discussion does not contain any questions. I am including it merely
because the above formulation is routinely invoked in some field theory courses without

8. Obtain access to Mathemactica on some computer. As proof of having access, if N
is your OU ID number, calculate the prime factors of N2+1 by typing in the command:
FactorInteger[N ∗ N + 1]
and then hold down the “shift” key and the “return” key at the same time to execute
the command.