CS/ECE 552 Homework 3


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Problem 1 [10 points] Using Verilog, design an 8-by-16-bit register file (i.e., 8 registers, each of size 16 bits). See the Verilog interface below. It has one write port, two read ports, three register select inputs (two for read and one for write,) a write enable, a reset and a clock input.

All register state changes occur on the rising edge of the clock. Your basic building block must be the D-flipflop given in the provided files. The read ports should be all combinational logic. Do not use tri-state logic in your design.

Design this register file such that changing the width to 32-bit or 64-bit is straightforward (e.g., by using parameters). The read and write data ports are 16 bits each. The select inputs (read and write) are 3 bits each. When the write enable is asserted (high) the selected register will be written with the data from the write port.

The write occurs on the next rising clock edge; write data cannot flow through to a read port during the same cycle. There is no read enable; data from the selected registers will always appear on to the corresponding read ports. The reset signal is synchronous and when asserted (active high), resets all the register values to 0.

The err output should be set to 1 if any register (or other sub-module) in the register file has an error. For now, you may assume that an error only happens in a register if the input or enable is an unknown value, and in other sub-modules if the input is an unknown value.

Otherwise, it should be set to 0. You may find Figures B.8.7 and B.8.8 in your textbook good places to start, when thinking about how to design your register file. You must use a hierarchical design.

Design a 16-bit register first, and then put 8 of them together with additional logic to build the register file. Do not make any changes to the provided regFile_hier.v file. Testbench instructions You must verify your design using the testbench in the supplied tar file (/u/s/i/sinclair/public/html/courses/cs552/spring2022/handouts/verilog_ code/hw3/hw3-templates.tgz).

Of course you are welcome and encouraged to write additional tests on your own. Run the testbench in your hw3_1 directory using the command: wsrun.pl tb_regFile_hier *.v The testbench for this problem (tb_regFile_hier.v) generates a random set of input signals to your module in each cycle, and compares outputs from your module with outputs that are expected from a perfect register file implementation. If there are no errors in your design you will see a “TEST PASSED” message.

If the testbench failed with a “TEST FAILED” message, look for error messages like “ERRORCHECK: Incorrect read data in cycle ” in the testbench output. Above each of these error messages you will see the inputs to your module, your outputs and the expected outputs for that cycle which can help you debug. Note that when grading we may run additional tests, so if you pass the random tests, it does not guarantee you will pass all of the tests we run.

Problem 2 [10 points] In Verilog, create a register file that includes internal bypassing so that results written in one cycle can be read during the same cycle. Do this by writing an outer “wrapper” module that instantiates your existing (unchanged) register file module; your new module will just add the bypass logic.

The list of inputs and outputs of the outer module should be the same as that of the inner module. Do not make any changes to the provided regFile_bypass_hier.v file. Testbench instructions You must verify your design using the testbench in the supplied tar file (of course you are welcome and encouraged to write additional tests on your own).

Run the testbench in your hw3_2 directory using the command: wsrun.pl tb_regFile_bypass_hier *.v The testbench for this problem (tb_regFile_bypass_hier.v) generates a random set of input signals to your module in each cycle, and compares outputs from your module with outputs that are expected from a perfect register file bypass implementation. If there are no errors in your design, you will see a “TEST PASSED” message.

If the testbench failed with a “TEST FAILED WITH xx ERRORS” message, look for error messages like “ERRORCHECK: Read data incorrect in cycle ” in the testbench output. Above each of these error messages you will see the inputs to your module, your outputs and the expected outputs for that cycle which can help you debug.

As in problem 1, we may run additional tests when grading. What to Hand In To submit this assignment, zip or tar your Verilog files together and submit them as a single file named -hw3.tgz or -hw3.zip on Canvas. Inside this tarball/zip, should be a top-level directory (e.g., hw3), which contains hw3_1/ and hw3_2/; inside hw3_1 should be all files for problem 1 and so on for other problems – you must keep this directory structure.

For example, my Net ID is msinclair, so my submission would be called msinclair-hw3.tgz (or msinclair-hw3.zip) and in it would be hw3, which itself has 2 files/sub-folders: hw3_1/ and hw3_2/. If you don’t have experience with tar, I recommend consulting tutorials such as this one. In addition, before submitting you should run the Verilog check and the naming convention check on all the files (just the new modules you are writing, you don’t need to run it on your testbenches).

In addition to the Verilog, you should also turn in schematics for each of your components. The schematics may be handwritten or computer generated but must be legible if they are handwritten. The schematic files should be named schematic.pdf and placed in the corresponding problems subdirectory (e.g., hw3_1/schematic.pdf).

Any solution without a corresponding schematic drawing will not be graded. Although the schematics may seem simple for some of these components, as your project gets bigger and bigger, you’ll find that drawing schematics of each component and the bigger picture will make your task much, much easier.

Graphically your handin directory should look like: • hw3 (Top level folder) // tar/zip this as -hw3.tgz or -hw3.zip o hw3_1 (folder containing everything for Problem 1, including schematic.pdf) o hw3_2 (folder containing everything for Problem 2, including schematic.pdf)

Verifying Your Handin We have also created a script to check that your submission correctly follows the format, located at: /u/s/i/sinclair/public/html/courses/cs552/spring2022/handouts/scripts/h w3/verify_submission_format.py

You should run this script before submitting in order to ensure that you don’t lose points for incorrectly formatting your submission! Additional details about the handin script, including how to run and examples, are available here. Note: the submission script will check for .vcheck.out files for additional .v files you add.