CS/ECE 552 Homework 1


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Problem 1 [5 points] For all parts of this problem, we have provided templates that you can add your code to. See /u/s/i/sinclair/public/html/courses/cs552/spring2022/handouts/verilog_ code/hw1/hw1-templates.tgz. 1. Design a 1-bit 2-to-1 multiplexer using only the provided NAND, NOR, and NOT gates (you do not have to use all three gates, you are just limited to using these gate types). Implement the circuit in Verilog using these modules.

These modules can be found in the provided tarball hw1- templates.tgz. The input data lines of the multiplexer should be labeled inA and inB, the select line labeled s, and the output labeled out. Your module should be named mux2_1 and your file should be named mux2_1.v. 2. Use the 2-to-1 mux you designed in step 1 to hierarchically create a 4-to-1 mux.

Label the inputs inA, inB, inC, and inD, and the output out. Make your select input a bus (i.e., a vector, not single wires); name it s(1:0) (If s is 00, inA is selected; if s is 01, inB is selected, etc.). Your module should be named mux4_1 and your file should be named mux4_1.v. 3. Hierarchically create a quad (4-bit) 4-to-1 mux using the symbolic version of your 4-to-1 mux.

The inputs to the new mux should be four 4-bit buses (vectors) labeled inA(3:0), inB(3:0), inC(3:0), and inD(3:0). The select bus is a vector labeled s(1:0) and the output should be a bus (vector) labeled out(3:0). Your module should be named mux4_1_4b and your file should be named mux4_1_4b.v. 4. Use the testbench provided for testing.

Problem 2 [5 points] For all parts of this problem, we have provided templates that you can add your code to. See /u/s/i/sinclair/public/html/courses/cs552/spring2022/handouts/verilog_ code/hw1/hw1-templates.tgz. I also recommend consulting Appendix B.5-B.6 in your textbook if you need help getting started.

You may also find B.3 (Combinational Logic) and B.4 (Using HDLs) useful. 1. Design a 1-bit full adder using only the provided NOT, NAND, NOR, and XOR gates (you do not have to use all four types of gates, you are just limited to using these gate types). Again use the provided modules. Label the inputs as a, b, and c_in (carry-in). Label the outputs as s and c_out. Note that this will look similar to the adder we designed in class, except we’re using NOT, NAND, NOR, and XOR here. Your module should be named fullAdder_1b and your file should be named fullAdder_1b.v.

2. Optionally (but strongly recommended), verify the correctness of the 1-bit adder over all combinations of inputs by writing your own testbench. It is generally best to test at the smallest module level first. Given that this module is so small, it should be fairly easy to exhaustively test it. I also recommend that you create “self-checking” testbenches that compare the answer of the module you designed to the “golden” output that you get from using “+” or “-” in the testbench (again, it is ok to use these in the testbench, but not in the modules you are designing).

See the testbench in Step 5 (below) for an example of this.

3. Using the 1-bit full adder you created above, design a carry lookahead adder (CLA) that adds two 4-bit binary numbers. Make the inputs and outputs 4-bit buses (vectors) labeled a(3:0), b(3:0), and sum(3:0), respectively. Label the carry-in c_in and the carry-out c_out. Your module should be named cla_4b and your filename should be cla_4b.v 4.

Using the 4-bit CLA you created above, design a CLA that adds two 16-bit binary numbers. Make the inputs and outputs 16-bit buses (vectors) labeled a(15:0), b(15:0), and sum(15:0), respectively. Label the carry-out from the adder c_out and the carry-in c_in. Your module should be named cla_16b and your file should be named cla_16b.v 5. Use the testbench provided for testing.

What to Hand In To submit this assignment, zip or tar your Verilog files together and submit them as a single file named -hw1.tgz or -hw1.zip on Canvas. Inside this tarball/zip, you should have a top-level folder (e.g., hw1), with two sub-folders: hw1_1 and hw1_2. All files for problem 1 should be in hw1_1 and all files for problem 2 should be in hw1_2 (including provided files).

For example, my Net ID is msinclair, so my submission would be called msinclair-hw1.tgz (or msinclair-hw1.zip). If you don’t have experience with tar, I recommend consulting tutorials such as this one. In addition, before submitting you should run the Verilog check on all the files (just the new modules you are writing, you don’t need to run it on your testbenches).

Graphically your handin directory should look like: • _hw1 (parent folder, zip/tar this) o hw1 (Top level folder) ▪ hw1_1 (folder containing everything for Problem 1) ▪ hw1_2 (folder containing everything for Problem 2) Verifying Your Handin We have also created a script to check that your submission correctly follows the format, located at: /u/s/i/sinclair/public/html/courses/cs552/spring2022/handouts/scripts/h w1/verify_submission_format.py

You should run this script before submitting in order to ensure that you don’t lose points for incorrectly formatting your submission! Additional details about the handin script, including how to run and examples, are available here.

Note: if you created additional Verilog files as sub-modules, this script will not check for them – it only checks for the provided files and the vcheck files for the ones you are expected to modify. However, you still need to include vcheck files for the modules/files you add.