COMP6231 /1 ASSIGNMENT 2 Distributed Player Status System (DPSS) using Java IDL


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In this assignment, you are going to implement the distributed player status system
(DPSS) from Assignment #1 in CORBA using Java IDL. In addition to the 4 operations
introduced in Assignment #1 (namely, createPlayerAccount, playerSignIn,
playerSignOut, and getPlayerStatus) the following operations also need to be

Additional Operation for Player
 transferAccount (Username, Password, OldIPAddress, NewIPAddress)
When a player invokes this method from his/her geo-location, the server
associated with this player (determined by the OldIPAddress) searches its hash
table to check if the account with this Username exists.

If it exists, the entire
account is transferred to the geo-location server associated with the

Note that the account should be removed from the hash table of
the current server and should be added to the hash table of the remote server
atomically (that is, both operations should succeed or none should succeed). The
server informs the player whether the operation was successful or not and both the
server and the player store this information in their logs.

Additional Operation for Administrator
 suspendAccount (AdminUsername, AdminPassword, AdminIP,

When an admin invokes this method from his/her geo-location, the server
associated with this admin (determined by the AdminIP), if the credentials are
accepted, searches its hash table to check if the account with this
UsernameToSuspend exists. If it exists, the entire account is removed from the
hash table of this geo-location server. The server informs the admin whether the
operation was successful or not and both the server and the admin store this
information in their logs.

In this assignment you are going to develop this modified DPSS application in CORBA
using Java IDL. Specifically, do the following:
 Write the Java IDL interface definition for the modified DPSS with all the 6
specified operations

 Implement the modified DPSS. You should design a server that maximizes
concurrency. In other words, use proper synchronization that allows multiple
officers to perform operations for the same or different records at the same

 Test your application by running multiple players with the 3 servers. Your test
cases should check correct concurrent access of shared data, and the atomicity of
transferAccount operations (e.g. what if an account being suspended needs to be
transferred and both operations were initiated at the same time?).

Your submission will be graded for correct and efficient implementation of the
transferAccount and suspendAccount operations in addition to correct use and
implementation of mutual exclusion in accessing shared data and proper exploitation of
concurrency to achieve high performance.

Submitting Assignment #2
– Naming convention for zip file: Create one zip file, containing all source files
(.java, .doc or .pdf or .txt, etc.) for your assignment using the following naming
The zip file should be called a#_studentID, where # is the number
of the assignment studentID is your student ID number. For
example, for the second assignment, student 123456 would submit
a zip file named
– Submit your zip file at: as Programming
Assignment and submission #2. Assignments submitted to the wrong directory
would be discarded and no replacement submission will be allowed.
– Submit only ONE version of an assignment. If more than one version is
submitted the last one, before the deadline date, will be graded and all others will
be disregarded.

Evaluation Criteria of Assignment #2 (100 points)
Activities Points
Q1: Describe the techniques you use and your architecture, including
the data structures:
– Design of architecture: 5 pts.
– Description of techniques (including data structures) used: 5 pts.
10 pts.
Q2: Design proper and sufficient test scenarios and explain what you
want to:
– Design of 10 scenarios: 5 pts.
– Explanation of each scenario: 5 pts.
10 pts.
Q3: Describe the most important/difficult part in this assignment 10 pts.
Q4: You must provide the following:
– UML design of your architecture (Web Service design, Server
design): 5 pts.
– Text description of your design: 4 pts.
– Provide a document to 10 pages: 1 pt.
10 pts.
Q5: The correctness of code 60 pts.