Stat 432 Homework 4


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Question 1 (more on PCA)

[3 points] In our lectures, we demonstrated that PCA has a close connection with the singular value
decomposition (svd). Let us verify this connection. Take the first four columns of the iris data.

Based on our understanding of the connection between PCA and SVD, obtain the following objects using the
svd() function. Note that you cannot use any built-in function that performs PCA directly, however, you
can use them to check the answer. You can find those answers in the pca example document.

• Plot the variances of the principal components in a decreasing order.
• Obtain the first two principal components, and plot them on a figure, color the points with true species.
• Print the rotation matrix.

Question 2 (k-NN for classification)

[4 points] Consider again the zip code digits data. And we will use the Eucleadian distance. We want to
predict the digit of the 4th observation in the testing dataset.
train.x = zip.train[, -1]
train.y = as.factor(zip.train[, 1]) = zip.test[4, -1]

Do the following steps. Note that you cannot use any built-in kNN function for this entire question. For
step 1), you cannot use any for-loops. As a hint, you may consider using sweep and rowSums, while other
functions can also get the job done.

1. Using covariates find the indices of all 15 nearest neighbors in the training data.

2. Find the most frequent digit among these 15 observations. Is this the true digit of this testing data?

3. How about changing the value of k? Can we get a correct prediction?
Apply steps 1 and 2 to the first 100 observations in the testing data, with k ranging from 1 to 20. Which k
seems to perform the best? Use evidence to support your answer.

Question 3 (Cross-validation using the caret package)

[3 points] The caret package is frequently used for cross-validation and choosing tuning parameters of machine
learning models. In addition to what we covered in class, read two functions train() and trainControl()
from the caret package documentation (link). You may also google any examples to help you. Use these
functions to perform a cross-validation of knn on the zip code digit training data (not zip.test). You need
to use the following configurations when doing this cross-validation.

• possible values of k: all values from 1 to 10
• resampling method: cross-validation
• number of folds: 3
After selecting the best k, use this k to fit the model using the training data and predict on the testing data
zip.test. Report the prediction confusing matrix.