The required task is to build a simplified query processor that accesses data from the partitioned
ratings table.
Input Data: – Same as in Assignment 1 i.e. ratings.dat file.
Required Task: – Below are the steps you need to follow to fulfill this assignment:
RangeQuery() –
o Implement a Python function RangeQuery that takes as input: (1) Ratings table
stored in PostgreSQL, (2) RatingMinValue (3) RatingMaxValue (4)
o Please note that the RangeQuery would not use ratings table but it would use the
range and round robin partitions of the ratings table.
o RangeQuery() then returns all tuples for which the rating value is larger than or
equal to RatingMinValue and less than or equal toRatingMaxValue.
o The returned tuples should be stored in a text file, named RangeQueryOut.txt
(in the same directory where is present) such that
each line represents a tuple that has the following format such that
PartitionName represents the full name of the partition i.e. RangeRatingsPart1
or RoundRobinRatingsPart4 etc. in which this tuple resides.
PartitionName, UserID, MovieID, Rating
o Note: Please use ‘,’ (COMMA, no space character) as delimiter between
PartitionName, UserID, MovieID and Rating.
PointQuery() –
o Implement a Python function PointQuery that takes as input: (1) Ratingstable
stored in PostgreSQL, (2) RatingValue. (3) openconnection
o Please note that the PointQuery would not use ratings table but it would use the
range and round robin partitions of the ratings table.
o PointQuery() then returns all tuples for which the rating value is equal to
o The returned tuples should be stored in a text file, named PointQueryOut.txt
(in the same directory where is present) such that
each line represents a tuple that has the following format such that
PartitionName represents the full name of the partition i.e. RangeRatingsPart1
or RoundRobinRatingsPart4 etc. in which this tuple resides.
PartitionName, UserID, MovieID, Rating
o Note: Please use ‘,’ (COMMA) as delimiter between PartitionName, UserID,
MovieID and Rating.
Please use the function signature exactly same as mentioned in .
Naming Convention to be followed strictly:
Database name –ddsassignment2
Name of Rating table – ratings
Postgres User name –postgres
Postgres password – 1234
Name of the Range Query Output file –RangeQueryOut.txt
Name of the Point Query Output file –PointQueryOut.txt
How to use
Open the file and dump all the contents in a folder.
Also move ratings.dat file to thisfolder.
As per the naming conventions provided above, setup your postgresql.
Once the setup is done, test the by simply running it.
It should provide the following output:
Now, you can implement your functions in and once done, use
the tester again to generate theoutput.
DONOT CHANGE and Assignment1.pyc. Changing anyone of these would
cause problems and the system will stop working, and may lead to deduction of marks.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, this tester is just for your help. For grading purpose, an
additional set of test cases would be used. It will try to break your code. So, please provide
the functionalities accordingly, so that it handles all possible scenarios.
Instructions for Assignment: –
Please follow these instructions closely else Marks will be deducted.
1. Please follow the function signature as provided in the
2. Please use the same database name, table name, user name and password as provided in
the assignment to keep itconsistent.
3. Please make sure to run the provided tester and make sure there is no indentation error. In
case of any compilation error, 0 marks will be given.
4. Do not modify Assignment1.pyc library and In case any modification is
needed, please post the same on discussion board.
5. For any case of doubt in the assignment, PLEASE USE Discussion Boards,
Individual mails would not be entertained.
6. Also, it is an individual’s responsibilities to clarify his/her doubts, so read
and use Discussion Board extensively.
Submission Instructions: –
Upload the completed to blackboard.
Note: –
Failure to follow the instructions provided in the document will result in the loss of the points.
Information about the database created via file: –
Tables and its structure: –
1. Ratings
2. RangeRatingsPart0 to RangeRatingsPartN (where N = number of partition – 1)
a. Same structure as Ratings table
b. If value of N is 5 then here is the list of table created for Range Partitioning.
3. RoundRobinRatingsPart0 to RoundRobinRatingsPartN (where N = number of partition -1)
a. Same structure as Ratings table
b. If value of N is 5 then here is the list of table created for Round Robin Partitioning
4. RangeRatingsMetadata
If PartitionNum is N, then it means table RangeRatingsPartN is being referred and this
table contains records for rating values > minrating and <= maxrating.
Example: – If N is 0, the RangeRatingsPart0 is being referred and this partition contains
all the record for which the rating values are between 0 and 1.
5. RoundRobinRatingsMetadata
Partitionnum denotes total number of partition and tablenextinsert denotes that next
partition the record should be inserted.