
CST8110 Assignment #3 – Loops

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Using the steps for Problem Solving – generate for the following problem:
a) test plan AND
b) write and test the program code in Java.
• This problem will simulate a game of Solitaire Dice (an invented game). You
are welcome to customize the game to your own rules – just be sure to document
them. However, you must meet the basic requirements which follow.
• The user will start with a pot of money of $50.
• In each play of the game, the player will
o Enter a valid bet amount (less than or equal to the current pot, not
negative, a bet of 0 means quit the game).
o The game will then remove their bet amount from the pot
o The game will then roll three die (simulate this using the Random class
in Java) display the values and add these values to a total.
o Then, the game should adjust the pot in the following way:
 If the total of the three dice is greater than 12, then the player
wins their bet back.
 If two of the three die have the same value, then the player wins
double their bet back.
 If all three die have the same value, then the player wins triple
their bet back.
 Otherwise, the player has lost their money.
• The game will end with a bet of 0 OR when the pot reaches 0.
• Design of this solution will involve three classes:
o Die class – this class will represent ONE die – with a field of dieValue,
a constructor, methods rollDie()(which gets random value as rolled value
and returns it) and displayDie()
o Game class – this class will represent the game- with fields of potAmount
and betAmount and a constructor, methods getBetAmountFromUser(), and
playGame().Note the playGame() method will have three local reference
variables referring to three different objects of Die class to represent
the three dice in the game.
o Assign3 class – this class will be the “driver” class and have method
main which will create an object of Game class, and execute the
playGame() method
Sample Output : (blue indicates user entered information)
Welcome to Solitaire Dice Game. Bet an amount – if the sum of the three die is
greater than 12, you keep your bet, if you roll doubles you win double your bet, if
you roll triples you win triple your bet, otherwise you lose your bet. A bet of 0
ends the game.
Your current pot is 50
Enter your bet amount: 10
Your die are: 3 and 6 and 5
You WIN…your bet back
Your current pot is 50
Assignment #3 – Loops – Dice Game 1
Enter your bet amount: 10
Your die are: 3 and 6 and 6
You WIN….double your bet
Your current pot is 60
Enter your bet amount: 10
Your die are: 6 and 4 and 6
You WIN….double your bet
Your current pot is 70
Enter your bet amount: 100
Error – cannot bet less than 0 or more than 70…Enter your bet amount: 60
Your die are: 1 and 6 and 2
You LOSE….your bet
Your current pot is 10
Enter your bet amount: 0
You end the game with pot of 10
Submission Requirements:
• You must create a .zip file that contains ONLY the following:
o Your program code – .java files – (with your name, section, lab teacher
listed in comments in the header of each class)
o A document created with either Notepad, Wordpad or Word named
Assign3.docx or Assign3.txt with your test plan – note this should
contain your name, section and lab teacher listed at the top.
• The .zip file must have the following as it’s name
o Your last name, your first name, the word assign and the assign number ….
• Submit the .zip file through the Assignment feature which has been enabled in
the CST8110 Blackboard course. This should be directly under the Assignment
• Marks will be given for correct submission (ie marks will be deducted for
incorrect submission!
Notes on Using the Random class in Java
• See also pages 209-215 of Java, How to Program Textbook
• The Random class is found in library java.util.
o ie … we need to import java.util.Random into a java program to be able to
use it
• You need to declare an object of the class first:
o ie … declare once in your program, at the beginning:
Random randomNumbers = new Random ();
• Then, you can call a method called nextInt on your object of Random class with
an integer parameter which will return a random number between 0 and the
integer parameter – 1. In other words, the nextInt method returns a random
number % the parameter you sent to it.
o In our case, we want to generate a random number between 1 and 6, so we
can execute nextInt(6)…which returns a random number between 0 and 6 and
then add 1 to get a number between 1 and 12.
o ie … any time you want to generate a random number and store it into a
variable that you have already declared (in this example, dieValue),
execute :
dieValue = randomNumbers.nextInt (6) + 1;
Assignment #3 – Loops – Dice Game 3