CIS 341 – Assignment 2


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Question 1 – Brightstar Industries

You will lead a training session for new employees at Brightstar Industries. You must develop a
specific schedule for the following tasks (the estimated duration is shown in parentheses):
 First, you need to contact the participants and explain their roles (1 day). Then you must
obtain approval from their department managers (3 days).

 After you obtain the approval, two tasks can begin at the same time: you can arrange the
meeting room (1 day) and prepare an agenda for the initial session (8 days).

 When the agenda is ready, you can start two more concurrent tasks: prepare the
information packets (3 days) and create visual aids (6 days).

 When the meeting room is arranged and the information packets are ready, you can send
out an e-mail to participants (1 day).

 Finally, after the e-mail is sent to participants and the visual aids are ready, you can conduct
the JAD sessions (7 days).

Tasks (submit a PDF file of answers to the following questions)
1. Prepare a list showing all tasks and their durations.
2. Analyze the fact situation carefully to determine which tasks are concurrent and which
ones depend on other tasks.

3. Develop a PERT chart that shows the project. Use project management software.
4. What is the critical path for this project? How do you know?

Question #2 – New Car Purchase

Think of all the tasks that you perform when you purchase a car. Include any research,
decision, or financial issues that relate to the purchase.

Tasks (submit a PDF file of the chart and the car image)
Using the basic flowchart template, create a flow diagram using Visio that includes:
1. At least 8 steps

2. At least one Decision

3. Include a picture of the ideal car (see or other sites) crop image as needed.
Site where you found the image if needed.