ECSE202L Lab Assignment 5


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Q1. In this assignment, students are required to read input from user in the following format:
Number of students in class
Name of individual student, their roll no., total marks obtained.
Read the data from console and write down in lab5_input.txt file and return the time
complexity of generating input file.
For example, suppose the lab5_input.txt holds following value:

Number of students in class: 5
arun 8 28
harshit 10 30
surya 7 26
satyam 27 6
arun 1 28
Complexity: 5
Q2. In this question, students are required to read the file Lab5_input.txt and sort the
data using Quick Sort algorithm. The expected answer must be written in a file named
Lab5_output.txt including sorted value based on marks obtained and Time complexity of
algorithm. The sample output file is given as:
Q3. In this question, students are required to read the file Lab5_input.txt and sort the data using Quick
Sort algorithm. The expected answer must be written in a file named Lab5_output2.txt including
sorted value based on student name and Time complexity of algorithm. If two students have the same
name then the expected answer must be based on name and roll no. The sample output file is given

harshit 10 30
arun 1 28
arun 8 28
surya 7 26
satyam 27 6
Complexity is: 13
arun 1 28
arun 8 28
harshit 10 30
satyam 27 6
surya 7 26
Complexity is: 16