
ECE 661: Homework 2 Construct, Train, and Optimize CNN Models

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1 True/False Questions (30 pts)

For each question, please provide a short explanation to support your judgment.
Problem 1.1 (3 pts) Batch normalization normalizes the batch inputs by subtracting the mean, so the
outputs of BN module have zero mean accordingly.

Problem 1.2 (3 pts) PyTorch provides an efficient way of tensor computation and many modularized
implementation of layers. As a result, you do not necessarily need to write your own code for standard
back-propagation algorithms like Adam.

Problem 1.3 (3 pts) Data augmentation techniques are always beneficial for any kinds of CNNs and any
kinds of images.

Problem 1.4 (3 pts) Without batch normalization, the CNNs can hardly or at least converge very slowly
during the training. This is also true for dropout.

Problem 1.5 (3 pts) Dropout is a common technique to combat overfitting. If L-normalizations are
further incorporated at the same time, the performance can be even better.

Problem 1.6 (3 pts) During training, Lasso (L1) regularizer makes the model to have a higher sparsity
compared to Ridge (L2) regularizer.

Problem 1.7 (3 pts) Though leaky ReLU solves the problem of dead neurons compared to vanilla ReLU,
it could makes training unstable.

Problem 1.8 (3 pts) MobileNets use depthwise separable convolution to improve the model efficiency.
If we replace all of the 3×3 convolution layers to 3×3 depthwise separable convolution layers in ResNet
architectures, we are likely to observe approximately 9x speedup for these layers.

Problem 1.9 (3 pts) To achieve fewer parameters than early CNN designs (e.g., AlexNet) while maintaining comparable performance, SqueezeNet puts most of the computations in the later stage of the CNN

Problem 1.10 (3 pts) The shortcut connections in ResNets result in smoother loss surface.

2 Lab (1): Training SimpleNN for CIFAR-10 classification (15+4

Just like in HW1, here we start with a simple CNN architecture which we term as SimpleNN. It is composed
of 2 CONV layers, 2 POOL layers and 3 FC layers. The detailed structure of this model is shown in Table 1.

Name Type Kernel size depth/units Activation Strides
Conv 1 Convolution 5 8 ReLU 1
MaxPool MaxPool 2 N/A N/A 2
Conv 2 Convolution 3 16 ReLU 1
MaxPool MaxPool 2 N/A N/A 2
FC1 Fully-connected N/A 120 ReLU N/A
FC2 Fully-connected N/A 84 ReLU N/A
FC3 Fully-connected N/A 10 None N/A
Table 1: SimpleNN structure. No padding is applied on both convolution layers. A flatten layer is required
before FC1 to reshape the feature.

In this lab, beyond model implementation, you will learn to set up the whole training pipeline and actually train a classifier to perform image classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset [1]. CIFAR-10 is one of the
most famous/popular benchmarks for image recognition/classification. It consists of 10 categories (e.g.,
bird, dog, car, airplane) with 32×32 RGB images. You may go to the official website for more information

In this assignment, please refer to Jupyter Notebook simplenn-cifar10.ipynb for detailed instructions on how to construct a training pipeline for SimpleNN model. Note, remember to unzip the provided to your workspace before getting started.

(a) (2 pts) As a sanity check, we should verify the implementation of the SimpleNN model at Step 0.
How can you check whether the model is implemented correctly?

Hint: 1) Consider creating dummy inputs that are of the same size as CIFAR-10 images, passing them
through the model, and see if the model’s outputs are of the correct shape. 2) Count the total number
of parameters of all conv/FC layers and see if it meets your expectation.

(b) (2 pts) Data preprocessing is crucial to enable successful training and inference of DNN models. Specify the preprocessing functions at Step 1 and briefly discuss what operations you use and why.

(c) (2 pts) During the training, we need to feed data to the model, which requires an efficient data
loading process. This is typically achieved by setting up a dataset and a dataloader. Please go to
Step 2 and build the actual training/validation datasets and dataloaders. Note, instead of using the
CIFAR10 dataset class from torchvision.datasets, here you are asked to use our own CIFAR-10
dataset class, which is imported from tools.dataset. As for the dataloader, we encourage you to use

(d) (2 pts) Go to Step 3 to instantiate and deploy the SimpleNN model on GPUs for efficient training.
How can you verify that your model is indeed deployed on GPU? (Hint: use nvidia-smi command in
the terminal)

(e) (2 pts) Loss functions are used to encode the learning objective. Now, we need to define this problem’s
loss function as well as the optimizer which will update our model’s parameters to minimize the loss.
In Step 4, please fill out the loss function and optimizer part.

(f) (2 pts) Please go to Step 5 to set up the training process of SimpleNN on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Follow
the detailed instructions in Step 5 for guidance.

(g) (3 pts) You can start training now with the provided hyperparameter setting. What is the initial loss
value before you conduct any training step? How is it related to the number of classes in CIFAR-10?
What can you observe from training accuracy and validation accuracy? Do you notice any problems
with the current training pipeline?

(h) (Bonus, 4 pts) Currently, we do not decay the learning rate during the training. Try to decay the
learning rate (you may play with the DECAY_EPOCHS and DECAY hyperparameters in Step 5). What can
you observe compared with no learning rate decay?

At the end of Lab 1, we expect at least 65% validation accuracy if all the steps are completed properly.
You are required to submit the completed version of simplenn-cifar10.ipynb for Lab (1).

3 Lab (2): Improving the training pipeline (35+6 pts)

In Lab (1), we develop a simplified training pipeline. To obtain better training result, we will improve the
training pipeline by employing data augmentation, improving the model design, and tuning the hyperparameters.

Before start, please duplicate the notebook in Lab (1) and name it as simplenn-cifar10-dev.ipynb,
and work on the new notebook. You goal is to reach at least 70% validation accuracy on the CIFAR-10

(a) (6 pts) Data augmentation techniques help combat overfitting. A typical strategy for CIFAR classification is to combine 1) random cropping with a padding of 4 and 2) random flipping. Train a model with
such augmentation. How is the validation accuracy compared with the one without augmentation?

Note that in the following questions we all use augmentation. Also remember to reinitialize the
model whenever you start a new training!

(b) (15 pts) Model design is another important factor in determining performance on a given task. Now,
modify the design of SimpleNN as instructed below:
• (5 pts) Add a batch normalization (BN) layer after each convolution layer. Compared with no
BN layers, how does the best validation accuracy change?

• (5 pts) Use empirical results to show that batch normalization allows a larger learning rate.

• (5 pts) Implement Swish [2] activation on you own, and replace all of the ReLU activations in
SimpleNN to Swish. Train the model with BN layers and a learning rate of 0.1. Does Swish
outperform ReLU?

(c) (14 pts) Hyperparameter settings are very important and can have a large impact on the final model
performance. Based on the improvements that you have made to the training pipeline thus far (with
data augmentation and BN layers), tune some of the hyperparameters as instructed below:

• (7 pts) Apply different learning rate values: 1.0, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, to see how the
learning rate affects the model performance, and report results for each. Is a large learning rate
beneficial for model training? If not, what can you conclude from the choice of learning rate?

• (7 pts) Use different L2 regularization strengths of 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, and 0.0 to see how the
L2 regularization strength affects the model performance. In this problem use a learning rate
of 0.01. Report the results for each regularization strength value along with comments on the
importance of this hyperparameter.

• (Bonus, 6 pts) Switch the regularization penalty from L2 penalty to L1 penalty. This means you
may not use the weight_decay parameter in PyTorch builtin optimizers, as it does not support
L1 regularization. Instead, you need to add L1 penalty as a part of the loss function. Compare
the distribution of weight parameters after L1/L2 regularization. Describe your observations.
Up to now, you shall have an improved training pipeline for CIFAR-10. Remember, you are required to
submit simplenn-cifar10-dev.ipynb for Lab (2).

4 Lab (3): Advanced CNN architectures (20 pts)

The improved training pipeline for SimpleNN developed in Lab (2) still has limited performance. This is
mainly because the SimpleNN has rather small capacity (learning capability) for CIFAR-10 task. Thus,
in this lab we replace the SimpleNN model with a more advanced ResNet [3] architecture. We expect
to see much higher accuracy on CIFAR-10 when using ResNets. Here, you may duplicate your jupyter
notebook for Lab (2) as resnet-cifar10.ipynb to serve as a starting point.

(a) (8 pts) Implement the ResNet-20 architecture by following Section 4.2 of the ResNet paper [3]. This
lab is designed to have you learn how to implement a DNN model yourself, so do NOT borrow any
code from online resource.

(b) (12 pts) Tune your ResNet-20 model to reach an accuracy of higher than 90% on the validation
dataset. You may use all of the previous techniques that you have learned so far, including data
augmentations, hyperparameter tuning, learning rate decay, etc. Training the model longer is also
essential to obtaining good performance. You should be able to achieve >90% validation accuracy with
a maximum of 200 epochs. Remember to save your trained model during the training!!! Check out
this tutorial on model

We will grade this task by evaluating your trained model on the holdout testing dataset (which you do
not have any labels). After your ResNet-20 model is trained, you need to make predictions on test
data, and save the predictions into the predictions.csv file. Please use save_test_predictions.ipynb
to save your predictions in required format. The saved file should look like the provided example
sample_predictions.csv. Upon submission, we will directly compare your predicted labels with the
ground-truth labels to compute your score.

After completing Lab (3), you are required to submit resnet-cifar10.ipynb and the your prediction
results predictions.csv.

Info: Additional requirements:
• DO NOT train on the test set or use pretrained models to get unfair advantage. We have conducted a special preprocessing on the original CIFAR-10 dataset. As we have tested, “cheating”
on the full dataset will give only 6% accuracy on our final test set, which means being unsuccessful in this assignment.

• DO NOT copy code directly online or from other classmates. We will check it! The result can
be severe if your codes fail to pass our check.
Info: As this assignment requires much computing power of GPUs, we suggest:
• Plan your work in advance and start early. We will NOT extend the deadline because of the
unavailability of computing resources.

• Be considerate and kill Jupyter Notebook instances when you do not need them.
• DO NOT run your program forever. Please follow the recommended/maximum training budget
in each lab.

[1] A. Krizhevsky, G. Hinton, et al., “Learning multiple layers of features from tiny images,” 2009.
[2] P. Ramachandran, B. Zoph, and Q. V. Le, “Searching for activation functions,” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1710.05941, 2017.
[3] K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun, “Deep residual learning for image recognition,” in Proceedings of
the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 770–778, 2016.

Appendix: Using the OIT Server
If you wish to finish the Lab questions on the OIT server, please visit
containers and log into your Jupyter Notebook Environment. You can upload the files you need to the
server by clicking the button shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Uploading files Instruction

If you are uploading an zip file, you may unzip it on the server by:
• Press the ‘+’ button and click on “terminal” in the right-hand side “Launcher” column.
• In the terminal, type unzip ∗ .zip

Notice: After finishing the lab, please make sure you kill your current process by right-clicking on
the .ipynb file and select “Shutdown Kernel”, as shown in Figure 2:
Please note that there is a 30-minute idle timeout for GPU access set on the OIT server. If you find
that you can no longer access the GPU due to the timeout, simply save your progress, log out, restart
your browser and log back in, then you can keep working again.
Figure 2: Shutdown kernel before exiting