
CS6307 Big Data Management & Analytics Assignment 2

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1 WordCount for Named Entities

In this part, you will compute the word frequency for named entities in a large file. You are free to
use any NLP library that works with Spark and Scala or PySpark. A good choice is this one:

The steps of the assignment would be as follows:
1. Find a large text file from the Gutenberg project: and upload it
to your Databricks cluster.

2. Write code for a mapreduce program in Scala/PySpark which reads in the file, and then extracts
only the named entities. A good resource for this is the Spark NLP library of John Snow labs:
You are free to use any other library also.

3. The output from the map task should be in the form of (key, Value) where key is the named
entity, and value is its count (i.e. once every time it occurs)

4. The output from the reducer should be sorted in descending order of count. That is, the named
entity that is most frequent should appear at the top.

2 Search Engine for Movie Plot Summaries

In this part, we will work with a dataset of movie plot summaries that is available from the
Carnegie Movie Summary Corpus site. We are interested in building a search engine for the plot
summaries that are available in the file “plot summaries.txt” that is available under the Dataset link
of the above page.

You will use the tf-idf technique studied in class to accomplish the above task. For more details on
how to compute tf-idf using MapReduce, see the links below:

1. Good introduction from Coursera Distributed Programming course

2. Chapter 4 of the reference book Data-Intensive Text Processing using MapReduce.

This assignment has to be done using Scala/PySpark code that can run on a Databricks cluster.

Below are the steps of the project:
1. Extract and upload the file plot summaries.txt from
data/MovieSummaries.tar.gz to Databricks. Also upload a file containing user’s search terms
one per line.

2. You will need to remove stopwords by a method of your choice.

3. You will create a tf-idf for every term and every document (represented by Wikipedia movie ID)
using the MapReduce method.

4. Read the search terms from the search file and output following:

(a) User enters a single term: You will output the top 10 documents with the highest tf-idf
values for that term.

(b) User enters a query consisting of multiple terms: An example could be “Funny
movie with action scenes”. In this case, you will need to evaluate cosine similarity between
the query and all the documents and return top 10 documents having the highest cosine
similarity values.

You can read more about cosine similarity at the following resources:
– : Read the cosine similarity section

For the search terms entered by the user, you will return the list of movie names sorted by
their relevance values in descending order. Note again, that you have to return movie names,
and not movie ID. You would need to use the movie.metadata.tsv file to lookup the movie names.

5. You can display output of your program on the screen
Remember that you have to write your code in the form of Scala/PySpark code that can run on
Databricks. You can submit just the public URL of your notebook.