1. True or False questions:
(a) One can find the maximum sub-array of an array with n elements within O(n log n) time.
(b) In the maximum sub-array problem, combining solutions to the sub-problems is more complex than
dividing the problem into sub-problems.
(c) Bubble sort is stable.
(d) When input size is very large, a divide-and-conquer algorithm is always faster than an iterative
algorithm that solves the same problem.
(e) It takes O(n) time to check if an array of length n is sorted or not.
(f) Insertion sort is NOT in-place.
(g) The running time of merge-sort in worst-case is O(n log n).
2. Consider sorting n numbers stored in array A, indexed from 1 to n. First find the smallest element of A
and exchanging it with the element in A[1]. Then find the second smallest element of A, and exchange
it with A[2]. Continue in this manner for the first n − 1 elements of A.
(a) Write pseudo-code for this algorithm, which is known as selection sort.
(b) What loop invariant does this algorithm maintain?
(c) Give the best-case and worst-case running times of selection sort in Θ-notation.
3. A mathematical game (or puzzle) consists of three rods and a number of disks of various diameters, which
can slide onto any rod. The puzzle begins with n disks stacked on a start rod in order of decreasing
size, the smallest at the top, thus approximating a conical shape.
The objective of the puzzle is to move
the entire stack to the end rod, obeying the following rules:
i Only one disk may be moved at a time;
ii Each move consists of taking the top disk from one of the rods and placing it on top of another rod
or on an empty rod;
iii No disk may be placed on top of a disk that is smaller than it.
Please design a MOVE(n, start, end) function to illustrate the minimum number of steps of moving n
disks from start rod to the end rod.
You MUST use the following functions and format, otherwise you will not get points of part (a) and
def PRINT( o ri gi n , d e s t i n a t i o n ) :
pr int ( ”Move the top di s k from rod ” , o ri gi n , ” t o rod ” , d e s t i n a t i o n )
def MOVE( n , s t a r t , end ) : # TODO: you need t o d e s i g n t h i s f u n c t i o n
For example, the output of MOVE(2, 1, 3) should be:
Move the top di s k from rod 1 t o rod 2
Move the top di s k from rod 1 t o rod 3
Move the top di s k from rod 2 t o rod 3
(a) Give the output of MOVE(4, 1, 3).
(b) Fill in the function MOVE(n, start, end) shown above. You can use Python, C/C++ or pseudo-code
form, as you want.
(c) What’s the minimum number of moves of MOVE(5, 1, 3), and MOVE(n, 1, 3)?
4. Finding the median of an unordered array in O(n) (Part I). Let’s consider the algorithm 1,
Algorithm 1 FindMedian(L)
Input: L as input list containing n real numbers
Output: The median of L as m
if n ≤ 10 then
Sort L and return the median m
end if
Divide L into n
lists of size 5 each
Sort each list, let i
th list be ai ≤ a
i ≤ bi ≤ ci ≤ c
, i = 1, 2, . . . ,
Recursively find median of b1, b2, . . . , b n
, call it b
Reorder indices so that b1, b2, . . . , b n
≤ b
∗ < b n
10 +1, . . . , b n
Define A and C as shown in the figure (both A and C have approximately 3
10n elements)
Drop A and C from the original list L, to get a new list L
, with n −
10n −
10n =
n elements
Find median of remaining L
recursively and return it as m.
Note that there could be some corner cases to consider, like n is not a multiple of 5 (can be fixed by
padding), or the number of elements in A or C is inaccurate. However, as long as n is large enough, this
little inaccuracy will not infect the analysis of complexity.
(a) Let T(n) be the running time of this algorithm, find the recurrence formula, and then solve it.
(b) Is this algorithm correct? If yes, try to prove it; otherwise, find a counter case (like the true median
is in A or C and is dropped).