
Assignment 2: FFT Optimization CPSC 501

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The goal of this assignment is to optimize, in stages, the performance of a convolution reverb program. Convolution reverb is an audio digital signal processing
technique where a “dry” recording of an instrument (i.e. a recording without reverberation) is convolved with the impulse response of an acoustical space such as
a concert hall.

The result of the convolution is a sound file where the instrument
sounds as if it were playing in the actual concert hall. This is a commonly used,
but computationally intensive, technique for adding natural-sounding reverberation
to recorded sounds.

You are to create a command-line program that takes in a dry recording and an
impulse response, and produces the convolved signal. It should be invoked from the
command line as follows:
convolve inputfile IRfile outputfile
where convolve is the name of your program, inputfile is the dry recording in .wav
format, IRfile is the impulse response in .wav format, and outputfile contains the
convolved signal in .wav format. All .wav files should be monophonic, 16-bit, 44.1
kHz sound files (at least initially, before attempting the bonus part of the assignment).

Sample audio and impulse response files are available on D2L.
As in the first assignment, you will be using GitLab to maintain version control
and to share your final project with the TAs. Your assignment should be kept in a
GitLab repository titled “CPSC 501 A2”.

Baseline program: Create an initial version of your program where the convolution is implemented directly in the time domain. You will find this version of
your program quite slow. Measure the run-time performance of your program using
a dry recording that is at least thirty seconds long and an impulse response that is at
least 2 seconds long.

You will reuse these same inputs for timing measurements after
each optimization that you do in the later stages of the assignment. There are many
suitable dry recordings and impulse responses available on the Internet as well as on
the course D2L site. You can find various utility programs online to convert sound
files of different types (e.g. .aiff or .snd) to the .wav format.

Although the program may be implemented in any programming language, it
would be best to use a language supported by the GCC compiler, since the gprof
profiler is what we will be using in class to work through examples in C++ (also note
the required compiler optimization). The GCC compiler is available on the CPSC
servers, and can easily be installed on a personal machine.

Algorithmic optimization: Create a second version of your program where you
re-implement the convolution using a frequency-domain convolution algorithm. A
handout will be provided summarizing the approach discussed in lecture. Measure
the run-time performance of this second version of program using the same inputs
that you used for the baseline program. Be sure to use version control, profiling, and
regression testing as part of a disciplined process of optimization.

Compiler-level optimization and code-tuning: Use compiler-level optimization and manual code tuning to further optimize the performance of your program.

Do your improvements step by step, measuring and testing at each stage. Be sure
to test, profile, and commit your code each time you make a change. Use at least 4
different manual code-tuning techniques and at least one compiler optimization.

Report: Create a formal written report that describes how you optimized your
code at each step. You must show each version of your program, and describe what
changes you made at every stage of the process. Include relevant code excerpts to
illustrate the changes you made.

You must also quantify the improvements with your
timing measurements, and describe the regression tests you performed. Use tables
and/or graphs to help illustrate how you improved performance at each stage of your
work. In addition, at the beginning of the written report, you need to include directions for the TA to access your GitLab project.

This is how they will be able
to access your code and commit history, so double-check this works correctly before
submitting. The expected length of the report is about 2–3 pages (not including code
excerpts) with standard font and margins, but there are no strict requirements. It is
essential, however, that your report is clear, easy to read, thorough, and written in
complete sentences.

Notes on regression testing: Rather than writing unit tests for this assignment
and comparing the output to some prepared standard, you will be using regression
testing to ensure your program remains correct after each optimization step. To
do this, you will need to keep the output from your initial baseline program for a
particular pair of sound/IR input files.

You should be able to check whether your
baseline output is correct by simply listening to the output file. Then, after each
optimization, compare this baseline output to the output of your modified program
on the same input files. If the two outputs are identical, you have confirmed that
your optimizations have left the program function unchanged. My recommendation
would be to write a bash script that performs the comparison automatically, and to
include this in your version control and report.

Bonus (up to 10%): Elaborate your program so that it can handle stereo (i.e.
2-channel) impulse response files, and produce the appropriate stereo (2-channel) output file. In other words, your program will convolve a monophonic dry input sound
with a stereo impulse response, and output a stereo sound file.

Your program should
be able to recognize automatically if the impulse response file has one or two channels.
You can either implement the bonus as part of your baseline program, or after all
optimizations. If you choose to implement the bonus feature, you need to indicate
this clearly in your report. Sample stereo IR files are available on D2L.

Submission instructions:
Important: If you are in T05 (Chris’ Monday morning tutorial), submit your assignment to Navid, who will be doing your grading. If you are in a different tutorial
section, submit to your own TA.

Upload your written report as a PDF file to the Assignment 2 dropbox on D2L
by 23:59 on November 6th. Make sure you add the correct TA to your GitLab
project with reporter access using their email given on D2L. The TA will use the
instructions in your report to access your GitLab project, through which they will
grade your submission.

Rubric (100 pts total):
ˆ Version control: Used Git/GitLab properly, Multiple small commits with informative messages (5 pts)
ˆ Profiling: Tests are run after each improvement and the results are documented
(5 pts)
ˆ Regression testing: Tests are run to make sure correctness is preserved between
changes (5 pts)
ˆ Baseline program: Unoptimized program correctly performs convolution reverb
in the time domain (20 pts)

ˆ Optimizations: Evidence in version control and report of five clear and systematic optimizations. The first of these must be an algorithmic optimization,
implementing the FFT. The remainder must contain a compiler optimization
and at least four distinct code tuning optimizations (20 + 5 + 20 = 45 pts)
ˆ Report: Description of each of the optimizations described above, with appropriate code excerpts shown. Report is thorough and written in full sentences.
(15 pts)
ˆ Logistics: Clear, working instructions on how to access GitLab project. Program
can be run from the command line using the specified instruction (5 pts)
ˆ Bonus: Solution can detect and handle stereo impulse response files (10 pts)