COMP3121/9101 Assignment 2 


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1. [20 marks] You are given two polynomials,
PA(x) = A0 + A3x
3 + A6x
PB(x) = B0 + B3x
3 + B6x
6 + B9x
where all A0
s and all B0
s are large numbers. Multiply these two polynomials using only 6
large number multiplications.

2. (a) [5 marks] Multiply two complex numbers (a + ib) and (c + id) (where a, b, c, d are all
real numbers) using only 3 real number multiplications.
(a) [5 marks] Find (a + ib)
2 using only two multiplications of real numbers.
(b) [10 marks] Find the product (a + ib)
(c + id)
2 using only five real number multiplications.

3. (a) [2 marks] Revision: Describe how to multiply two n-degree polynomials together in
O(n log n) time, using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). You do not need to explain
how FFT works – you may treat it as a black box.

(b) In this part we will use the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm described in class
to multiply multiple polynomials together (not just two).
Suppose you have K polynomials P1, . . . , PK so that
degree(P1) + · · · + degree(PK) = S

(i) [6 marks] Show that you can find the product of these K polynomials in O(KS log S)
Hint: How many points do you need to uniquely determine an S-degree polynomial?

(ii) [12 marks] Show that you can find the product of these K polynomials in O(S log S log K)

Hint: consider using divide-and-conquer; a tree which you used in the previous
assignment might be helpful here as well. Also, remember that if x, y, z are all
positive, then log(x + y) < log(x + y + z)

4. Let us define the Fibonacci numbers as F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2 for all n ≥ 2.
Thus, the Fibonacci sequence looks as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, . . .

(a) [5 marks] Show, by induction or otherwise, that

Fn+1 Fn
Fn Fn−1


1 1
1 0n
for all integers n ≥ 1.

(b) [15 marks] Hence or otherwise, give an algorithm that finds Fn in O(log n) time.

5. Your army consists of a line of N giants, each with a certain height. You must designate
precisely L ≤ N of them to be leaders. Leaders must be spaced out across the line; specifically,
every pair of leaders must have at least K ≥ 0 giants standing in between them. Given
N, L, K and the heights H[1..N] of the giants in the order that they stand in the line as
input, find the maximum height of the shortest leader among all valid choices of L leaders.
We call this the optimisation version of the problem.

For instance, suppose N = 10, L = 3, K = 2 and H = [1, 10, 4, 2, 3, 7, 12, 8, 7, 2]. Then among
the 10 giants, you must choose 3 leaders so that each pair of leaders has at least 2 giants
standing in between them. The best choice of leaders has heights 10, 7 and 7, with the
shortest leader having height 7. This is the best possible for this case.

(a) [8 marks] In the decision version of this problem, we are given an additional integer T
as input. Our task is to decide if there exists some valid choice of leaders satisfying the
constraints whose shortest leader has height no less than T.

Give an algorithm that solves the decision version of this problem in O(N) time.

(b) [12 marks] Hence, show that you can solve the optimisation version of this problem in
O(N log N) time.