CSC209 A2


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1. Introduction

Archive managers are an important part of the overall *NIX and computer systems infrastructure.
Most of you have probably encountered zip , or perhaps rar and 7z files. They are the modern result
of programs that integrate multiple files into a single file known as an archive, and (in the case of the
examples I mentioned) also compress the resulting file into a smaller form than the starting files. The
program known as tar can trace its roots back to the original UNIX operating system, and stands for

tape-archive when magnetic tape (things like cassettes, sometimes in very large rolls) were used to
store backups instead of solid-state or spinning plate (hard) drives.
Unlike zip , rar and 7z files, tar files are not necessarily compressed, but they do allow you to store
files and directories (directory trees – as in directories with directories inside them, and so on), while also
preserving the usual metadata for files managed by a *NIX system, like permissions, owner and creation
dates. Check out the manual for tar if you are interested. Recall this means $ man tar – as usual.

You will be implementing a less fully featured program called kar that:
1. Creates an archive of the specified files/directories
2. Extracts files and directories from an existing kar file into the current working directory (overwriting
any existing files with the same names)
The challenge of the assignment will be maintaining a data-structure for multiple possible trees, not only
in memory, but to and from a single, linear file.

2. Submission files
Your final submission will consist of the same 6 files you received in your starter code, and nothing more.
You should not change the make file called Makefile the header kar_tree.h . Otherwise, you are free to
add as you please to kar.c , kar_tree.c , archive.c and extract.c .
Update, commit and push your repository with all of your work contained in the a2 folder. You should not
push any executables (including .o files) or testing files.

3. Feature sets

This assignment can be understood through progressively more difficult features that your final program
implements. This list is in the order we suggest that you implement things and includes a rough
percentage of the overall grade for the assignment:
1. 10% – Program features three commands: create , extract , and –help and a correct 8 message
( –help or error).
2. 15% – .kar archives storing a single file, and recovering the contents of this file e.g.
1. $ kar create a2.kar f1.txt successfully adds f1.txt to a (possibly new) archive a2.kar
2. $ kar extract a2.kar , if created with the previous example, will create the file f1.txt using the
archive a2.kar , overwriting any file with the same name in the current directory.

3. 10% – kar archive with multiple regular (non-directory) files.
1. $ kar create a2.kar f1.txt f2.txt successfully adds f1.txt and f2.txt to a (possibly new)
archive a2.kar
2. $ kar extract a2.kar , if created with the previous example, will create the files f1.txt and
f2.txt using the archive a2.kar , overwriting any files with the same name in the current

4. 15% – Creating a kar archive with a single directory, containing multiple regular files.
1. $ kar create a2.kar D1/ successfully adds the (non-empty) directory D1/ to a (possibly new)
archive a2.kar .
2. $ kar extract a2.kar , if created with the previous example, will create the directory D1/ using
the archive a2.kar , overwriting any folder with the same name in the current directory. Note that
the files contained within D1/ should also be extracted.

5. 20% – Creating a kar archive with a single directory with files and potential subdirectories (which
recursively could contain more subdirectories). Example is the same as previous feature, but may
also include directories within D1/
6. 10% – Creating a kar archive with multiple files and/or directories, such that any directory may have
recursive subdirectories.

1. This is the most general case of the previous two features. Creation might look something like
this: $ kar create a2.kar f1.txt D1/ , where D1/ contains f2.txt and D2/ , and D2/ contains
f3.txt .
2. $ kar extract a2.kar , if created with the previous example, will create the files f1.txt , f2.txt
and f3.txt using the archive a2.kar . Note that the directories D1/ and D2/ should also be
extracted, f1.txt should be in the current directory, f2.txt should be in D1/ , and f3.txt
should be in D2/ .

Notice that for each stage, we expect that you should be able to archive and extract the file(s) stored in
the archive. Furthermore, your kar program should be able to extract from archives created by another
solution that also implements the file format below and the solution should be able to extract from your

4. kar archive file format

Consider the following directory tree where each file starting with a capital D is a directory, and each file
starting with f is a regular file.
[dee@sputnik test]$ ls -R *
f1.txt D1
f5.txt D2 f2.txt
f4.txt f3.txt
Suppose now we executed kar as follows within this directory:
$ kar create archive.kar f0.txt D2F5/

The resulting file’s bytes should represent the following structure to be a valid kar archive (we’ve
assumed left-right ordering within each directory has been preserved, this is not necessarily the case,
see 5).
Beginning of file (0x0)
Header for f0.txt
All of the contents of f0.txt
Header for D2F5
Header for f1.txt
Contents of f1.txt
Header for D1
Header for f5.txt
Contents of f5.txt
Header for D2
Header for f4.txt
Contents of f4.txt
Header for f3.txt
Contents of f3.txt
Header for f2.txt
Contents of f2.txt

You can find this exact file for you to download HERE
( . Consider using hexdump
-C <archive.kar> to investigate the contents of your archives.
A more general description of the format is as follows: regular files feature a header immediately followed
by their contents.

Directories only feature a header, but are immediately followed by the appropriate
representations of the files contained within them. This can include directories, which will follow their
format recursively i.e. to complete archiving a directory, means it should have a header followed by all of
the representations of the files contained within it, before moving on to the next file in the same directory
as the original directory (that we started with). Writing recursive information can be confusing, make sure
you understand this format early on! Talk with your peers about it.

5. The “headers”

The headers in each kar file are the structs created to represent each file in our actual program. In
other words, the literal bytes that comprise the data-structures in the programwill be stored in the archive
The data-structure you will build consists of a linked list to represent all the files a user would like to
archive (the command line arguments), and then, for every file that is a directory, that node will
separately also link to another linked list for the contents of that directory… and so on… recursively.

should naturally lend itself to creating the file format we require. The order of the files within each
directory will not affect our programs’ operation or the correctness overall, so we will just use whatever
order the operating system provides the filenames to us in. This means, that the order from the example
in 4 may be slightly different (files in the same directory, might be in a different order), but the structure of
directory headers, followed by the file headers and data for that directory must be maintained.

Each node in our archive tree will represent one file (whether it is a directory or not), and will store some
properties of this file, but not the actual contents. The contents are written after a regular file’s header,
remembering that a directory has no contents in our scheme.

Look at the arch_tree_node struct . These structs can be connected to existing linked-lists through their
next_file pointer member, but also become the parent to a new linked list (that may branch into a tree)
when the particular node in question is a directory. You can do this through the dir_contents pointer.

6. Freeing memory

Grade percentage: 10% By the end of using kar for any purpose, you will need to free all memory that
you have allocated on the heap, anything else will be considered a memory leak and will not result in full
marks. Using valgrind will allow you to test for this particular problem.

Your main challenge here, will be freeing all the arch_tree_nodes successfully, and not losing track of
any of them. You might like to review PCRS Week 3: Dynamic Memory Video 5: Nested Data Structures
for a general review of what this means.

7. Error Handling

7.1. In general
You should check for errors resulting from system calls, like opening files or any memory you are
allocating. It is sufficient to simply check if the pointer returned by these functions is 0x0, in which case
there was an error. Your program should ultimately exit if malloc ever fails, but if file I/O fails it depends
on which command is being performed. See the example code in read_node for how this might look.

7.2. Creating archives

Failing to open a file (e.g. if it doesn’t exist) means you should just skip the file. If nothing was ultimately
added to the archive, some message (your choice) should be printed to stderr and kar should exit
with a value of 1.

7.3. Extracting archives
For the sake of simplicity we will only test extracting valid archives. A valid archive is one that conforms
to the 4 and has at least a single file archived within it. Thus, you do not need to handle empty files.
We will assume that you have the appropriate permissions for the current working directory, and do not
have to gracefully handle such an error. Feel free to do this if you like, but it is not required.

8. Usage

Your program should print the following usage string if the first argument to the program is –help , or
there was some sort of error processing arguments – this includes when the command specified was
none of the three expected options. This also specifies how your program should behave more generally.

You may print this message also at other times you deem reasonable.
Usage: kar [COMMAND] [ARCHIVE]
Creates or extracts files from the kar-formatted ARCHIVE.
COMMAND may be one of the following:
create [ARCHIVE] [FILES]
extract [ARCHIVE]

Creates an archive with the name specified in [ARCHIVE] consisting of the listed [FILES] which c
an include directories. Paths to the files are not preserved, each listed file is part of the top-le
vel of the archive. If [ARCHIVE] already exists, it is overwritten. Directories are added recursivel
y, such that all files within the directory are added to the archive.
Extracts the files from the [ARCHIVE] file into the current directory.
Prints this message and exits.
Note that the indents are constructed using 4 sequential spaces.

9. File I/O and Helpful system calls

Don’t forget to close files when you are done with them. If you have an open file pointer called file_ptr ,
it simply means adding close(file_ptr); .

9.1. Write Buffer
When archiving and extracting, we will need to be reading from one file and writing to another. We
expect you to do this in chunks, so that at the very least, the memory used by your program doesn’t fill

the entirety of the RAM – if you are archiving a large file. We have provided the constant
WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE for this exact purpose. You should read from the incoming file at most this much, then
write what was read to the outgoing file, and then repeat if necessary.

9.2. mkdir – making directories
We will use a new system call called mkdir available to us if we #include <sys/stat.h> . This function is
similar to saying $ mkdir <folder-name> , but differs insofar as it requires two arguments:
1. The name of the folder (as used at the command line)
2. A mode_t structure that describes the permissions for the file

The first argument should be straightforward, and the second can simply be the integer 750 . Recall that
permissions can be specified using an numeric format, see man chmod for more. Or look into Kerrisk Ch.
18 section 6 for more on mkdir .

9.3. opendir – getting a (DIR *)
Closing a directory is slightly different than other files, use closedir to make sure you’ve closed it. This
system call is largely like open for files, but is for directories.

9.3.1. readdir
Once you use opendir(<dir-name>); to get a DIR * . You can use the function readdir(<open-dirpointer-variable>) to get the name of each file in that directory. Each call to readdir will return a dirent
* , yet another type, representing the next file in the directory. When readdir returns 0x0 , there are no
more files to list.

One thing you need to watch out for, is that whenever you read from a directory like
this, there will be two special files named ’.’ (for a link to the current directory) and ’..’ for a link to the
parent directory. You will need to skip these files when making your archive!
You do not need to learn anything about dirent structs besides that it has a member called d_name for
the name of each file. You can see much more about this topic in Kerrisk Ch. 18 section 8.

9.4. struct stat
We have provided you with part of a function called create_tree_node in archive.c . This little snippet
includes the use of a function called stat and it populates a struct with information about the open
file. Some things you can retrieve from this include the size of the file in bytes through the member
st_size , and whether or not it is a directory, using S_ISDIR(st.st_mode); (assuming your stat variable is
called st).
You can find more information in Kerrisk Ch. 15 section 1.

10. Some notes on when you’ll see some of this in class
As you progress through the weeks of the course, topics from class will help you complete more of the
In week 4, we will be introducing the C struct , this will go a long way towards understanding how we
will represent and create the linked list. In the subsequent week, we will consider how you might write a
struct to a file.

11. Notes on style
Total grade percentage: 10%
The style grade is ultimately at the discretion of the TA responsible for grading your work. They will be
grading you according to the following principles:
1. Variable names are clear
2. Style such as indentation and bracketing is consistent throughout (caveat, the starter code need not

3. Functions are never exceedingly long (as in long strings of code, performing multiple functions in a
script-like fashion)
4. Helper functions are used when needed
Note that comments are not a necessity, but a human will be reading your work.

12. P.S. A Final Note (perhaps once you’re done)
Notice how we’ve managed to really efficiently use the space of our archive in this program. There is
minimal wasted space (the filename buffer is just about it). Some food for thought though: how difficult
would it be to add a new file to this program? We very well might have to re-write most if not all of the
bytes of the archive file, since we’ve imposed such a strict ordering to where everything goes.

Think a bit about how you might create an archive that would be more amenable to contents that
change. From this point, you aren’t very far from creating your own filesystem – where the OS manages
the tree structure, and accepts system calls like fopen and mkdir to update the directory structure.

Ideally, the directory tree structure is stored on the memory device (e.g. disk), rather than taking up
space in memory (i.e. RAM). Somehow, we would need to be much more flexible about the creation of
new files and making good use of space that might have been freed up by deleting other files. Whenever
you are reading the Kerrisk book, you might now have a better understanding of what motivates a topic
that frequently comes up: Inodes .
Author: Demetres (dee) Kostas, PhD