1. Create a Dropbox folder and name it EECE5550-spring19-LastnameFirstname and share it
with Professor Padir,
2. Consider a 3-dimensional workspace consis@ng of a mobile robot, a table, an external
sta@onary camera system, and an object on the table. Note that everyone will have a different
environment, and hence the solu@on to this problem will be individualized.
a) Create a visual of the workspace by labeling all distances and dimensions.
b) Assign the world, robot, camera, table, and object coordinate frames.
c) Using 4×4 homogeneous transforma@on matrices,
i) Express the robot coordinate frame with respect to the world coordinate frame.
ii) Express the table coordinate frame with respect to the world coordinate frame.
iii) Express the camera coordinate frame with respect to the table coordinate frame.
iv) Express the object coordinate frame with respect to the table coordinate frame.
v) Express the object coordinate frame with respect to robot coordinate frame.
d) Write a general equa@on that will relate the transforma@on matrix represen@ng the
object in robot coordinate frame in terms of the rest of the transforma@on matrices.
3. Complete the GePng Started, Coordinate System Transforma@ons, Robot Opera@ng System
(ROS), Sensor Data tutorials at hVps:// To
demonstrate your understanding of fundamentals of Mathworks RST, create a problem,
perhaps a scenario similar to ques@on 2, define your problem using specifics, and
demonstrate the solu@on. This is an personalized learning experience.