CS 570 – HW 6


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1 Integer Programming (20 Points)

In Linear Programming, variables are allowed to be real numbers. Consider
that you are restricting variables to be only integers, keeping everything else
the same.

This is called Integer Programming. Integer Programming is nothing
but a Linear Programming with the added constraint that variables be integers.
Prove that integer programming is NP-Hard by reduction from SAT.

2 HALF-SAT (20 points)

We know that the SAT problem is NP-complete. Consider another variant of the
SAT problem: given a CNF formula F, does there exist a satisfying assignment
in which exactly half the variables are true? Let us call this problem HALF-SAT.
Prove that HALF-SAT is NP-complete.

3 Taking courses (20 points)

There is a set of courses, each of them is represented by a set of disjoint time
intervals with the starting and finishing times. For example, a course could
require the time from 9am to 11am and 2pm to 3pm and 4pm to 5pm. You
want to know, given a number K, if it’s possible to take at least K courses.

You cannot choose any two overlapping courses. Prove that the problem is NPcomplete, which means that choosing courses is indeed a difficult thing in our
life. Use a reduction from the Independent set problem.

4 Approximation 1 (20 points)

It is well-known that planar graphs are 4-colorable. However finding a vertex
cover on planar graphs is NP-hard. Design an approximation algorithm to solve
the vertex cover problem on planar graph. Prove your algorithm approximation

5 Approximation 2 (20 points)

Consider the following heuristic to compute a minimum vertex cover of a connected graph G. Pick an arbitrary vertex as the root and perform depth first
search. Output the set of non-leaf vertices in the resulting depth first search

1. Show that the output is indeed a vertex cover for G.
2. How good is this approximation? That is, upper bound the ratio of the
number of vertices in the output to the number of vertices in a minimum