COMP642 Advanced Programming Object Oriented Programming Assignment 1


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Design and implement a system to manage group exercise classes in a gym. The goal is to
create a system that efficiently manages class enrolments, tracks attendance, and calculates
payments for gym members participating in group exercise sessions.

Required Classes
The GroupExercise Class:
• The GroupExercise class represents a single group exercise session at the gym.
• Attributes:
o The name of the group exercise class.
o The trainer assigned to conduct the class (an object of the Trainer class).
o The maximum capacity of the class.

o A list of participants (objects of the Member class) who have enrolled in the
o A list of gym members who are on the waitlist for the class.
o The fee amount for the class.
o A list of gym members (objects of the Member class) who have checked-in for
the class.

• Methods:
o Enrols a gym member into the group exercise class. If the class is full, the
member will be added to the waitlist.
o Removes a gym member from the enrolled list.
o Displays all gym members currently enrolled in the group exercise class.
o Assigns a trainer to conduct the group exercise class.

o Returns the number of gym members currently enrolled in the class.
o Returns the number of available slots for enrolment in the class.
o Sets the fee amount for the class.
o Calculates and returns the total payment received for the group exercise class
based on the number of enrolled members and the class fee.
o Marks a gym member’s attendance for the class.

o Calculates and returns the attendance percentage for the class, representing
the ratio of members checked-in to the total number of enrolled members.

The Member Class:
• The Member class represents a gym member.
• Attributes:
o The full name of the gym member.
o A unique membership number for the gym member.
o A list of group exercise classes (objects of the GroupExercise class) in which
the member is enrolled.

• Methods:
o Books enrolment in a group exercise class. If the class is already full, the
member will be added to the waitlist.
o Cancels enrolment in a group exercise class.
o Displays all booked group exercise classes.
The Trainer Class:
• The Trainer class represents a gym trainer.

• Attributes:
o The full name of the trainer.
o The specialisation or expertise of the trainer.
o A list of group exercise classes (objects of the GroupExercise class) assigned to
the trainer.

• Methods:
o Displays the list of group exercise classes assigned to the trainer.
o Adds a group exercise class to the list of classes assigned to the trainer.
The design of the classes must adhere to the object-oriented characteristics of abstraction
and encapsulation. All attributes of the class must be private but with public getter and
setter methods. Each class should contain:
• Private data members
• Getter and setter methods
• __init__() method
• Methods specific to the class
• __str__() method

Write a driver program to simulate the management of group exercise classes in a gym. You
do not need to provide a graphical user interface for this program; just use input and print

The driver program must be able to perform the following functionalities:
1. Create 2 GroupExercise objects, 5 Member objects and 2 Trainer objects.
2. Assign a trainer to each group exercise class.

3. Set the class fee for each group exercise class.
4. Set up specific member booking for a group exercise class.

5. Cancelling a specific member’s group exercise class.
6. Record a specific member checking in to a group exercise class.

7. Display the list of enrolled participants for a group exercise class.
8. Display the waiting list for a group exercise class.
9. Display the available slots for a group exercise class.

10. Display the number of participants enrolled in a group exercise class.
11. Display the number of wait list participants in a group exercise class.
12. Display the number of attendees for a group exercise class.

13. Display the attendance percentage for a group exercise class.
14. Display the total payment collected for a group exercise class.

15. Display the list of group exercise classes for which a specific member is enrolled.
16. Display the list of classes offered by a particular trainer.

Criteria Marks (out of 100)
GroupExercise Class 32
Member Class 9
Trainer Class 7
Driver 32
Coding style, comments, clear logic 20
Total 100
Marking Criteria
Classes and Driver
Percentage of mark for each criterion is based on the following:
• all requirements are met (81% – 100%)
• some requirements are met (51% – 80%)
• minimum requirements are met (1% – 50%)
Coding Style, Comments and Clear Logic
• good coding style, comments added where relevant and clear logic (16 -20)
• acceptable coding style, some comments added, and logic makes sense (10 – 15)
• acceptable coding style, poor comments, and poor logic (1 – 9)