CSCI204 Assignment 3


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Task 1: Template (8 marks)
1. ListNode
Define and implement a template class ListNode in a namespace MYLIB in a
file OrderedList.h, which has a template data member and two pointers
that point to the previous ListNode object and next ListNode object. Define
and implement necessary constructor(s) and other member functions in the file
2. OrderedList
Define and implement a template class OrderedList as a container in a file
OrderedList.h that can be used to store template data in a Doubly Linked
List (DLL) with nodes ordered by the data values from the smallest one to the
biggest one. Define two data members head and tail as pointers of
ListNode type. They point to the head and tail of a DLL.
3. iterator
Define a nested class iterator in the template class OrderedList that can
be used to traversal the DLL. It contains a data member of a ListNode
pointer points to a node in the DLL. Define constructors, overloading operators,
such as ++ (pre-fix and post-fix increment operator) that change an iterator
points to the next node, * (dereference operator) returns the data that the iterator
points to, and != (not equal) to compare two iterators in the class iterator.
Define a constructor, destructor for the template class OrderedList. Define
a member function begin() for the template class OrderedList that returns
an iterator object points to the beginning of the DLL. Define a member function
end() for the template class OrderedList that returns an iterator object
points to the end of the DLL. Define a member function insert(const T &)
for the template class OrderedList that take a template data as a parameter,
insert a new node with the data value into the correct location in the DLL.
Implement member functions for the template class OrderedList and nested
class iterator in the file OrderedList.h.
4. Student
Define a class Student in a file Student.h, which contains student number,
name and email. Define overloading insertion operator (<<) to print out data members of a Student object. Define overloading extraction operator (>>) to
get input data to a Student object. Define overloading comparison operator <= (or <) that compare two Students’ objects by their emails. Define necessary member functions, such as constructors, etc., for the class Student. Implement member functions, friend input operator, output operator for the class Student in a file Student.cpp. Download a file task1Main.cpp to test the DLL by different data (integers, doubles and Student objects). You will get data from the keyboard, add them into the ordered DLL, then print out results. Testing: You can compile the task 1 by CC –o task1 task1Main.cpp Student.cpp Then run the program like following (input data in red): ./task1 How many integers? 5 Input an integer: 18 Input an integer: 2 Input an integer: 13 Input an integer: 9 Input an integer: 7 Output integers: 2 7 9 13 18 How many doubles? 8 Input a double: 17.5 Input a double: 12.5 Input a double: 11.3 Input a double: 19.8 Input a double: 18.4 Input a double: 10.2 Input a double: 21.4 Input a double: 22.2 Output doubles: 10.2 11.3 12.5 17.5 18.4 19.8 22.2 31.4 How many student records? 4 Input number: 1234567 Input name: Cart Dong Input email: Input number: 1234568 Input name: Bob Smith Input email: Input number: 1234570 Input name: Mark Twain Input email: Input number: 1234571 Input name: Alice Montage Input email: Output students: 1234571, Alice Montage, 1234568, Bob Smith, 1234567, Cart Dong, 1234570, Mark Twain, You can download the testing file input1.txt from Moodle and save it into your working directory, test your program by using following method: ./task1 < input1.txt Note: Your program of task 1 should work on different testing data. Task 2: file I/O and manipulations (5 marks) Download the source code Date.h and Date.cpp from Moodle for this task. 1. Account Define a class Account in a file Account.h that contains data members account number, name, sex, date of birth (Date type), address and account balance. Define constructor(s), overloading operators, include assignment operator (=), less than and equals to operator (<=), insertion operator (<<), and extraction operator (>>) for the class Account. Define other
necessary member functions.
Implement member functions and overloading operators for the class Account
in a file Account.cpp.
Define you own manipulator Currency that takes two integers as width and
precision for the output of currency in the file Account.h. Implement the
manipulator Currency in the file Account.cpp. The manipulator Currency
will be used in the insertion operator for Account balance. The manipulator
Currency will set output currency symbol as “$”, the width of output currency, the
precision of currency and filled by zeros (‘0’s) if the width of currency is not long
Hint: Define fixed size char arrays instead of strings for some data
members defined in the class Account (such as name, address).
Hint: Use iomanip and Currency that defined to generate formatted
outputs for the account records.
2. AccountManagement
Define a class AccountManagement in a file AccountManagement.h that
contains a data member of a container OrderedList, which will be used to
store account records. Define member functions:
• loadData(const char *) will load Account record from a given text
file and store the records in the container of OrderedList.
• displayData() will use iterator of OrderedList object to traversal the
DLL and display formatted output data of accounts.
• saveData(const char *) will save the accounts from DLL to a given
binary file.
Implement the member functions in a file AccountManagement.cpp.
Download a file task2Main.cpp to test your task 2.
Use CC to compile the source files by
CC –o task2 task2main.cpp Account.cpp Date.cpp AccountManagement.cpp
and run the program by
./task2 accounts.txt accounts.dat
The output records on the screen can be found in a text file output2.txt.
The input text file accounts.txt can be downloaded from Moodle. The sorted
Account records will be saved in a binary file accounts.dat.
Note: Your solutions of task 2 should work on different testing data / files.
Task3: STL map and iterator (3 marks)
Use the source code files Date.h, Date.cpp, Account.h, and Account.cpp that
used in task 2.
1. AccountMap
Define a class AccountMap in a file AccountMap.h. It contains a data
member, which is a multimap container that can be used to store Account
records. The key of the container is a char pointer of account’s name. You will
define a comparison function CompareCharArrays to compare two char
arrays in the file AccountMap.h for the multimap object. For example:
multimap accounts
Define a destructor for the class AccountMap to release dynamic memory
allocated for the container to avoid memory leaks.
Define a member function loadData(const char *) for the class
AccountMap that load account records from a given binary file (created in task
2), insert the records into the multimap container.
Define a member function displayData() for the class AccountMap that
use iterator of the container to display all records.
Implement the member functions in a file AccountMap.cpp.
Download a file task3Main.cpp from Moodle to test your task 3.
Use CC to compile the source files by
CC –o task3 task3Main.cpp Account.cpp Date.cpp AccountMap.cpp
and run the program by
./task3 accounts.dat
The binary file accounts.dat is generated by your task 2. The outputs of this task
look like the results in a text file output3.txt.
Note: Your solutions should work on different testing data / files.
All assignments must be submitted electronically via the submit system. For this
assignment you must submit all the files via the command (in one line):
$ submit -u your_user_name -c CSCI204 -a 3 OrderedList.h Student.h
Student.cpp Account.h Account.cpp AccountManagement.h
AccountManagement.cpp AccountMap.h AccountMap.cpp
and enter input your password.
Make sure that you use the correct file names. The UNIX system is case sensitive. You
must submit all files in one submit command line.
After submit your assignment successfully, please check your email of confirmation. You
should keep the email for the reference.
Only the latest submission will be marked.
4. The submitted file names must be the same as in the submission example. Files with other
names will not be tested by the submit system and therefore will not be marked.
5. Enquiries about the marks can only be made within a maximum of 1 week after the assignment
results are published. After one week the marks cannot be changed.
6. The assignment is an individual assignment and it is expected that all its tasks will be solved
individually without any cooperation with the other students. If you have any doubts,
questions, etc. please consult your lecturer. Plagiarism will result in a FAIL grade being recorded
for that assessment task.