CS31 Programming Assignment 5 Rock On


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You have been contracted by the producers of the highly-rated Rock On game
show to write a program that lets fans play a home version of the game.

Here’s how one round of the game works:

The computer picks a secret word of four to six letters and tells the player how many letters are in the word.

The player tries to determine the secret word by presenting the computer with a series of probe
words. Each probe word is a four to six letter word. If the probe word is the
secret word, the player wins. Otherwise, the computer responds to the probe
word with two integers: the number of rocks and the number of pebbles. Rocks
and pebbles are pairings between a letter in the probe word and the same letter
in the secret word.

A rock is a pairing of a letter in the probe word and the same
letter in the secret word in the same position. A pebble is a pairing between a
letter in the probe word and the same letter in the secret word, but not in the
same position as in the probe word, provided the two letters are not involved in
a rock or another pebble. The player’s score for each round is the number of
probe words needed to get the correct word (counting the probe word that
matched the secret word).

As an example, suppose the secret word is EAGER. Here are some examples of
the rock and pebble counts for various probe words:
EERIE EERIE p p pr r rpp or r p p
0 r / 2 p 2 r / 1 p 1 r / 2 p 1 r / 2 p EAGER EAGER
EAGER EAGER AGREE BONUS GREASE CONDOR ppprp Your program must ask the player how many rounds to play, and then play that
many rounds of the game. After each round, the program must display some
statistics about how well the player has played the rounds so far: the average
score, the minimum score, and the maximum score.
Here is an example of how the program must interact with the player (player
input is in boldface):

How many rounds do you want to play? 3 Round 1 The
secret word is 5 letters long. Probe word: assert Rocks: 1,
Pebbles: 2 Probe word: xyzzy I don’t know that word.
Probe word: bred Rocks: 0, Pebbles: 2 Probe word: mucus Rocks: 0, PYou got it in 7 tries. Average: 7.00, minimum: 7,
maximum: 7 Round 2 The secret word is 5 letters long.
Probe word: eerie Rocks: 1, Pebbles: 2 Probe word: rave Rocks: 2, Pis 4 letters long. Probe word: monkey Rocks: 0, Pebbles: 0
Probe word: puma Rocks: 0, Pebbles: 0 Probe word: Hello Your probe word must be a word of 4 to 6 lower case letters. Probe word: stop
it Your probe word must be a word of 4 to 6 lower case letters.
Probe word: sigh You got it in 3 tries. Average:
4.67, minimum: 3, maximum: 7

Notice that unknown words and probe strings that don’t consist of exactly 4 to 6
lower case letters don’t count toward the number of tries for a round.
You can assume the player will always enter an integer for the number of
rounds (since you haven’t learned a clean way to check that yet). If the number
of rounds entered is not positive, write the message
The number of rounds must be positive.
(not preceded by an empty line) and terminate the program immediately.
The program will be divided across three files: rocks.cpp, which you will
write; utilities.h, which we have written and which you must not change;
and utilities.cpp, which we have written but you may modify in a limited
way. You will turn in only rocks.cpp; when we test your program, our test
framework will supply utility.h and our own special testing version
of utilities.cpp.

In order for us to thoroughly test your program, it must have at least the
following components:

• In rocks.cpp, a main routine that declares an array of C strings. This
array exists to hold the list of words from which the secret word will be
selected. The response to a probe word will be the number of rocks and
pebbles only if the probe word is in this array. (From the example
transcript above, we deduce that “xyzzy” is not in the array.) The
declared number of C strings in the array must be at least 9000. (You can
declare it to be larger if you like, and you don’t have to use every

Each element of the array must be capable of holding a C string of length
up to 6 letters (thus 7 characters counting the zero byte). So a declaration
such as char wordList[9000][7]; is fine, although something like char
wordList[MAXWORDS][MAXWORDLEN+1];, with the constants suitably defined,
would be stylistically better.

Along with the array, your main routine must declare an int that will
contain the actual number of words in the array (i.e., elements 0 through
one less than that number are the elements that contain the C strings of
interest). The number may well be smaller than the declared size of the
array, because for test purposes you may not want to fill the entire array.
Before prompting the player for the number of rounds to play, your main
routine must call loadWords (see below) to fill the array. The only valid
words in the game will be those that loadWords puts into this array.
If the player’s score for a round is not 1, the message reporting the score
must be
You got it in n tries.

where n is the score. If the score is 1, the message must be
You got it in 1 try.
• In utilities.cpp, a function named loadWords with the following
int loadWords(char words[][7], int maxWords);
(Instead of 7, you can use something like MAXWORDLEN+1,
where MAXWORDLEN is declared to be the constant 6, as in utilities.h.)
This function puts words into the wordsarray and returns the number of
words put into the array. The array must be able to hold at
least maxWords words. You must call this function exactly once, before
you start playing any of the rounds of the game. If your main routine
declares wordList to be an array of 10000 C strings and nWords to be an
int, you’ll probably invoke this function like this:
int nWords = loadWords(wordList, 10000);

We have given you an implementation of loadWords. (Don’t worry if you
don’t understand every part of the implementation.) It fills the array with
the four-to-six-letter words found in a file named Z:\words.txt that you
would put in the top level folder on your network drive (the Samba
Server) on a SEASnet Windows machine. You may use this 7265-word
file if you want a challenging game. If you want to use this
implementation of loadWords, but call the file something else or put it
somewhere else, change the string literal “Z:/words.txt” in the function
appropriately. (Note the use of the forward slash in the string literal.)
The comment in the loadWordsimplementation file tells you how to
change the file name string if you’re running on a different Windows
system, a Mac, or a SEASnet Linux server.

To do simple testing, you can change the implementation of loadWords to
something like this:
int loadWords(char words[][7], int maxWords) {
if (maxWords < 2)
return 0;
strcpy(words[0], “eager”);
strcpy(words[1], “goose”);
return 2; }

Whatever implementation of loadWords you use, each C string that it puts
into the array must consist of four to six lower case letters; the C strings
must not contain any characters that aren’t lower case letters.

The loadWords function must return an int no greater than maxWords. If it
returns a value less than 1, your main routine must write
No words were loaded, so I can’t play the game.
to cout and terminate the program immediately, without asking the
player for the number of rounds to play, etc.
When we test your program, we will replace utilities.cpp (and thus
any changed implementation of loadWords you might have made) with
our own special testing implementation.

If loadWords returns a value in the range from 1 to maxWords inclusive,
your program must write no output to cout other than what is required by
this spec. If you want to print things out for debugging purposes, write
to cerr instead of cout. When we test your program, we will cause
everything written to cerr to be discarded instead — we will never see
that output, so you may leave those debugging output statements in your
program if you wish.

• In rocks.cpp, a function named manageOneRound with the following
int manageOneRound(const char words[][7], int nWords, int
(Again, instead of 7, you can use something like MAXWORDLEN+1.)
Using words[wordnum] as the secret word, this function plays one
round of the game. It returns the score for that round. In the
transcript above, for round 1, for example, this function is
responsible for this much of the round 1 output, no more, no
Probe word: assert
Rocks: 1, Pebbles: 2
Probe word: xyzzy
I don’t know that word.
Probe word: bred
Rocks: 0, Pebbles: 2
Probe word: mucus
Rocks: 0, Pebbles: 0
Probe word: never
Rocks: 2, Pebbles: 2
Probe word: enter
Rocks: 1, Pebbles: 2
Probe word: river
Rocks: 3, Pebbles: 0
Probe word: raven
You got it in 7 tries.
Average: 7.00, minimum: 7, maximum: 7
Round 2
The secret word is 5 letters long.
Probe word: eerie
Rocks: 1, Pebbles: 2
Probe word: rave
Rocks: 2, Pebbles: 1
Probe word: agree
Rocks: 1, Pebbles: 4
Probe word: eager
You got it in 4 tries.
Average: 5.50, minimum: 4, maximum: 7

Your program must call this function to play each round of the
game. Notice that this function does not select a random number
and does nottell the user the length of the secret word;
the caller of this function does, and passes the random number as
the third argument. Notice also that this function does not write
the message about the player successfully determining the secret
word. If you do not observe these requirements, your program will
fail most test cases.

The parameter nWords represents the number of words in the array;
if it is not positive, or if wordnum is less than 0 or greater
than or equal to nWords, then manageOneRound must return −1
without writing anything to cout.

If for a probe word the player enters a string that does not
contain four to six lower case letters or contains any character
that is not a lower case letter, the response must be
Your probe word must be a word of 4 to 6 lower case letters.
If the player enters a string consisting of exactly four to six
letters, but that string is not one of the words in the array of
valid words, then the response must be
I don’t know that word.

To make things interesting, your program must pick secret words at
random using the function randInt, contained in utilities.cpp:
int randInt(int min, int max);
Every call to randInt returns a random integer between min and max,
inclusive. If you use it to generate a random position in an array
of ninteresting items, you should invoke it as randInt(0, n-1),
not randInt(0, n), since the latter might return n, which is not a
valid position in an n-element array.

Your program must not use any std::string objects (C++ strings); you
must use C strings.
You may assume (i.e., we promise when testing your program) that any
line entered in response to the probe word prompt will contain fewer
than 100 characters (not counting the newline at the end).

Your program must not use any global variables whose values may change
during execution. Global constants are all right; it’s perfectly fine
to declare const int MINWORDLEN = 4; globally, for example. The reason
for this restriction is that part of our testing will involve replacing
yourmanageOneRound function with ours to test some aspects of
your main function, or replacing your main with ours to test aspects of
yourmanageOneRound. For this reason, you must not use any non-const
global variables to communicate between these functions, because our
versions won’t know about them; all communication between these
functions must be through the parameters (for main to
tell manageOneRound the words, number of words, and secret word number
for a round), and the return value (for manageOneRound to tell main the
score for that round). Global constantsare OK because no function can
change their value in order to use them to pass information to another

Microsoft made a controversial decision to issue by default an error or
warning when using certain functions from the standard C and C++
libraries (e.g., strcpy). These warnings call that function unsafe and
recommend using a different function in its place; that function,
though, is not a Standard C++ function, so will cause a compilation
failure when you try to build your program under clang++ or g++.
Therefore, for this class, we do not want get that error or warning
from Visual C++; to eliminate them, put the following line in your
program before any of your #includes:

It is OK and harmless to leave that line in when you build your program
using clang++ or g++.

What you will turn in for this assignment is a zip file containing
these two files and nothing more:

1. A text file named rocks.cpp that contains main, manageOneRound,
and other functions you choose to write that they might call.
(You must notput implementations
of loadWords or randInt in rocks.cpp; they belong
in utilities.cpp.) Your source code should have helpful comments
that tell the purpose of the major program segments and explain
any tricky code.

2. A file named report.doc or report.docx (in Microsoft Word
format), or report.txt (an ordinary text file) that contains:

a. A brief description of notable obstacles you overcame.
b. A description of the design of your program. You should
use pseudocode in this description where it clarifies the
presentation. Document the design of your main routine and
any functions you write. Do not document
the loadWords or randInt functions.

Your report does not need to describe the data you might use to
test this program.
By November 16, there will be links on the class webpage that will
enable you to turn in your zip file electronically. Turn in the file by
the due time above.