Goals: understand and use functions in C++, including prototypes, function calls, and return
Finish the starter code. Use the existing function prototypes and descriptions to implement your
functions, and use function calls for each case in the switch statement.
You’ll write the functions below main and put your implementation in each function. This is a
stark difference from our past assignments as main will contain very little.
Use the comments in the starter code to inform yourself on how to implement each function.
Submit your completed Assignment6.cpp code, an output.txt file where you copy and paste the
output of each case showing they all work correctly, along with the provided Makefile in a single
zip folder named to blackboard by the due date.
Your submission should look like this:
Inside a .zip folder named
Inside the .zip folder, another folder named lastname_firstname_assignment6
Inside this folder: Assignment6.cpp, output.txt, and the provided Makefile
Provide at least 3 test cases for each function showing they work properly
Rubric: Total Points 75
Code compiles – no errors or warnings 5 points (0 total points for non-compiling
Function calls in each switch statement – no
implementation code inside the switch case
blocks, only function calls
10 points
Function implementation
-Print reverse: correctly prints the reversed
number (10 points)
-Odd Even Zero: correctly prints the number
of even, odd, and zero numbers (10 points)
-Print e: correctly approximates e depending
on the value given to the function (15 points)
35 Points
Comments- sufficient comments provided for
all implementations. This means roughly
every 5-10 lines of code there should be at
least one comment describing what is
10 points
Correct folder names and folder hierarchy 6 points
output.txt file contains at least three tests for
each function. Try to test “Edge cases” – think
about what might break the program (cause it
to crash), test it and show their program
9 points