1. (3 points) RNNs for images. In this exercise, we will develop an RNN-type architecture for
processing multi-dimensional data (such as RGB images). Here, hidden units are themselves
arranged in the form of a grid (as opposed to a sequence). Each hidden unit is connected from
the corresponding node from the input layer, as well as recurrently connected to its “top” and
“left” neighbors. Here is a picture:
Figure 1: 2D RNNs
The equation for the hidden unit is given as follows (assume no bias parameters for simplicity):
i,j = σ
i,j + Wlef th
i−1,j + Wtoph
a. Assume that the input grid is n × n, each input x
i,j is a c-channel vector, and the hidden
state h
i,j has dimension h. How many trainable parameters does this architecture have?
You can assume zero padding as needed to avoid boundary effects.
b. How many arithmetic operations (scalar adds and multiplies) are required to compute all
the hidden activations? You can write your answer in big-Oh notation.
c. Compare the above architecture with a regular convnet, and explain advantages/disadvantages.
2. (1 points) Attention! My code takes too long. In class, we showed that a regular self-attention
layer takes O(T
) time to evaluate for an input with T tokens. Propose a way to reduce this
running time to, say, O(T), and comment on its possible pros vs cons.
3. (2 points) Making skip-gram training practical. Suppose we have a dictionary containing
d words, and we are trying to learn skip-gram embeddings of each word using a very large
training corpus. Suppose that our embedding dimension is chosen to be h.
a. Calculate the gradient of the cross-entropy loss for a single target-context training pair of
words. What is the running time of calculating this gradient in terms of d and h?
b. Here is a second approach. Argue that the gradient from part a can be written as a
weighted average of some number of terms, and intuitively describe a sampling-based
method to improve the running time of the gradient calculation.
4. (4 points) Open the (incomplete) Jupyter notebook provided as an attachment to this homework
in Google Colab (or other cloud service of your choice) and complete the missing items. Save
your finished notebook in PDF format and upload along with your answers to the above theory
questions in a single PDF.