ECE 9123 Homework 3


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1. (2 points) Exercises in convolution. Suppose that the input is a 1D array (or signal; call it x).
Find (i.e., design by hand) a convolutional filter that produces the following output (call it y).
All you need to do is to specify the filter weights.
a. (Approximate) derivatives:
y[n] = x[n + 1] − x[n − 1].
b. (Approximate) second derivatives:
y[n] = x[n + 2] − 2x[n] + x[n − 2].
c. (Approximate) integrals:
y[n] = x[n − ∆] + x[n − ∆ + 1] + . . . + x[n + ∆ − 1] + x[n + ∆].
d. cross-correlations:
y[n] = X
x[i]x[i + n].
2. (2 points) 1 × 1 convolution. In the definition of a convolutional layer, if we have I input
channels, J output channels, and the filter size is chosen to be ∆ = 0, show that the operation
is equivalent to applying a regular dense layer in the channel domain. What is the number of
trainable parameters in this layer?
3. (2 points) The IoU metric. Recall the definition of the IoU metric (or the Jaccard similarity
index) for comparing bounding boxes.
a. Using elementary properties of sets, prove that the IoU metric between any two pair of
bounding boxes is always a non-negative real number in [0, 1].
b. If we represent each bounding box as a function of the top-left and bottom-right coordinates (assume all coordinates are real numbers) then argue that the IoU metric is
non-differentiable and hence cannot be directly optimized by gradient descent.
4. (4 points) In this programming exercise, we will explore the performance of three different
object detection networks. We will be using Detectron2, Facebook AI’s object detector library;
here is the repository. It will be helpful to go through the excellent tutorial here.
a. Download the following test image (a picture of pedestrians in Central Park). We will run
two different detectors on this image.
b. First, consider the COCO Keypoint Person Detector model with a ResNet50-FPN base
network, which is trained to detect human silhouettes. This can be found in the Detectron2
Model Zoo in the “COCO Keypoint” table. Use this model to detect as many silhouttes
of people in the test image as you can. You may have to play around with the thresholds
to optimize performance.
c. Second, repeat the above procedure, but with the Mask R-CNN model with ResNet50-
FPN backbone, available in the Model Zoo in the “COCO Instance Segmentation” table.
This time, you should be able to detect both people as well as other objects in the scene.
Comment on your findings.
d. It appears that the balloons in the test image are not being properly detected in either
model. This is because the COCO dataset used to train the above models does not
contain balloons! Following the tutorial code above, start with the above pre-trained
Mask R-CNN model and train a balloon detector using the (fine-tuning) balloon image
dataset provided here. Test it on the original test image and show that you are now able
to identify all the balloons.