In this assignment we are going to implement a set of functions to store and manage job
offers data. In all the problems we are going to use a subset of the NYC Jobs data obtained at
The job offers contain the following attributes (the order of the attributes is used
throughout the assignment):
J o b ID | Agency | # Of P o s i t i o n s | B u s i n e s s T i t l e | C i v i l S e r v i c e T i t l e | S a l a r y
Range From | S a l a r y Range To | S a l a r y F r e q u e n c y | Work L o c at i o n | D i v i s i o n / Work
U nit | Job D e s c r i p t i o n | Minimum Qual R e q ui r e m e nt s | P r e f e r r e d S k i l l s |
A d d i t i o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n | P o s t i n g Date
In this list, Job ID is a unique key generated for each job position and therefore the
same value of this attribute cannot appear more than once in the database.
A sample csv file with job offers can be found at:
Your task in this assignment is to model a file-based database to store jobs in a
structured way (one table? three tables? why?). To use the database you are writing a
python program that supports a set of actions on the database. Your database should be
persistent, which means that even after your program ends, the data should be stored
in text files for future use. To model the database, you should try to use the concepts
discussed in class. Please refer to
inputoutput.html for a tutorial on how to write files in python.
Commands and Input Files
Your program should receive an input file with a sequence of commands, and execute
them in your database (see list below). Each input file contain one command per line.
In the following we describe the set of commands that your program must support:
• clear
removes all the data in the database.
• insert|field_value1|field_value2|field_value3|…
adds a job offer into the database. As shown, it receives a set of field values in
the same order as in the example above, separated by “|”. If an attempt is made
to insert a job position with a Job ID that is already in the database, the insertion
should not happen.
• delete_all|field_name|field_value
deletes from the database all job offers for which field field_name = field_value.
• update_all|query_field_name|query_field_value| update_field_name|update_field_value
changes the value of the attribute update_field_name to update_field_value for
all job offers for which query_field_name = query_field_value.
• find|field_name|field_value
outputs all the job offers for which field_name = field_value. The attributes
should be printed in the same order as in the example above, and the job offers
should be sorted by the job Id.
• count|field_name|field_value
outputs the number of job offers for which field_name = field_value.
• dump
outputs all job offers in the databse, one per line. Columns should be in the same
order as in the example above, and jobs should be sorted by job Id.
• view field_name1|field_name2|field_name3|…
prints a view of the job offers with only the attributes field_name1| field_name2|field_name3|….
Columns should appear in the order specified in the view, and job offers should
be sorted by job Id.
Problem 0
Describe your strategy to store the database. Which files are you going to generate to
keep your database? Why? Try to relate to the concepts presented in class.
Problem 1
Consider the commands in
week2/lab/data/sample_data_problem_1.txt. They are equivalent to:
• clear
• insert|…
• insert|…
• …
• insert|…
• dump
This series of commands will clear the db and insert several jobs, possibly with
different IDs, and finally dump all job offers in the database. A line trying to insert a job with an existing job Id should be ignored, and dump should output all
job offers sorted by job Id, with the columns defined in section Data description,
as can be seen in
week2/lab/data/sample_output_problem_1.txt. Your job is to implement a insert() method so that the output is exactly as in the example.
Problem 2
Consider the commands in
week2/lab/data/sample_data_problem_2.txt. They are equivalent to:
• clear
• insert|…
• …
• insert|…
• update_all|query_field_name|query_field_value|update_field_name|update_field_value
• …
• update_all|query_field_name|query_field_value|update_field_name|update_field_value
• dump
This series of commands will clear the db and insert several jobs. After that, it will
execute a series of updates: all job offers that match the criteria query_field_name=query_field_value
will have their field update_field_name changed to update_field_value, and you should
print the number of job offers that were updated (possibly 0 when no job offer matches
the criteria). The output of the series of commands in the example can be seen in
sample_output_problem_2.txt. Your job is to implement a update_all() method
so that the output is exactly as in the example. You can assume update_field_name will
never be Job ID.
Problem 3
Consider the commands in
They are similar to:
• clear
• insert|…
• …
• insert|…
• delete_all|Job ID|4
• dump
This series of commands will clear the db and insert several jobs. After that, one
job will be deleted from the db. You have to implement the command delete_all such
that it receives a field_name (in this example Job ID) and a field_value (in this example
4), and deletes all jobs with field_name equal to field_value. In this example input, the
job with Job ID 4 will be deleted.
The output of this series of commands can be seen in
Your job is to implement a delete_all() method so that the output is exactly as in
the example. If no job satisfy the criteria, just ignore the command.
Problem 4
Consider the commands in
They are similar to:
• clear
• insert|…
• …
• insert|…
• delete_all|Agency|HRA
• dump
Notice that we are no longer deleting the job by its ID. The command delete_all
must be general now and support deletes per arbitrary fields. The command must delete
all jobs such that the field_name (in this example Agency) is equal to field_value (in
this example HRA).
The output of this series of commands can be seen in
Your job is to modify your delete_all() method so that the output is exactly as in
the example.
Problem 5
Consider the commands in
week2/lab/data/sample_data_problem_5.txt. They are equivalent to:
• clear
• insert|…
• …
• view|field_name1|field_name2|…
This series of commands will clear the db, insert several jobs, with different IDs.
After that, we are creating a view with specific columns. The output of this series of
commands can be seen in
week2/lab/data/sample_output_problem_5.txt. Your job is to implement a view() method so that the output is exactly as in the example, i.e., only the
selected columns are shown (in the specified order), and job offers are ordered by job
offer Id.
Problem 6
Consider the commands in
week2/lab/data/sample_data_problem_6.txt. They are equivalent to:
• clear
• insert|…
• …
• find|field_name|field_value
• …
• find|field_name|field_value
This series of commands will clear the db, insert several jobs, with different IDs.
After that, we are searching for job offers per specific field names and field values, and
outputting nothing when no job offer matches the criteria, or the full job offers which
have field_name=field_value. The output of this series of commands can be seen in
sample_output_problem_6.txt. Your job is to implement a find() method
so that the output is exactly as in the example, i.e., when searching for an inexistent
field_value, print nothing| otherwise print the job offers that match the find criteria,
with the columns in the same order as detailed in section Data description, and ordering the job offers by job offer Id.
Setting up
If you have not done yet, refer to assignment 1 for instructions on how to have Python
in your system.
You are given a sample code for you to use (it is optional). This code contains a possible structure for the code as well as hints for you to implement the required functionalities. You can find the sample code here
Please name the file with your solution to this assignment as Your code
should get the name of the file with the commands to be executed, and output the result
as specified as in the example:
> p yt h o n s o l u t i o n . py s am pl e _ d at a _ p r o bl em _ 1 . t x t
1 |DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS | 1 | A s s i s t a n t |AGENCY ATTORNEY| 6 6 9 7 0 | 9 2 0 0 0 |
Annual | N.Y . | G e n e r al C o u n sel ’ s O f f i c e | R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s | A dmi s si o n | |
| 0 8 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 4 0 0: 0 0: 0 0
2 |HRA | 1 | SCIENTIST | SCIENTIST | 7 1 2 2 0 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 | Annual |NY | O f f | The O f f i c e |
A s si g nm e nt | C a n d i d a t e s must ha ve | | 0 7 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 4 0 0: 0 0 : 0 0
3 | DESIGN | 1 | C oll e g e Aide | COLLEGE AIDE | 1 4 | 1 7 | H o u rl y |NY | ITS | COLLEGE | L e v el
I | P r e f e r e n c e | | 0 7 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 4 0 0: 0 0: 0 0
4 |HRA | 1 | PROCUREMENT ANALYST |MANAGER| 4 9 4 9 2 | 9 0 0 0 0 | Annual | B r o o kl y n |
P r o c u r em e nt | F i n a n c i a l | b a c c a l a u r e a t e | | P468 | 0 8 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 4 0 0: 0 0 : 0 0
5 |LAW DEPARTMENT | 1 | A s s e s s o r | ASSESSOR | 4 0 6 2 3 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 | Annual | Queens | Tax |
s u p e r v i s i o n | b a c c a l a u r e a t e | e l i b i g i b l e | | 1 1 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 3 0 0: 0 0: 0 0
Any questions should be sent to the teaching staff (Instructor Role and Teaching Assistant Role) through the NYU Classes system.
How to submit your assignment?
Your assignment should be submitted using the NYU Classes system. Create a zip file
with your source code and a text file with your answer to Problem 0 (do not
submit the data files). Name the zip file as, changing NetID
to your NYU Net ID.
The grading is going to be done by a series of tests and manual inspection when required. Make sure your code runs on the sample datasets as specified to minimize the
need for manual inspection of the code, which can be very subjective.