1. (10 points) Assume that you have 4 samples each with dimension 3, described in the data
matrix X,
X =
3 2 1
2 4 5
1 2 3
0 2 5
For the problems below, you may do the calculations in python (or R or Matlab). Explain your
calculations in each step.
a. Find the sample mean.
b. Zero-center the samples, and find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the data covariance
matrix Q.
c. Find the PCA coefficients corresponding to each of the samples in X.
d. Reconstruct the original samples from the top two principal components, and report the
reconstruction error for each of the samples.
2. (10 points) In class, we analyzed the per-iteration complexity of k-means. Here, we will prove
that the k-means algorithm will terminate in a finite number of iterations. Consider a data set
X = {x1, . . . , xn} ∈ R
a. Show that the k-means loss function can be re-written in the form:
F(η, µ) = Xn
ηijkxi − µjk
where η = (ηij ) is a suitable binary matrix (with 0/1 entries). Provide a precise interpretation of η.
b. Show that each iteration of Lloyd’s algorithm can only decrease the value of F.
c. Conclude that the algorithm will terminate in no more than T iterations, where T is some
finite number. Give an upper bound on T in terms of the number of points n.
3. (10 points) Using the Senate Votes dataset demo’ed in Lecture 11, perform k-means clustering
with k = 2 and show that you can learn (most of) the Senators’ parties in a completely
unsupervised manner. Which Senators did your algorithm make a mistake on, and why?
4. (20 points) The Places Rated Almanac, written by Boyer and Savageau, rates the livability of
several US cities according to nine factors: climate, housing, healthcare, crime, transportation,
education, arts, recreation, and economic welfare. The ratings are available in tabular form,
available as a supplemental text file. Except for housing and crime, higher ratings indicate
better quality of life. Let us use PCA to interpret this data better.
a. Load the data and construct a table with 9 columns containing the numerical ratings.
(Ignore the last 5 columns – they consist auxiliary information such as longitude/latitude,
state, etc.)
b. Replace each value in the matrix by its base-10 logarithm. (This pre-processing is done
for convenience since the numerical range of the ratings is large.) You should now have a
data matrix X whose rows are 9-dimensional vectors representing the different cities.
c. Perform PCA on the data. Remember to center the data points first by computing the
mean data vector µ and subtracting it from every point. With the centered data matrix, do
an SVD and compute the principal components.
d. Write down the first two principal components v1 and v2. Provide a qualitative interpretation of the components. Which among the nine factors do they appear to correlate the
most with?
e. Project the data points onto the first two principal components. (That is, compute the
highest 2 scores of each of the data points.) Plot the scores as a 2D scatter plot. Which
cities correspond to outliers in this scatter plot?
f. Repeat Steps 2-5, but with a slightly different data matrix – instead of computing the
base-10 logarithm, use the z-scores. (The z-score is calculated by computing the mean µ
and standard deviation σ for each feature, and normalizing each entry x by x−µ
). How
do your answers change?