
COMP-421/764 Database Systems Written Assignment 3: MapReduce and Pig Latin

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Ex. 1 — Using MapReduce in Social Media(3 Points)
A common element of many social networking applications is to find a list of friends that you have in common with
another person. Many applications store the list of friends associated with a person in a structure similar to what is
given below (Joe’s friends list).
Joe, (Abe,Jane,Ali,Zack)
Further, if Ali is a friend of Joe, with a friend list,
Ali, (Sheila,Jane,Zack,Mary)
Their common friends would be (Jane,Zack).
It is often useful to pre-compute such lists in advance so that it is readily available when needed (say when Ali visits
Joe’s profile page.). For example, we can store the above information as
(Ali,Joe), (Jane,Zack)
Where the first tuple functions as the key (used by the application to lookup), and the second tuple is the value
(common friends list).
In our simplified system, we will assume that we need to have this information only when someone visits an immediate
friend’s profile page. We will also assume that any friendship is mutual. Names are unique.
(a)Design a MapReduce workflow that will take as input the person information data set given above (assume the
person’s name is the key and the friends list is the value). It should produce a pre-computed list of common
friends for each pair of people who are friends. Write some simple comments in the design about your logic.
(b)The application trying to retrieve the common friend list of X and Y when X is visting Y’s profile will lookup the
list associated with (X,Y).
(c)Does the MapReduce workflow design store information that is practically duplicate? If so what can you do to
remove this from your MapReduce workflow and what change can you do to the application’s lookup strategy
to address this?
(d)Once you have developed your workflow, give a couple of examples of what the input and output of each mapper
and reducer in your workflow would look like. Writing this down as you develop your design may help you notice
and fix any logical mistakes.
Turn in:- Your solution (typed) in assignment3.pdf under a section Q1.
Ex. 2 — Using MapReduce and Relational Operations(5 Points)
Consider two data sets that follow the model given below.
Hospital(Hname, Province)
Patient(HInsurNum, age, Hname) Hname references Hospital
Design a MapReduce workflow that will read these data sets and produce in its final output, provinces that have
more than 100 patients in their hospitals who are above the age of 60 and the total number of such patients in each
province. (An example output is given below)
PQ, 3 5 2
ON, 2 8 4
Make sure to include some comments, example inputs and outputs for each of the mappers and reducers, etc.,
Turn in:- Your solution (typed) in assignment3.pdf under a section Q2.
Ex. 3 — PigLatin – Warmup(0 Points)
The goal of this exercise is to help you verify that you are able to acess the MapReduce cluster and execute Pig Latin
The data set used for all the Pig Latin questions are based on a modfied version of the Covid data set provided by
stats Canada1 which is already loaded into the HDFS. The individual records of the data set is basically the covid
related summary captured for each province / territory for a day.
This data set contains the following fields:
1.prname → Name of the Canadian province / territory.
2.idate → the day for which the data is captured.
3.newcases → the number of new cases reported on that day.
4.newdeaths → the number of deaths reported on that day.
5.tests → the number of tests conducted on that day.
6.recoveries → the number of recoveries reported on that day.
You are provided with an example.pig script, that contains the necessary LOAD instructions to load the data from
HDFS to a schema described above. You should be able to reuse this for the remaining exercises.
It is important that you read through the supporting PigLatinInstructions-vvv.pdf file before starting to write
and execute the Pig Latin scripts.
You can either run the script as it is by passing the script as an argument.
$ pi g example . pi g
or by starting pig by itself first
$ pi g
and then copy pasting each statement by itself (for interactive programming).
The example script is attempting to answer the question as to when was the first case reported in Quebec.
The script starts by first selecting only those records from the data set that belongs to Quebec and has new cases
above zero. In the next step, it then projects only the date associated with the data set (as that is the only field
required in the output). The script then sorts this data by the date. Finally, the script limits the output to the first
record (which is the date on which the first case was reported as per the information in the data set).
We can see that in many ways these individual steps are similar to those performed during query evaluation, except
that the onus is on the programmer to figure out the order of execution of the steps instead of the data management
system performing an optimized order.
The script will take a couple of minutes to run and produce a lot of messages. At the end, you should be able to see
an output like this (truncated for brevity).
. . .
. . .
Turn in:- Nothing.
Ex. 4 — PigLatin – Covid Recovery Info (3 Points)
In this task, we will try to find the days in quebec when the number of recoveries were at least twice as much as the
number of cases reported on that day. However, for this purpose, we will only consider those days where there were
at the least 50 new cases as well as at the least 100 recoveries.
•Start by making a copy of example.pig to Q4.pig.
•Modify the selection condition to select only those records with at the least 50 new cases as well as at the least50
•Modify the projecton condition to include the date, the number of cases, recoveries and the ratio of recoveries
to newcases (not percentage) in the output. (You may have to do some programming language tricks like
multiplication with 1.0 if you want to force Pig Latin to perform floating point division).
•Filter the above to select only those with a ratio of 2.0 or above.
•Order this by the date and print the results to the screen.
•Once you have the script completed and is satisfied with its output, execute it the following way (for submission
$ pi g Q4. pi g > Q4. l o g 2>&1
•The output of your script should contain the date, number of new cases, number of recoveries and their ratio in
that order of attributes. The result part of your script’s output should follow the example format below as-is
(truncated for brevity).
. . .
(2020 −06 −10 ,157 ,643 ,4.095541401273885 )
(2020 −06 −15 ,130 ,478 ,3.676923076923076 )
. . .
Make sure that the log file also contains the various information that pig has been producing and not just the
final results. If those log information from pig is missing, points will be deducted.
Turn in:- Q4.pig and Q4.log
Ex. 5 — PigLatin – Covid Mortality (5 Points)
(a)Write a Pig Latin script Q5.pig that will compute the total number of deaths per province. Include only those
provinces with 100 or more total deaths. Order the output with the provinces with the highest death tally on
the top.
(b)Similar to previous exercise, also produce Q5.log.
(c)What does the schema look like immediately after you perform the GROUP operation step? Include this under a
section Q5 in your assignment3.pdf.
(d)The output of your script should contain the name of the province, and the total mortality in that order of
attributes. The result part of your script’s output should follow the example format below as-is (truncated for
. . .
( Some P rovince , 2 9 6 6 )
( Another P rovince , 1 0 4 2 )
. . .
Turn in:- Q5.pig and Q5.log (and the contents in assignment3.pdf).
Ex. 6 — PigLatin – Covid Mortality Rate in Quebec (8 Points)
(a)Write a Pig Latin script that produces a list of highest mortality days of Quebec. We will define such days as
those days with the number of deaths being at 1% or more of the total number of deaths reported from Quebec
across the entire data set. You can make use most of the logic from the previous question to start with. At
some point, you will have to perform a join of that aggreggated data set with the Quebec data for individual
days to compute deaths/totaldeaths.
(b)Similar to previous exercise, also produce Q6.log.
(c)What does the schema look like immediately after you perform the JOIN operation step? Include this under a
section Q6 in your assignment3.pdf.
(d)The output of your script should contain the date, number of reported deaths on that day and what percent
it composes of the total deaths from the province. The result part of your script’s output should follow the
example format below as-is (truncated for brevity).
. . .
(2020 −05 −03 ,130 ,1.210202941724073)
(2020 −05 −06 ,115 ,1.070564140755911)
. . .
Turn in:- Q6.pig and Q6.log (and the contents in assignment3.pdf).
NO Handwritten / scanned submissions are accepted for this assignment.
This discussion is pertaining to Exercises Ex.1 and Ex.2.
• Your solutions should have only Mapper and Reducer functions. DO NOT use the Combine functionality.
• When implementing a solution, remember that in some cases you may need more than one MapReduce job to
accomplish a task (Output of one MapReduce’s Reducer forms the input of another’s Mapper).
• Each MapReduce step goes through the disk in order to pass data to the next step in the process. Therefore,
come up with a solution that will reduce the number of MapReduce jobs required as well as reduce the amount
of data that will have to flow from one part of the MapReduce process to the next one (think of some of the
simple concepts we applied for query evaluation).
• You can follow the pseudo-code syntax as was shown in class. Our primary interest is to see if you know how
to design the workflows to pick the right key/value for the input/output of mappers and reducers and have an
understanding of the internal logic that you should put inside these functions. Please do not write Java code,
Pig Latin
This discussion is pertaining to Exercises Ex.3 through Ex.6.
• Watch the tutorial and try to do the statements along side (type it by yourself). This is a good way to get
warmed up to the Pig Latin statements before you tackle the assignment problems.
• Your code does not have to be optimized.
• Remember, the DESCRIBE command can be very handy to figure out if the schema of your data set is changing
as it goes through some of the complex steps (such as JOIN and GROUP). Trying to access attributes incorrectly
may result in pig throwing errors that can be confusing and frustrating. So use this command to investigate
it. You can leave the DESCRIBE commands in your submission scripts if you would like to or comment them
off, once their purpose is served. They are locally interpreted by the pig client and therefore has no significant
• If you are debugging, it is recommended to run pig interactively rather than using a script. That way, you can
adjust the logic as required, run DESCRIBE commands, etc., without having to start the execution from scratch
as executing a workflow end-to-end can take a few minutes.
• Use the DUMP command in the intermediate steps to help you debug to see if you got the logic correct up to
there. You can comment it out once your are done with your work. Your final submission should have only one
DUMP command for your final result. Remember! every DUMP command triggers the execution of the MapReduce
framework. Verify the log files that you are submitting to ensure that it clearly displays the final (expected)
• You must not use the STORE command to store anything into the HDFS. Your scripts can also run into problems
if it encounters results already stored in the HDFS.
• The example outputs given above are not based on actual solution outputs. So do not try to reproduce those
values.The examples are there to show the expected formats. Operations such as GROUP can have impact on the
data format. It is important that you learn what happens in those circumstances and how you can transform
the data back to the required format.
• Your final output (results) format must not be nested, but flat (as shown in the examples.). Below is an
example of a format that is not acceptable.
Instead, it should be of the following format.
Explore the FLATTEN command if you have trouble addressing this.
What to turn in
assignment3.pdf that contains the two MapReduce pseudo-code solutions as well as the extra information requested
for the Pig Latin questions. The Pig Latin scripts and log files themselves: Q4.pig, Q4.log, Q5.pig, Q5.log, Q6.pig
and Q6.log. Ensure that your log files have any information that pig has been producing (not just the results) and
most importantly, also the intended final result.
You may tar or zip your submission if you have to, but make sure that you verify your submission contains all
the files and they are correct. There will be no accommodation for submitting incorrect files.
Questions ?
Please use Piazza for any clarifications you need. Do not email the instructor or TAs as this leads to a lot of duplicate
questions and responses (not an efficient system). Please check the pinned post “A3 general clarifications” before
you post a new question. It might have been already addressed there, in which case we will not address it again.
Remember, you have access to the dataset in the HDFS. So any questions of the form “is Y a possible value for
attribute X” can be answered by yourself by looking (analyzing) that data.
There will be specific TA office hours for the assignment that will be announced closer to the due date.