CS31 Programming Assignment 2 Sales Tax Payment Calculator


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Here is an example of a dialog for the program I am asking you to create (user input is
in boldface):
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: January
Provide the day: 1
Provide the year: 2021
Please pay a total of $33.06

In addition to correctly calculating the total payment answer, which includes all necessary
taxes, your program needs to handle errors as shown below:
State Name: texas
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: January
Provide the day: 2
Provide the year: 2020
Invalid state!
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: -30.56
Provide the month: January
Provide the day: 2
Provide the year: 2020
Invalid amount!
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: January january
Provide the day: 2
Provide the year: 2020
Invalid month!
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: February
Provide the day: -10
Provide the year: 2000
Invalid day!
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: March
Provide the day: 3
Provide the year: -101
Invalid year!
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: 10
Provide the day: -101
Provide the year: -101
Invalid month!
State Name: Soth dakota
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: January
Provide the day: 2
Provide the year: 2020
Invalid state!
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: 0
Provide the month: January
Provide the day: 2
Provide the year: 2020
Invalid amount!
State Name: Georgia
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: march
Provide the day: 2
Provide the year: 2020
Invalid month!
State Name: north Carolina
Purchase amount: -9
Provide the month: February
Provide the day: -10
Provide the year: 2000
Invalid state!
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: March
Provide the day: 3
Provide the year: 2028
Invalid year!
State Name: Texas
Purchase amount: 30.56
Provide the month: jan
Provide the day: -101
Provide the year: 2028
Invalid month!
These are the data validation rules I want your program to enforce:
– the first letter of the state name must be capitalized
– For state names with two words, both words need to be capitalized.
– the purchase amount must be a positive number greater than 0 (zero).
– the first letter of the month must be capitalized
– the day must be between 1 and 31 (you do not have to validate if the day is correct for the
corresponding month. For example, February 31 is OK).
– the year must be between 1 and 2025
Your program must gather the state name, purchase amount, month, day and year, in that
specific order. You should gather all inputs first before checking for any errors. If
you detect more than one error, write only the error message for the first erroneous input
item, as shown above.
A sales tax table is provided for your reference to develop your algorithm to calculate the
total payment. The total payment should be the purchase amount plus the required state,
local, and levy add-on sale taxes. The State column on the table has the name of all 50
states. The stateTaxRate column has the state sales tax rate (in percentage), the
avglocalTaxRate column has the local sales tax rate (in percentage). You can assume that all
cities and counties in that state use the avglocalTaxRate to collect their sales tax shares. The
Levy (add-on) column has the extra sales tax (in percentage) that the local government
wants to collect. The Free Tax Dates column specifies dates that no sales tax is required
(including the levy add-on). The total payment should be the same as the purchase amount
on free tax dates. Keep in mind that not all states have free tax dates.
Your program must collect the information for one purchase in the manner indicated by the
examples and then write to cout exactly one line in the format required below. We will judge
the correctness of your program by examining your output. Your program’s output must be
in one of the following four forms; the text must be identical to what is shown (except that
the italicized portions described below ):
• If the user enters a state name that is different than what is in the sales tax table:
Invalid state!
• If the user enters a purchase amount that is not a positive number (with or without
decimal places) that is greater than 0 (zero):
Invalid amount!
• If the user enters a month value which is not “January”, “February”, “March”,
“April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November” or
Invalid month!
• If the user enters a day value less than 1 or greater than 31:
Invalid day!
• If the user enters a year value less than 1 or greater than 2025:
Invalid year!
• Otherwise:
Please pay a total of $xx.xx
xx xx is the calculated total payment amount with two decimal places. You will need
to have two decimal places regardless (for example, 36.00 should not be output as
• Your program’s output must not start with any spaces. If you are not a good speller
or typist, or if English is not your first language, be especially careful about
duplicating the messages exactly. Here are some foolish mistakes that may cause
you to get no points for correctness on this project, no matter how much time you
put into it:
• Writing any extra spaces on the output line.
• Writing more than one line of output. Don’t, for example, add a gratuitous “Thank
you for using my great sales tax program!”
• Writing lines to cerr instead of cout .
• Writing lines like these:
Please pay a total of 33.06 missing $ sign
Please pay a totl of $33.06 misspelling
please pay a total of $33.06 lower case p in the word please
Please pay a total of $ 33.06 extra spaces
Please pay $33.06 missing words
You will not write any loops in this program. This means that each time you run the
program, it handles only one purchase calculation. It also means that in the case of bad
input, you must not keep prompting the user until you get something acceptable; our
grading tool will not recognize that you’re doing that. Also, no user-defined functions.
The correctness of your program must not depend on undefined program behavior. Your
program could not, for example, assume anything about n ‘s value at the point indicated:
int main()
int n;
int m = 42 * n; // n’s value is undefined

What you will turn in for this assignment is a zip file containing these two files and nothing
1. A text file named payment.cpp that contains the source code for your C++
program. Your source code should have helpful comments that tell the purpose of the
major program segments and explain any tricky code.
2. A file named report.doc or report.docx (in Microsoft Word format)
or report.txt (an ordinary text file) that contains your name :
a. A brief description of notable obstacles you overcame. (In Project 1, for
example, some people had the problem of figuring out how to work with more
than one version of a program in Visual C++.)
b. A list of the test data that could be used to thoroughly test your program,
along with the reason for each test. You don’t have to include the results of the
tests, but you must note which test cases your program does not handle
correctly. (This could happen if you didn’t have time to write a complete
solution or if you ran out of time while still debugging a supposedly complete
The writeup Some Things about Strings tells you what you need to know about strings for
this project.
As you develop your program, periodically try it out under another compiler (g++ if you’re
doing your primary development using Visual C++, or Visual C++ if you’re doing your
primary development using clang++ or g++ (e.g., with Xcode on a Mac)). Sometimes one
compiler will warn you about something that another is silent about, so you may be able to
find and fix more errors sooner. If running your program under both environments with the
same input gives you different results, your program is probably relying on undefined
behavior (such as using the value of an uninitialized variable), which we prohibit.