Neural networks with nonlinear activation functions and hidden layer(s) can behave as
universal function approximators. In this problem set, you will set up a neural network
with two inputs (plus a bias), a number of “hidden” nodes in an intermediate layer (plus
bias) and a single output node. The objective is to fit data points with a smooth function
by adjusting the weights of the connections between layers.
The training data for this assignment corresponds to the XOR classification problem.
Your neural-net code should fit the training data at the four corners and should have a
smooth surface in the interior.
Starter code is provided. The main file “ps4_fdfwd_net.m” uses 6 functions, also
included. (Three of these are optional diagnostic and visualization functions). The key
function is “compute_W_derivs.m”, which is far from complete. You will need to insert
the necessary code for computing back-propagation derivatives.
Calls to the functions numer_est_Wji.m and numer_est_Wkj.m perform an alternative
estimation of dEsqd/dw terms by numerical approximation. You should prove that your
analytic computation matches the values of these estimates. Include proof in your
Once dE/dW is debugged, you can comment out the debug tests and let your code fit the
training data. Evaluate the influence of number of interneurons and choice of epsilon for
gradient-descent computations. Include a plot of your function fit. Comment on
convergence rates. (note: “for” loops in Matlab can run very slowly—so be patient!).
Repeat the functional fit using Matlab‟s neural-net toolbox. Edit the M-file
nntbox_example.m. Read about how to use newff(), init(net), train() and sim().
Experiment with „purelin‟ vs „tansig‟activation functions for the output layer. Comment
on the influence of number of interneurons and speed of convergence.