
Assignment Simple Graph

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CSCI 340 – Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Data Structure: Graph <BR>
Programming Focus: General programming in c++
Simple Graph
For this computer assignment, you are to write a C++ program to implement several graph
algorithms on simple graphs. These graphs are implemented with adjacency list
representation. The Graph class is already defined in the header file graph.h and included as
part of this repository.
The graph is created from a text file that contains the adjacency matrix representation of a
graph. The first line of the file is an integer n indicating the number of vertices in the graph.
Next there is a (n+1)×(n+1) table where the first row and the first column are names of
vertices. The table records edges of the graph. Integer 1 indicates an edge exists between a
pair of vertices. Integer 0 indicates no edge.
For a given graph size, each vertex of a graph can be referenced by index values 0, 1, …, (
size − 1 ); however, vertices of a graph are labeled consecutively by capital letters, starting
from A, which corresponds to the index value 0. Use index values when you refer to a vertex in
a graph in implementing the algorithms; use vertex labels only in printing. The edges are
recorded in the data member adj_list, which is a vector object. The vertex labels are
recorded in the data member labels, which is also a vector object. For example, you can use
labels[0] to get the name of the first vertex, and adj_list[0] to get the list of edges
(recorded as integer indexes of destination vertices) from the first vertex as the source.
The source file already contains the complete main function. Implement ALL
member functions of the Graph class and put your implementations of these functions in (You can certainly insert inline code in the header file when the implementation of a
member function only involves at most of couple of lines of code.)
Programming Notes:
Several functions are described in more details below:
Graph::Graph(const char* filename) This is the constructor. It reads data in from
the input file of the graph given in adjacency matrix representation and builds the
graph with a adjacency list representation. This method sets the value of size, builds
the vectors labels and adj_list. For example, for the following line of input: D 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
Add edges to adj_list[3], which records edges starting from vertex D, by adding
values 1 and 4, which are indexes for vertices B and E.
void Graph::Depthfirst(int v) This private function is used to traverse a graph in
the depth-first traversal/search algorithm starting at the vertex with the index value of
v. To implement this method (and together with the Traverse method below), you may
need several global variable and objects. For example, container objects to record the
visiting order of all vertices, the container object to record the paths of traversing
edges, and an integer indicating the current order in traversing.
void Graph::Traverse() This public function is used to traverse a graph and invokes
the above Depthfirst method. You will also need to display traverse result: the list of
vertices in the order of their visit and the list of edges showing the path(s) of the
traversal. At beginning of this method, you need to initialize the global variable(s) and
object(s) used in Depthfirst.
void Graph::Print() const This function prints the adjacency list for the graph. The
following line is an example from an output: D: B, E It indicates there are edges from
vertex D to vertices B and E.
Assignment Notes:
Include any necessary headers and add necessary global constants.
You are not allowed to use any I/O functions from the C library, such as scanf or printf.
Instead, use the I/O functions from the C++ library, such as cin or cout.
Add documentation to the appropriate source files as discussed in your class.
Prepare your Makefile (you need to construct and add Makefile) so that the TA only
needs to invoke the command make to compile your source file and produce the
executable file simplegraph. Make sure you use exactly the same file names specified
here, i.e. simplegraph, in your Makefile, otherwise your submission will get 0 points.
Do not change any existing code, including class definition and the main routine in the
original files graph.h and You can insert new code into graph.h and, including data members to the header file if necessary. Usually the source file
(.cc) contains the implementation of member methods of the class. You can add inline
code in the header file (.h) when the implementation is very brief, containing just one
or two lines for a member method. To test your program, execute ./simplegraph
simplegraph.input &> simplegraph.out, which will put the output (including any
error messages) in file simplegraph.out. You can find the correct output of this
program in file simplegraph.refout.
When your program is ready for grading, commit and push your local repository to remote git
classroom repository and follow the Assignment Submission Instructions.