1. Overview
This assignment deals with 3 different peripherals, namely the PWM, ADC, and RTC on the
ESP32 V2 Feather Board. In addition to these peripherals, you will also be using timers and
interrupts to implement LED control using a potentiometer and switch. The hardware and
software implementation details for this assignment are described in the following sections.
2. Programming Exercise
2.1. Hardware Interfacing
Interface the following components to the board:
• The on-board push button switch as a GPIO (digital) input (nothing to interface here!)
• An external potentiometer as an analog input.
• One external LED as a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output.
2.2. Software Implementation
Your program should implement the following functionalities.
• The program should start by asking the user to input the current date and time as shown
in the following format. Use the user inputs to initialize the RTC (real time clock). Use
the current time in the EDT time zone for entering the time.
NOTE: Weekdays: Enter 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday, …. 6 for Sunday.
>>> python
Year? 2022
Month? 9
Day? 27
Weekday? 2
Hour? 7
Minute? 30
Second? 00
Microsecond? 000000
© Vijay Raghunathan and Soumendu K. Ghosh, Purdue University 2 | Page
• Use the real-time clock (RTC) and a hardware timer to display the current date and time
every 30 seconds. Do not use time.sleep(). Use the RTC and a timer interrupt/callback
instead. See this URL for more information on callbacks & interrupts in MicroPython.
• Initialize another hardware timer and read the analog input (potentiometer/pot values)
every 100ms using the timer interrupt/callback and ADC. IMPORTANT: Connect the
potentiometer only to a pin associated with ADC1 and not ADC2.
• Initialize and start a PWM signal on the external LED using a frequency of 10 Hz and
a duty cycle of 512 (50%). The LED should start blinking at the defined frequency.
• In the beginning, rotating the pot should have no effect on the LED. The LED should
continue blinking at predefined intensity and frequency.
• Detect a switch press using an interrupt/callback. Implement switch debouncing using
another timer-based interrupt/callback.
o Alternate switch presses should direct control towards either the frequency or
the duty cycle of the LED.
o The LED’s PWM signal frequency and duty cycle should be controlled by the
pot readings.
o When you press the switch for the first time, the pot should control the LED’s
PWM frequency. Now, if you rotate the pot, your LED should blink faster or
slower, as the frequency of PWM changes. No change should occur in the
LED’s intensity.
o When you press the switch for the second time, the pot should control the LED’s
PWM duty cycle. Now, if you rotate the pot, your LED’s intensity should be
higher or lower, as the duty cycle of PWM changes. No change in the LED’s
blinking frequency.
o The third switch press should revert the control back to the frequency, the fourth
press should give control to the duty cycle and the process should continue
3. Submission
Make sure you follow these submission instructions precisely. You need to turn in your code
on Brightspace. Upload your source code as where username is your
CAREER account login ID. Do not ZIP the file. In addition, upload a README file named
username_lab2_README.txt that contains a description of your hardware connections
(which pins you used, exactly what they were connected to, etc.).
BONUS CREDIT: You will receive 20% bonus credit on the lab for creating a short video
that shows you demonstrating your working solution (explain your hardware connections
briefly before demonstrating the working solution). Please do not upload video files directly
on Brightspace. Instead, upload the video to YouTube (or other such video hosting platform)
and include the link to the video in your README file above.
© Vijay Raghunathan and Soumendu K. Ghosh, Purdue University 3 | Page
4. Grading
We will use a combination of automatic grading scripts and manual code inspection for
evaluation. If your code is unusually complex or different from expected solutions, you may
be asked to attend an office hour and explain your code.
[1] Getting started with MicroPython on the ESP32
[2] ESP32 PICO MINI 02 Datasheet
[3] ESP32 Technical Reference Manual
[4] Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 V2 Feather Online Manual
[5] Adafruit ESP32 Feather Pinouts: