1) (18 marks) Complete the Lab 5 (Python NLTK 1) as instructed, and submit files using
the command submit-nlp as instructed. In particular, you will need to properly:
a) (5 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
b) (3 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
c) (5 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
d) (5 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
2) (25 marks) Complete the Lab 6 as instructed. In particular, you will need to properly:
a) (5 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
b) (5 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
c) (5 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
d) (5 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
e) (5 marks) Submit the file ‘first_notebook.ipynb’ as instructed.
3) (27 marks) Complete the Lab 7 as instructed. In particular, you will need to properly:
a) (6 marks) Submit the files ‘’ and ‘lab7-readme.txt’ as
b) (5 marks) Submit the program ‘’ as instructed.
c) (6 marks) Submit the files ‘’ and ‘lab7-tweets.csv’ as instructed.
d) (10 marks) Submit the file ‘’ as instructed.
4) (25 marks) Submit your answer using the command nlp-submit or the equivalent page
on the web site either as file a3q4.txt a3q4.pdf, or a3q4.jpg. If you need to submit several
pictures, you can use names like a3q4-1.jpg, a3q4-2.jpg, etc.
Consider the phrase ‘to be or not to be’. We will consider an alphabet of 26 lowercase
English letters, and the space character used to separate the words, which makes the total
vocabulary of 27 characters. Our main task it to create a uni-gram character model; i.e., a
Markov Chain model, of this sentence, or in other words, to calculate probability estimates
for each character.
a) (7 marks) What are probabilities of the 27 characters based on the given phrase if we
do not use smoothing?
b) (8 marks) What are the probabilities if we use Laplace add-one smoothing method?
c) (10 marks) What are the probabilities if we use Witten-Bell smoothing method?
5) (35 marks) Submit your solution as a file named a3q5.txt or a3q5.pdf using the
command submit-nlp.
Let us assume that you work on a problem of classifying news articles into finance and
other classes. After analyzing a set of articles you found that three features D (for ‘dollar’), E (for ‘economy’), and F (for ‘finance’) of the articles are particularly useful in your
classification task.
You decided to work on creating a small Na¨ıve Bayes classifier to classify articles into
two classes. In summary, your model uses the following variables:
• The variable D ∈ {t, f} is set to ‘t’ (true) if the word ‘dollar’ is present in the article,
otherwise it is set to ‘f’ (false).
• The variable E ∈ {t, f} is set to ‘t’ (true) if the word ‘economy’ is present in the
article, otherwise it is set to ‘f’ (false).
• The variable F ∈ {t, f} is set to ‘t’ (true) if the word ‘finance’ is present in the article,
otherwise it is set to ‘f’ (false).
• The class variable C ∈ {t, f} is set to ‘t’ (true) if the article is in the financial domain,
and ‘f’ (false) otherwise.
The training data is presented in the following table:
articles D E F C
10 t t t t
1 t t t f
27 t t f t
8 t t f f
13 t f t t
1 t f t f
9 t f f t
33 t f f f
1 f t t t
3 f t f t
14 f t f f
5 f f t t
6 f f t f
1 f f f t
68 f f f f
a) (15 marks) Calculate the conditional probability tables (CPTs)
for the Na¨ıve Bayes model.
b) (5 marks) Calculate P(C =t| D =f, E =t, F =t) using the Na¨ıve
Bayes model and briefly describe what this conditional probability
c) (5 marks) What is the most likely value of the class variable C
for the partial configuration (D = f, E = t, F = t) according to the
Na¨ıve Bayes model discussed in a) and b)?
d) (5 marks) What is P(C = t| D = f, E = t, F = t) if we use the
Joint Distribution Model?
e) (5 marks) What is P(C = t| D = f, E = t, F = t) if we use the
Fully Independent Model?
Note: In assignments, always include intermediate results and sufficient details about
the way the results are obtained.
6) (25 marks, programming) Write and submit a program written in Perl, Python, C,
C++, or Java, named,, a3q6.c,, or, which calculates
the edit distance between two strings as done in class.
The program must read the standard input, calculate edit distance between each two
lines, and print each such result on a separate line of the output. The program will stop
when it reads the first line and it contains just the word ‘END’ exactly, and a new-line
character at the end.
For each two lines that the program reads, the first line will contain the ‘source’ string
and the second line will contain the ‘target’ string, as discussed in class. Your program must
remove the trailing new-line character of each line and any trailing white-space characters.
It should then apply the edit distance algorithm, as shown in class, the one with costs 1 for
insert, delete, and substitution of different characters. Finally, the program should print the
edit distance by itself on a line in the output.
The following is an example of sample input:
A simple sentence.
A sentence simple.
and the following is the sample output:
These files are given in the assignment folder on the course web site as the files
and a3q6-test1.out, and on timberlea in the directory: ~prof6509/public/a3