Learning Goals: • Become familiar with creating, compiling, running, and submitting programming assignments • Demonstrate mastery of basic C++ skills, including o allocating and releasing dynamic memory o reading from standard input and writing to standard output o working with standard vectors o overloading insertion and extraction operators • Demonstrate the ability to translate requirements into solutions • Refresh your memory and normalize our point of departure. Depending on your background and how long ago you actively practiced programming in C++, some of this may be review and some may seem new to you Description: In this assignment, you will play both the role of class developer and the role of class consumer. As class developer you will implement the provided class interface, and then as class consumer you will create and use objects of this class to solve a simple problem. The class itself has a few private attributes, and a multiparameter constructor. Objects of the class have the fundamental capability to insert, extract, and compare themselves. The problem being solved is to simply read and dynamically store several objects, and then after you’ve read them all print them in reverse order. You will reuse class GroceryItem in all future homework programming assignments, so effort you apply now getting it right will greatly benefit you throughout the entire semester. Part 1 – class developer: Implement class GroceryItem’s interface, which is provided to you. a. A member-function interface summary is shown in Figure 1 b. In addition, the interface also consists of the non-member insertion and extraction operators. Part 2 – class consumer: Implement function main() to use the GroceryItem class above: a. Read a grocery item1 from standard input (std::cin) until end of file2 . For each grocery item read: i. Store the grocery item in a dynamically created object (e.g., new, make_unique, …) ii. Store the grocery item’s pointer in a standard vector b. After you have reached the end of file, write the grocery items3 to standard output (std::cout) in reverse order. c. Be sure to release the dynamically allocated objects before exiting the program 1 Do not read a grocery item’s attributes (three strings and a number), use GroceryItem’s extraction operator to read a grocery item. You know you have an incorrect solution if you have defined variables to hold product name, brand name, UPC, or price. 2 This program requires you to not explicitly open files. Simply write your program extracting data from std::cin. Enter Cntl-D (Linux) or Cntl-Z (windows) to indicate end-of-file. Better yet, create a text file with your input and then simply redirect input from that text file (see below). You know you have an incorrect solution if you have included or call the ifstream::open function.) 3 Again, don’t write grocery item attributes; write grocery item objects. Figure 1: Class GroceryItem Summary Homework 1: Introduction & Review Last updated: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 CPSC 131, Data Structures – Fall 2022 Page 2 of 3 Bettens Rules and Constraints: 1. You are to modify only designated TO-DO sections. The grading process will detect and discard any changes made outside the designated TO-DO sections, including spacing and formatting. Designated TO-DO sections are identified with the following comments: ///////////////////////// TO-DO (X) ////////////////////////////// … /////////////////////// END-TO-DO (X) //////////////////////////// Keep and do not alter these comments. Insert your code between them. In this assignment, there are 22 such sections of code you are being asked to complete. All of them are in GroceryItem.cpp. In addition, you need to create and populate main.cpp from scratch. Hint: In most cases, the requested implementation requires only a single line or two of code. Of course, finding those lines is non-trivial. All can be implemented with less than 9 or 10 lines of code. If you are writing significantly more than that, you may have gone astray. Reminders: • The C++ using directive using namespace std; is never allowed in any header or source file in any deliverable product. Being new to C++, you may have used this in the past. If you haven’t done so already, it’s now time to shed this crutch and fully decorate your identifiers. • It is far better to deliver a marginally incomplete product that compiles error and warning free than to deliver a lot of work that does not compile. A delivery that does not compile clean may get filtered away before ever reaching the instructor for grading. It doesn’t matter how pretty the vase was, if it’s broken nobody will buy it. • Object Oriented programming suggests that objects know how to read and write themselves. Classes you write shall overload the insertion and extraction operators. • Object Oriented programming suggests that objects know how to compare themselves. Classes you write shall overload the spaceship (<=>) and equality (==) relational operators. • Always initialize your class’s attributes, either with member initialization, within the constructor’s initialization list, or both. Avoid assigning initial values within the body of constructors. • Use on Tuffix to compile and link your program. There is nothing magic about, all it does is save you (and me) from repeatedly typing the very long compile command and all the source files to compile. The grading tools use it, so if you want to know if you compile error and warning free (a prerequisite to earn credit) than you too should use it. • Using std::system(“pause”) is not permitted. If you don’t know what this is, good! • Filenames are case sensitive, both in source code and in your OS file system. Windows doesn’t care about filename case, but Linux does. • You may redirect standard input from a text file, and you must redirect standard output to a text file named output.txt. Failure to include output.txt in your delivery indicates you were not able to execute your program and will be scored accordingly. A screenshot of your terminal window is not acceptable. See How to build and run your programs. Also see How to use command redirection under Linux if you are unfamiliar with command line redirection. Homework 1: Introduction & Review Last updated: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 CPSC 131, Data Structures – Fall 2022 Page 3 of 3 Bettens Deliverable Artifacts: Provided files Files to deliver Comments GroceryItem.hpp 1. GroceryItem.hpp You shall not modify this file. The grading process will overwrite whatever you deliver with the one provided with this assignment. It is important your delivery is complete, so don’t omit this file. GroceryItem.cpp 2. GroceryItem.cpp Start with the file provided. Make your changes in the designated TO-DO sections (only). The grading process will detect and discard all other changes. 3. main.cpp Create this file as describe above. 4. output.txt Capture your program’s output to this text file using command line redirection. See command redirection. Failure to deliver this file indicates you could not get your program to execute. Screenshots or terminal window log files are not permitted. readme.* Optional. Use it to communicate your thoughts to the grader. Canvas comments are not sent to the grader and are not seen. RegressionTests/ GroceryItemTests.cpp CheckResults.hpp These files contain code to regression test your GroceryItem class. When you’re far enough along and ready to have your class regression tested, then place these files somewhere in your working directory and will find them. Simply having these files in your working directory (or sub directory) will add it to your program and run the tests – you do not need to #include anything or call any functions. These tests will be added to your delivery and executed during the grading process. The grading process expects all tests to pass. sample_input.txt A sample set of data to get you started. sample_output.txt A sample of a working program’s output. Your output may vary.