Assignment #1 CSCI 5408


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Problem #1: This item will be graded based on aforesaid rubric.
Hypothetical Scenario
The Halifax city universities are trying to merge their databases under one city university initiative. In this
regard, the council has decided to revisit the data and information that are already available, and rebuild a data
model. Once the data model is obtained in the conceptual model, physical design of the database will be
You are hired as a Strategist to create a conceptual model for this scenario. The council will not accept a poorly
designed data model or data model with design flaws. Therefore, you are expected to follow some steps to
create the conceptual model. This model is independent of a specific database or hardware, and therefore, while
creating the model you do not have to consider any database or tables etc. This is a higher level conceptual
model, which must be designed using tools, such as Erwin, Visio, Dia, etc. or similar tools.
Conditions/Steps, you must Follow (Do not skip any point):
1. Install/Access or explore appropriate software tool (ErWin/ Visio/ etc.) for ERD/EERD creation
2. Explore these three university websites (including sub-pages/domains) given below and write down
names of possible entity sets required for the city university initiative project.
3. You must identify at least 25 entity sets, and for each entity write a reason (in single sentence/ one line)
for your selection in the tabular format given below:
Table: Entity Identification
4. Once you got all the entities/ entity sets of your choice, now start building the ERD. You can start creating
your ERD (Chen Model) using the software tool. At this point try to focus on the relationships, and
cardinality. – {Label it as ERD_Initial_P1}
5. Identify and highlight if your designed ERD has any design issues. You need to perform a systematic
approach to find solution for the design issues, or attributes that were not considered, or entities that you
discovered new, and document it with possible solution. You need to write (at least ½ page) on what
problems you found and how are you going to solve in your final ERD.
6. Modify your current ERD and solve the design issues – {Label it as ERD_Final_P1}
Problem #1 Submission Requirements:
(1) A single Problem #1 PDF with list of entities,
(2) Image of ERD_Initial_P1,
(3) Image of ERD_Final_P1
Winter 2022
Problem #2: This item will be graded based on aforesaid rubric.
Hypothetical Scenario
You are hired as a Strategist to create a conceptual model for a company working on WHO (World Health
Organization). You are expected to create the conceptual model without flaws, and with a possibility of future
enhancements. This model is independent of a specific database or hardware, and therefore, while creating the
model you do not have to consider any database or tables or data points etc. This is a higher level conceptual
model, which must be designed using tools, such as Erwin, Visio, Dia, etc. or similar tools.
Conditions/Steps, you must Follow (Do not skip any point):
1. To create an Extended ERD (EERD), use the tool you already installed or accessed in the previous problem.
If your EERD is large, you can always break it in multiple parts (smaller EERDs or ERDs).
2. You need to visit and check the different sub-pages or sub-domains that are publicly
3. Without writing any script or program, just by performing some manual observations, you need to identify
at least 20 entities from the pages you have visited.
4. For writing the entities, create a same tabular format that you have done for the previous problem. In
addition, add possible attributes (separated by commas) for the Entities in an additional column.
Entity Reasons for
source possible
5. Once you got all the entities/ entity sets of your choice, now start building the EERD. You can start creating
your EERD (Chen Model) using the software tool. At this point try to focus on the relationships, and
cardinality. – {Label it as EERD_Initial_P2}
6. Identify and highlight if your designed EERD has any design issues. You need to perform a systematic
approach to find solution for the design issues, or attributes that were not considered, or entities that you
discovered new, and document it with possible solution. You need to write (at least ½ page) on what
problems you found and how are you going to solve in your final EERD.
7. Modify your current EERD and solve the design issues – {Label it as EERD_Final_P2}
Problem #2 Submission Requirements:
(1) A single Problem #2 pdf with list of entities, reasons, sources, attributes
(2) Image of EERD_Initial_P2,
(3) Image of EERD_Final_P2
Winter 2022
Problem #3: This item will be graded based on aforesaid rubric.
Format, Clean, Store Ocean Tracking Data and Report your findings
Dalhousie Ocean Research wants you to explore the dataset they provided, and perform the following:
• Read the document available at
• Write a report on what are the different datasets, and attributes you discovered.
• Clean and transform the dataset using combination of manual work/ spreadsheet filtration/ code written
in Java. Include your cleaning/transformation steps in the Problem #3 pdf file. (Note: If you write any
programming script, it must be added to gitlab as part of the submission)
Transformation and Cleaning requirements.
• remove NULL values
• rearrange the columns, if columns are shifted and not matching the flow.
• transform the data in a column or attribute if required to fit a common format (e.g. date
• In the clean spreadsheets/CSVs you created, is there a possibility of combining some of the
files, or columns in the files (without losing information)? If yes, please perform the task and
add your findings in the Problem #3 pdf file.
• In the clean spreadsheets/CSVs you created, is there a possibility of further decomposing of
the files, or columns in the files (without losing information)? If yes, please perform the task
and report your findings in Problem #3 pdf file.
• Based on your final CSVs or spreadsheet files, create relational schema using MySQL DBMS.
• Populate the database with your transformed dataset. If the dataset is large you can consider uploading a
random subset of maximum 3000 data points on the database.
• Using MySQL Workbench and reverse engineering create the possible ERD. Your report must contain the
ERD produced by the reverse engineering. In addition, you need to add the cardinality.
Problem #3 Submission Requirements:
(1) Any findings, logic etc. must be included in the Problem #3 pdf file.
(2) SQL Dump of Table structure and values must be submitted.
(3 – optional) If you write a script/program to clean/format data, then upload your program code to gitlab
(4) You can export the ERD from workbench and include it as an image file
Assignment Submission Instructions:

All files must be added to a single .zip file before uploading to Brightspace.
Do not use any other compression format.
Rename the .zip file as