CS 3305A: Operating Systems Assignment 1


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The goals of this assignment are the following:
• Learn about process creation and control in Linux environment
• Get experience with the fork(), wait() and execl() system functions
• Gain more experience with the C programming language from an OS perspective
Assignment-1: Parent and Child Processes (100 points)
Write a program in C that will perform the following tasks (must follow the task sequence/order below):
1. Your main program (i.e., parent process) will fork (create) a child process (e.g., child_1).
2. The parent process will wait for child_1 to complete before forking (creating) child_2.
3. child_1 will fork its own child_1.1 and wait for its completion.
4. child_1.1 will call an external program “external_program.out” (the source code of this file external_program.c
will be provided to you) and must pass its PID concatenated with the string “for child_1.1” to the external
program “external_program.out” (hint: execl()). As a result of this system call, child_1.1 will be replaced by
external_program.out. The path to the external program “external_program.out” should be passed into the main
program as a command line argument (hint: argc, argv).
5. After completion of child_1.1 process, child_1 should be completed, as no more jobs remain for child_1.
6. The parent will now fork child_2, and wait for the completion of child_2.
7. child_2 will make a call to the same external program “external_program.out”. child_2 must pass its PID
concatenated with the string “for child_2” to the external program “external_program.out”. As a result of this
system call, child_2 will be replaced by external_program.out (hint: execl()). The path to the external program
“external_program.out” should be passed into the main program as a command line argument (hint: argc,
8. The parent process will now terminate.
The expected output from your program should look like the following:
parent (PID 1655): process started
parent (PID 1655): forking child_1
parent (PID 1655): fork successful for child_1 (PID 1656)
parent (PID 1655): waiting for child_1 (PID 1656) to complete
child_1 (PID 1656): forking child_1.1
child_1 (PID 1656): fork success for child_1.1 (PID 1657)
child_1 (PID 1656): waiting for child_1.1 (PID 1657) to complete
child_1.1 (PID 1657): calling an external program [external_program.out]
From the external program: The PID was 1657 for child_1.1
child_1 (PID 1656): completed
parent (PID 1655): forking child_2
parent (PID 1655): fork successful for child_2 (PID 1658)
parent (PID 1655): waiting for child_2 (PID 1658) to complete
child_2 (PID 1658): calling an external program [external_program.out]
From the external program: The PID was 1658 for child_2
parent (PID 1655): completed
Hints: fork(), wait(), getpid(), getppid(), execl(), strcat()
Mark Distribution
This section describes a tentative allocation of marks assigned for the desired features. (100 points)
a) A parent process will create two child processes: 20 points
b) parent will wait for child_1 to complete before creating child_2: 15 points
c) child_1 will create its own child child_1.1: 15 points
d) child_1.1 will make a system call to an external program: 15 points
e) child_2 will make a system call to an external program: 15 points
f) parent process must not terminate until all child processes are completed: 20 points
Computing Platform for Assignments
You are responsible for ensuring that your program compiles and runs without error on the computing platform
mentioned below. Marks will be deducted if your program fails to compile, or your program runs into errors on
the specified computing platform (see below).
• Students have virtual access to the MC 244 lab, which contains 30 Fedora 28 systems. Linux machines available
to you are: linux01.gaul.csd.uwo.ca through linux30.gaul.csd.uwo.ca.
• It is your responsibility to ensure that your code compiles and runs on the above systems. You can SSH into
MC 244 machines.
• If you are off campus, you have to SSH to compute.gaul.csd.uwo.ca first (this server is also known
as sylvia.gaul.csd.uwo.ca, in honour of Dr. Sylvia Osborn), and then to one of the MC 244 systems
(linux01.gaul.csd.uwo.ca to linux30.gaul.csd.uwo.ca).
• https://wiki.sci.uwo.ca/sts/computer-science/gaul
Provided Files
• The source code for the external program “external_program.out” is provided to you as “external_program.c”.
DO NOT make any changes to “external_program.c”
• When running the program, you must provide the path to “external_program.out” as an argument (see
Assignment 1 tutorial powerpoint)
• If you have any questions, please contact the designated TAs or the Instructor
Assignment Submission
You need to submit only one C file. The name of your submitted C file must be “assignment1.c”. Marks will be
deducted if your submitted C file name is different. You must submit your assignment through OWL. Be sure to
test your code on one of MC 244 systems (see “Computing Platform for Assignments” section above). Marks will
be deducted if your program fails to compile or your program runs into errors on the computing platform mentioned
Assignment 1 FAQ will be made available on OWL. Also, consult TAs, and the Instructor for any questions you
may have regarding this assignment.