1. Given the array x = [3 1 2 9 5 4], provide the single command (namely, one line
of code with at most one assignment (i.e., equals sign =)) needed to perform the following
actions. Unless noted, all of the actions should not modify x; instead, the result of the
action will be assigned to the default variable ans. If x is modified, then the modified x
should be used for subsequent actions.
(a) Extract the third element from x
(b) Extract all but the last element from x
(c) Extract the first, third, first, sixth, and first element from x
(d) Reverse the elements of x
(e) Calculate the sum of all of the elements of x
(f) Calculate the sum from the first to the ith element of x, for all elements 1 to i in x
(g) Modify x by setting the second and sixth elements of x equal to zero
(h) Using the result from (g), modify x by deleting its third element
(i) Using the result from (h), modify x by adding 7 to its end
(j) Using the result from (i), modify x by converting it into a 2 3 matrix, where the first
row of the matrix has the first three elements of x
2. Let x = [6 2 1 4] and A = [2 7 9 7; 3 2 5 6; 8 2 1 5], provide the
single command needed to:
(a) Add x to each row of A
(b) Add x to the sum of each column of A
(c) Add twice the sum of x to each element of A
(d) Calculate the element-by-element product of each row of A and x
(e) For each row of A, calculate the sum of the element-by-element product of each row
and x
3. Given that x = [1 5 2 7 9 0 1] and y = [5 1 2 8 0 0 2], provide the
single command needed to:
(a) Extract from x those values that are greater than the corresponding values of y
(b) Extract from x those values that are both greater than the corresponding values of y
and less than 6
(c) Extract from x those values that are either less than 2 or greater than 6
(d) Modify y by adding 1 to each of its nonzero values
(e) Divide each element of y by the corresponding element of x as long as the element of
x is nonzero (to avoid dividing by zero)
(f) Modify y by setting all of its zero values to 1
4. Modify the Minimum-Distance Location example in Basic Concepts so that it can be used
to find the location that minimizes the maximum distance traveled between x and the three
points in P. (Note: you need to create the function mydist discussed in the example.)
5. Modify the Minimum-Distance Location example in Basic Concepts so that it can be used
to find the location that minimizes the sum of distance traveled assuming that 3, 4, and 2
trips are made between x and the three points in P, respectively.
6. Write a code to generate the first 10 numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence.
7. Plot the quadratic function, 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥
2 + 2𝑥 + 1, for 𝑥 ∈ [−20,20].