Natural Language Processing [CS4120/CS6120] Assignment 2


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1 Parsing [14 points]
In class, we explored several parsing algorithms for natural language. Now, you will apply some
of those to parse a given corpus. For this problem, you will use Spacy:,
to parse the following corpus:
Combine the text from all the given files into one raw text variable. Next, process this raw text
using spacy to obtain the part-of-speech tags, dependency tree representation and named entities.
Report your answers in file named Q1.txt. Please submit your code along with a README file
explaining how to run your code.
1.1 [2 points]
Report the number of sentences parsed; do so by searching for “ROOT” in the dependency representation or use the sentence segmentation method of spacy parser.
1.2 [2 points]
Using the part-of-speech tags that the parser has given you, report the average number of verbs per
sentence in the overall corpus (i.e. total number of verbs divided by total number of sentences in
the corpus). Use the total number of sentences from 1.1. Also report the part-of-speech tags that
you are using to identify the verbs.
1.3 [3 points]
Using the dependency tree representation that the parser has given you, report the total number
of prepositions found in the overall corpus. In addition, report top three most commonly used
1.4 [3 points]
Using the named entity recognition method of the parser, report the total number of entities found
in the overall corpus. Also, list out all the unique entity labels found in the corpus (e.g. PERSON,
ORG etc.).
1.5 [4 points]
Take a look at the dependency parsing results. List out two common errors made in each type of
parsing results, and briefly discuss potential methods to reduce each type of error.
2 CKY parser [10 points]
As shown in class, CKY is a parsing algorithm for context-free grammars which employs bottomup parsing and dynamic programming. Probabilistic CKY allows to recover the most probable
parse tree given the probabilities of all productions. Using the rules and probabilities given below,
draw a probabilistic CKY chart for the sentence : “beautiful girl dances in a park”. Please submit
your answer in the format as shown in lecture slides in file named Q2.txt .
• Det → a 1.0
• NP → beautiful 0.1
• NP → girl 0.2
• NP → park 0.1
• NP → dances 0.2
• NP → NP V P 0.2
• NP → NP P 0.1
• NP → NP P P 0.1
• Adj → beautiful 1.0
• V → park 0.2
• V → dances 0.8
• V P → park 0.2
• V P → dances 0.2
• V P → V DP 0.4
• V P → V P P 0.2
• P → in 1.0
• P P → P Det 1.0
• S → DP NP 1.0
• DP → Det NP 0.3
• DP → Adj NP 0.3
• DP → N N 0.1
• DP → P P DP 0.2
• DP → P DP 0.1
3 Sentiment Analysis [40 points]
Sentiment analysis refers to the use of natural language processing to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and subjective information. As shown in class it is widely
applied to reviews and survey responses, and social media content for applications that range from
marketing to customer service. In this problem, we will explore a basic task in sentiment analysis,
which is classifying the polarity of a given text to be positive or negative.
For this problem, we will use the training data containing 10,000 Yelp restaurant reviews, where
each review is labelled based on their ratings. Reviews for training dataset are in the corresponding
folders (‘/neg’ for negative reviews and ‘/pos’ for positive reviews). Label the negative sentiment
reviews from the /neg folder as 1 and the positive sentiment reviews from the /pos folder as 0, these
1 and 0 labels will be your target labels for sentiment analysis.
The training data is available at:
You can use the following tools for implementation:
1. TensorFlow
2. Scikit-learn
3. PyTorch
In addition to output, results and your answers (in a file named Q3.txt), please submit your
code along with a README file explaining how to run your code.
3.1 [10 points]
Train a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) to predict sentiment score using unigram features (e.g. word
counts or one hot encoding of words) as input. You can use the training and testing functions for
the MLP from the tool of your choice. You are not required to implement the learning algorithm
(i.e., back-propagation) for this problem. Your MLP should have an input layer, two hidden layers,
and an output layer; the second hidden layer should have 10 nodes. Use 10-fold cross-validation
to optimize any parameters (e.g. activation function or number of nodes in the first hidden layer).
Use accuracy as the metric for parameter selection. Describe your parameter optimization process,
and report the parameters of your best model.
Note: Implement the 10-fold cross validation and unigram features without using any library.
3.2 [2 points]
Using the parameters for the best performing model from 3.1, re-train the model on the whole
training set, and report the accuracy on the same training set. (This tells you how the selected
model performs on the full training data.)
3.3 [8 points]
Use pre-trained word embeddings GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz from Word2vec https:
//, and compute the review feature vector by
using the average word embeddings. Do the same as described in 3.1: Use 10-fold cross-validation
to optimize any parameters (e.g. activation function or number of nodes in the first hidden layer).
Use accuracy as the metric for parameter selection. Report the parameters of your best model.
Then re-train the best performing model on the whole training set, and report the accuracy on the
same training set.
3.4 [10 points]
Compute training set’s review feature vector: i) first generate TF-IDF, and ii) then apply Singular
value decomposition (SVD) on it. Do the same as described in 3.1: Use 10-fold cross-validation
to optimize the SVD’s number of components and model’s parameters (e.g. activation function
or number of nodes in the first hidden layer). Use accuracy as the metric for parameter selection.
Report the parameters of your best model. Then re-train the best performing model on the whole
training set, and report the accuracy on the training set.
Hint: You can use the SVD implementation of Sklearn:
The n components parameter is the number of components.
3.5 [5 points]
Using the optimal number of components you found in 3.4, apply TF-IDF and SVD on the whole
training set. Report the top 5 topics and the 20 most important words in each topic.
Hint: Each topic is the component you get from SVD. To get top 5 components: i) first sort the
singular values in decreasing order (use the singular value function from sklearn’s SVD), ii) then,
pick the first five components corresponding to those sorted singular values.
3.6 [5 points]
Using the best model from above (based on results from 3.2, 3.3., and 3.4), predict the sentiment
scores for all 495 reviews in this test set:
Classify the reviews into two categories based on your predicted sentiment score, as shown in the
training data. Submit two text files: i) “pos.txt”, with a list of file names for reviews predicted
as positive, ii) “neg.txt”, with a list of file names for reviews predicted as negative. Put each file
name in a separate line. Submit a folder of these two text files and name the folder as labels. (For
grading purpose, please DO NOT change the file names of the reviews.)
4 Summary Evaluation [36 points]
A summary is usually a brief overview of a longer document. A good summary is supposed to be
grammatically correct, non-redundant and coherent. We define these three properties below.
Grammaticality A grammatically correct summary should have no datelines, system-internal
formatting, capitalization errors or obviously ungrammatical sentences (e.g., fragments, missing
components) that make the text difficult to read. For this problem, grammaticality score can range
from -1 [grammatically poor] to 1 [grammatically correct].
Non-redundancy A non-redundant summary should have no unnecessary repetition in the
summary, which might take the form of whole sentences that are repeated, or repeated facts, or the
repeated use of a noun or noun phrase (e.g., Bill Clinton) when a pronoun (he) would suffice. For
this problem, non-redundancy scores can range from -1 [highly redundant] and 1 [no redundancy].
Coherence A coherent summary should be well-structured and well-organized. The summary
should not just be a heap of related information, but should build from sentence to sentence to a
coherent body of information about a topic or entity. For this problem, coherence score can range
from -1 [not coherent] to 1 [highly coherent].
In this question, you will design classifiers to evaluate the summary quality based on aforementioned qualities. You will be given a training set and a test set, both in json files. Here’s
the link to the data: The zipped folder contains the following:
• summaries: This folder contains all (training and test) the sentence-segmented summaries
(each line in a file is one sentence).
• train data.json: This json file contains 1737 training instances in form of dictionary, where
key is the file name of the summary and value is a dictionary of all three scores. [You may
want to further divide the training set into training and validation set for your classifiers].
• test data.json: This json file contains 193 test instances in form of dictionary, where key is
the file name of the summary and value is a dictionary of all three scores.
• : This is sample code to read the training or test data.
You task is to build classifiers of your own choice (e.g. Support vector regression, logistic regression, neural network, or other classifiers) on the training dataset to predict the grammaticality,
non-redundancy and coherence of the summaries in the test dataset.
In addition to the output and results for each question (named Q4.txt), please submit you code
along with a README file explaining how to run your code.
4.1 Building Grammaticality Scorer
4.1.1 [9 points]
Train your classifier with the following three features on the training data, with summary as input
and “grammaticality score” as the gold label, and report the performance of your classifier on the
test data. For evaluation, please report Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Pearson correlation, both
calculated between your predicted and gold labels (scores) for each sample in the test data.
1. Total number of repetitive unigrams: count how many unigrams were repeated in a given
summary. For instance, for a summary “The the article talks talks about language understanding”, the feature value should be 2.
2. Total number of repetitive bigrams: count how many bigrams were repeated in a given summary. For instance, for a summary “The article the article talks about language understanding”, the feature value should be 1.
3. Minimum Flesch reading-ease score: use tool from
readability/ to get readability score for each sentence, and use the minimum value as
the feature.
4.1.2 [6 points]
Design two new features for this task. Add each feature to the classifier built in 4.1.1, and report
MSE and Pearson correlation. At least one of your proposed features should get better MSE
and Pearson. Take a look at the training samples and explain why your features can improve the
classifier’s performance.
4.2 Building Non-Redundancy Scorer
4.2.1 [9 points]
Train your classifier with the following three features on the training data, with summary as input
and “non-redundancy score” as the gold label, and report the performance of your classifier on the
test data. For evaluation, please report Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Pearson correlation, both
calculated between your predicted and gold labels(scores) for each sample in the test data.
1. Maximum repetition of unigrams: calculate the frequencies of all the unigrams (remove stop
words), and use the maximum value as the feature value.
2. Maximum repetition of bigrams: calculate the frequencies of all the bigrams, and use the
maximum value as the feature value.
3. Maximum sentence similarity: represent each sentence as average of its word embedding,
then compute cosine similarity between pairwise sentences, use the maximum similarity as
the features. Use word embeddings GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz from Word2Vec
: as input for each word.
Words in a summary that are not covered by Word2Vec should be discarded.
4.2.2 [6 points]
Again, design two new features for this task. Add each feature to the classifier built in 4.2.1, and
report MSE and Pearson correlation. At least one of your proposed features should get better MSE
and Pearson. Take a look at the training samples and explain why your features can improve the
classifier’s performance. Please do not repeat the features from 4.1.2.
4.3 Building Coherence Scorer
4.3.1 [6 points]
Train your classifier with the following two features on the training data, with summary as input
and “coherence score” as the gold label, and report the performance of your classifier on the test
data. For evaluation, please report Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Pearson correlation, both calculated between your predicted and gold labels (scores) for each sample in the test data.
1. Total number of repetitive noun phrases: count how many noun phrases were repeated in
a given summary. You can consider phrases that have a noun as their head in the dependency parse tree representation of the given text. In the sentence “Autonomous cars
shift insurance liability toward manufacturers”, “Autonomous cars”, “insurance liability”
and “manufacturers” are the noun phrases. You can use spacy to extract the noun phrases
2. Total number of coreferred entities: count how many entities or textual units are coreferred
in a given summary.
Coreference occurs when two or more expressions in a text refer to the same person or
thing; they have the same referent, e.g. “Bill said he would come”; the proper noun “Bill”
and the pronoun “he” refer to the same person, namely to “Bill”. When two expressions
are coreferential, one is usually a full form (the antecedent) and the other is an abbreviated form (a proform or anaphor). Coreference resolution is the task of correctly matching the antecedent with its referent. For sentence, “My sister has a dog. She loves him.”,
here is the result of spacy’s coreference resolution: [Try it
here if the link doesn’t work.] You can use NeuralCoref
( to do coreference resolution and get the total number of coreferred entities for constructing your feature.
1. Tokenize using spacy since you will be using spacy for 4.3.
2. Lowercase words (Exception: For Coherence scorer since you require to run a parser on your
summaries, you will need to use non-lowercased version of your summaries.)
3. Remove extra spaces
4. If you want to use a stop word list, spacy has one.
5. Mean squared error is the error of the results obtained from your classifier compared to the
true values of the labels.
The output ranges from 0 to 1 where
(a) 0 indicates that your predicted values match the gold-standards perfectly.
(b) 1 indicates that your prediction are not very accurate.
To know more, visit:
You can use sklearn package to compute the mean squared error: http://scikit-learn.
6. Pearson Correlation Coefficient calculates the correlation between the predicted values and
the gold-standards.
The result ranges from -1 to 1 where
(a) 1 indicates that your predicted values positively correlate with the gold-standards perfectly.
(b) 0 indicates that there is no correlation between predictions and the gold-standards.
(c) -1 indicates that your predicted values negatively correlate with the gold-standards perfectly.
To learn more, visit:
You can use sklearn package to compute the pearson coefficient: https://docs.scipy.