Calculating Grades
1. Design and create code in python using simple classes
Write a grading program for a CS course. The assessments are quizzes (20%), assignments (40%), recitations
(30%), and projects (10%). Make each student record the instantiation of a class called record with member
variables username, last name, first name, the numeric final score and the final letter grade. Include
member functions to calculate final grades and produce a letter grade. Make a class called course with
member variables name and a collection (list or dictionary) of student records. The course grades (student
records) and the letter grade classification will be read from a file. The name of the former is passed in
command line (like in other assignments), the latter is fixed to “letterGrade.csv” as provided with the
example. You can expect that the assessments will have the word associated with them plus a number –
e.g. quiz1, quiz2, assignment 1, etc.
The user can retrieve thus 1. Calculate final grades (numeric and letter) for an individual by providing the
username (check for validity) or 2. Final grades (numeric and letter) entire course grades or 3. Quit (say
Goodbye). These will be the test cases.
For the menu use
print (“1. See records for one student”)
print (“2. See all records for the course”)
print (“3. Quit”)
If option 1 is selected, ask the user for the username of the student.
print (“Enter a valid username”)
The output should be in the form of
username, last name, first name, final grade, letter grade
for example,
1050702, Montero, Shirly, 9.5, A
Submit your work in moodle coderunner as a single file.