The main point of this lab is to work with XML and JSON data. We will again generate a
literate report that describes a simple analysis, predicting trip duration from trip distance, but this
time in addition to fitting a simple linear regression model, we will also fit a series of polynomial
regression models and compare them using k-fold cross-validation.
The Data
The data are again electronic bicycle or scooter trips, but they are provided on each of the VMs
in several different formats:
• A set of 10 JSON files, trips-1.json to trips-10.json, in /course/Labs/Lab04/JSON/.
Each file contains 10,000 trips.
• A mongoDB database called “trips”. The database contains all 100,000 trips.
• A set of 10 XML files, trips-1.xml to trips-10.xml, in /course/Labs/Lab04/XML/. Each
file contains 10,000 trips.
The Task
1. Read the data from all 10 JSON files and create an R data frame containing all 100,000
trips, then subset just the trip distance and trip duration for scooter trips from 2018.
2. Read the data from the mongoDB database, but only request the scooter trips from 2018
and only the variables trip duration and trip_distance.
3. Read the data from all 10 XML files, use XPath to extract the trip_distance and trip_duration
elements that have a sibling year element with content “2018” and a sibling vehicle_type
element with content “scooter”, and create an R data frame containing the distances and
4. Use BaseX to query all 10 XML files at once and extract just the distances and durations
for scooter trips from 2018.
NOTE: In the for clause, you can specify collection(“file:///absolute/path/to/directory”)
instead of doc(“filename”) to access several XML files at once.
5. Check that all four approaches generate a data set that contains the same data values.
6. Fit a series of polynomial regression models that predict the log of trip duration based on
the log of trip distance, including progressively higher powers of trip distance (up to 5).
7. Use cross-validation to estimate the test error for each model; after what power does the test
error level off ? Produce a plot of test errors against power of the polynomial.
The Report
Your submission should consist of a tar ball (as generated by the tar shell tool) that includes an
R Markdown document and a Makefile and a processed version of your R Markdown document,
submitted via Canvas.
You should write your document and your Makefile so that the markdown document can be
processed just by typing make anywhere on one of the virtual machines provided for this course
( or
Your report should include:
• A description of the data format.
• A description of all four methods used to import the data to R.
• The estimates of test error for 5 polynomial models.
• A conclusion summarising the analysis.
Your report should NOT be longer than 10 pages.
Marks will be lost for:
• More than 10 pages in the report.
• R Markdown file does not run.
• Section of the report is missing.
• R Markdown file is missing.
• Processed file (pdf or docx or html) is missing.
• Makefile is missing.
• Significantly poor R/shell code.